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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Tuesday, November 4, 1947.

The Board met

114 executive session in the Special Library at 10:30 a.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary

There was presented a memorandum dated November 3, 1947,

'°111 Mr- Carpenter recommending that the salary of Mr. N. Merritt

Assistant Secretary, be increased $598.50, from the rate
to $9,077.25 per annum, effective at the beginning of

°f 4

the first pay roll period following approval by the Board.
Approved unanimously, effective
November 16, 1947.
Mr. Evans stated that Mr. Smead, Director of the Division
f Bank Operations, had recommended that Mr. L. S. Myrick, Assistant
to tL.

-LEa Director, be appointed Assistant Director of the Division, ef-

fective immediately, and that his salary be increased from $9,376.50
410,000 per annum, effective at the beginning of the first pay roll
Period after approval by the Board.

Following a discussion of the reasons for the recommendation, the appointment was approved unanimously to become
effective immediately and the increased
salary was approved, effective November
16, 1947.



-2Reference was made to a memorandum dated October 17, 1947,

frOal Mr. Thomas, Director of the Division of Research and Statistics,
recommending that the salary of Mr. J. Burke Knapp, Assistant Direct°1
'of that Division, be increased from Z10,000 to $12,000 per annum,
effective at
the beginning of the first pay roll period following apPt°val by the Board.

The memorandum stated that as alternate to the

Chairman as a member of the National Advisory Council, Mr. Knapp had
helped to establish for himself and for the Board a reputation for
oritative work in his field.
There was a discussion of the justification for the size of
the increase recommended, and Chairman Eccles stated that Mr. Knapp's
services in connection with the work of the National Advisory Council
had been of a very high quality, that he was the outstanding staff
rnember working
with the National Advisory Council, and that if a substall
titl adjustment were not made in his salary he probably would go
At the conclusion of the discussion the increased salary was approved
unanimously, effective November 16, 1947.
Chairman Eccles suggested that consideration be given to a
charlgs in the Federal Reserve Retirement System which would permit
44 e:qloYing Bank, during a period of high employment such as at
Plieserlt, to retain the services of an employee until he reached the




age of 70 in any case where his health was good and his abilities were


Under such an arrangement, he said, provision would be

zade for the employee's retirement at age 65 and payment to him of his
Ilegular retirement allowance.

However, instead of leaving the active

8 11-ice of the Bank, he would continue to work and the compensation
Paid by the Bank would be the amount of his salary less the amount of
the retirement allowance.
The suggestion was discussed and it
was agreed that it should be placed on
the agenda for discussion at the next
meeting of the Presidents' Conference.
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Fed—

Reserve System on November 3, 1947, were approved unanimously.

