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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of the
Nmd on Tuesday, November 29, 1921, at 11:10 a.m.

Governor Harding
Mr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. Mitchell
Mr. Crissinger
Mr. Foxton, Secretary

Minutes of the meeting of the Board held November 25th and 28th


and on motion approved.
The Governor reported the reserve positions of the several Federal

11141"v8 banks as at close of business November 25th and 26th and the status of
11-8counts between the Federal Reserve banks as of the same dates.
The Governor reported rediscount transactions, member bank promislaq notes secured by Government obligations, rate &e, as follows:
Bank red.iscounting


Mber 25



New York




10 to 15 days
11 to 15 days
1 to 90 (com'l pape3
11 to 15 days .

Letter dated November 23, from the Federal Reserve Agent at

rancisco, transmitting with favorable recommendation, the application of
148 Angeles Trust and Savings Bank to establisha brandhat333 South Central
Ile, Los Angeles, 0alifornia.
The Governor submitted to the Board certain correspondence from
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, having reference

to 4.
'he Bank of Italy, San Francisco, and transmitting a memorandum from the
48tailt Federal Reserve Agent and a copy of a letter written to the President



't 'the

Bank of Italy by the Superintendent of Banks of the State of California.
After consideration of the said correspondence
it was the sense of the Board that the Bank of Italy,
in the matter of acquiring branches, is not complying
with the conditions of membership imposed by the
Federal Reserve Board and accepted by the Bank of
Italy at the time that institution became a member
of the Federal Reserve system. The Governor was requested to prepare for submission to the Board tomorrow,
a draft of letter giving the views of the Board in this
matter, addressed to Mr. Perrin for transmission to the
President of the Bank of Italy.
Letter dated November 20th, from Senator Robinson of Arkansas, enclos-

with favorable recommendation, a letter from Mr. Lloyd England of Little


Arkansas, urging that the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis be required

°eeed with the construction of a branch bank building in Little Rock.
Referred to the Governor for reply.
Mr. Mitchell called to the attention of the Board, a letter written
—Lier 12th, by the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York setfOrth a proposed plan to govern charge offs contemplated by that bank
"r depreciation in building.
The Governor stated that he would prepare a
general letter on the subject of making charge offs
for depreciation in building and equipment by the
Federal Reserve banks, and expressed the opinion that
no bank should be allowed, during any one year, to
of the
charge against current earnings, more than
cost of building, and that should any bank desire to
make any further charge off for depreciation, that it
should be at liberty to do so only out of the bank's
to 4

Mr. Mitchell stated that the Board had on Novenber 22nd, referred

1'1 Platt and himself, a memorandum prepared by the Chief of the Division
IIP°rts and Statistics recommending certain changes in the form of statement


4(111J-red of state member banks by the Federal Reserve Board, and that he
le8ired to submit said memorandum to the Board, having marked those changes
in the opinion of the CommIttee, should be authorized by the Board.
Referred to the Governor with the revest that
he take the necessary steps to bring the staterrent
form of the Federal Reserve Board into closer harmony
with the form which is used by the Comptroller of the
Memorandum dated Nov errb er 17th, from General Counsel, with reference
to the application of the First Federal Foreign Banking Association
of New
for the authority of the Federal Reserve Board, to open certain accePtance credits.
Approved. Referred to the Governor with the request
that a letter be drawn addressed to the applicant along
the lines of the memorandum of the General Counsel.
ted Nov. 29th, Recommending changes in stock at Federa
l reserve banks,
as set forth in the auxiliary minute book as of this date.
1)4ted Nov.25th, Reconurending admission of state bank, subject to the conditions stated in the individual report attached to the
application, as set forth in the auxiliary minute book as
of this date.
Appro ved.
At 1:10 p.m. the meeting adjourned.
