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At a meeting of thu Federal Reserve Board held in
the office of the Board on Wednesday, Eovember

, 1919, at

11 A.M.,
PR4SE2T: The

Chapman, Secretary.

PRESErT ALSO, by invitation:
Hon. li.C.Leffingwell, assistant Secretary
of the Treasury.
Minutes of the meetings of the Board held on November
21st and 25th were read, and on motion approved as amended.
Business was presented and disposed of as follows:
The Governor reported the purchase of special


tificates of indebtedness of the United States for deposit
with the Comptroller of the Currency as collateral for eederal
Reserve bank notes, as follows:
For Federal

eserve Bank of:






The Governor reported the reserve positions of the
several eederal Reserve banks as at close of business 17ovember
24th, and the status of rediscounts between Federal Reserve
banks as of the same date.

Memorandum of Mr. Emerson dated November 25th, sug-

-2gesting certain revision of Form 34 - Balance Eheet for Federal Reserve banks.
Tabled pending receipt of opinion by General Counsel.
Dated Nov. 26th, recommending admission of State institutions
as set forth in the auxiliary minute book
as of this date, subject to the conditions
stated in the individual reports attached
to each application.
Dated rev. 25th, recommending approval of salary of $3,600
per annum for Mr. Robert C. Houston as
National Bank Examiner in the Seventh Federal Reserve District.
Dated Nov. 25th, recommending appointment of mr. Frank J.
Drinnen as Assistant Federal eserve Examiner
on the Eastern Force, at .:T2,400 per annum,
vice Mr. S. B. Jenks.
(At this point Mr. Leffingwell joined the meeting)
The Governor stated that Secretary ulass desired very
much to be present at the meeting to express his views on the
action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston and rew rork
in recommending increases in their rates of discount on paper
secured by Government obligations, but that he had requested
Assistant Secretary Leffingwell to attend the meeting for
this purpose.
Yr. Leffingwell thereupon presented to the meeting the view:, of
Treasury Department in opposition to the proposed rate increases.


-3-On motion duly seconded, it was voted that
the Federal Reserve Board after due consideration
of all the factors of the situation, disappr
the rates established
Bank of Yew xork.
Er. Miller stated that while he had not
changed his views on the general question of
necessity of
pose of contro
earnestof credit, and hoped that such course would be
ly pursued by the Board after the beginning of the
new year, he was, nevertheless, still of the opinion
expressed by him at the recent conference of the
Governors that any considerable advance of rates
at the present moment was inadvisable in view of
representations made by the Treasury Department
with respect to its situation. He stated, howeve
that he would regard the Board as free to act in
the matter of discount policy according to its
best judgment of national needs and conditions
and without primary reference to the views of the
Treasury after January 1, 1926.
Mr. Strauss stated that while he reserved
as to discount rates to act an circumright
stances as they might arise, he •desired to go on
record as stating that in his opinion any advance
in general discount rates at the present time
would have no effect on the present general situation.
Cn motion .duly seconded, it was voted that
the Federal Reserve Board after due consideraticn
of all the factors of the situation, disapprove
the rates established by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston.
On motion duly seconded, it was voted that
in advising the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston
and Yew xork of the disapproval of the rates
established by them, the Governor inform such
banks that the Board considers their present
rates on acceptances too low, and would be glad
to give consideration to a recommendation of increases in such ratea.

-4The rJovernor 3ubmitted for approval the follming
telegram to the Governors of the Federal 1-eserve ranks of
Boston and.Eew York, disapprcving the rates established by
,fter full consideration, taking into
account the Treasury's position and announcement, Board has voted to disapprove rates
estaiJlished by your directors on 24th instant,
Ihhich were submitted for review and determination of the Board. board feels, however,
that your rates on acceptances have for some
time past been too low and will, if requested,
approve new spread governing your purchases
of acceptances."
Voted that the Executive Committee be authorized to
formulate for the signature of the Governor a suitaole
letter to the Federal Reserve banks named in confirmation
of the above telegrams, outlining the reasons moving the
Board to its action in the premises.

illiams stated that he was receiving returns

from rational Banks on schedule 30, indicating considerable
borrowing by member banks from Federal Reserve banks, which
member banks in turn were lending large amounts of money
in the ':,all Street market.

?.1.r. Williams was requested to

submit to the Board a short analysis of the outstanding cases
of this kind.

en motion duly seconded, the Executive Committee was authorized, in its discretion, to address a letter to the Governors of the several


Federal Reserve banks, calling their attention to the situation referred to by Er.
Williams, and giving them certain typical
examples of such action by banks in their
respective districts with a view to the
orderly correction of the situation.
The Governor stated that he hbd reviewed the papOrs
in connection with the pending question of whether or not
the branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of T:ansas City authorized
to be established in the southwestern portion of the Tenth
Federal lieserve District should be established at Tulsa or
Oklahoma City, and suggested that it would be in order for
the Board to pass upon the question of whether it cr the Federal Reserve Bank of 'Kansas City should determine the location of the branch as between the cities named.
Voted that the Federal Reserve Board determine the location, as between Tula and
Oklahoma City, of the branch to be established
of the Federal Reserve sank of I.ansas City.
Voted further that the Governor address
a letter to each member bank in the territory
affected (other than banks located in Tulsa
and Oklahoma City), requesting such barks to
express their preference as to the location of
such branch as between the two cities named,
Mr. Miller not voting.
Voted that Mr. Lloehlenpah be authorized
to visit Tulsa and Oklahoma City on December 9th
at the expense of the Board in connection with
the Campaign for additional 3tate bank members.
The UOVernor stated that he had discussed vdth z,enator
3moot the heavy drains upon the silver of the United 3tates

-6arising out of the demands of the Orient, resulting in the
Increase of the price of silver, as a consequence of which
silver dollars call now be u—ported at a profit and silver
curtificatus (vbhich are redeemable in :diver dollars) have
practically disappeared from circulation.

The Governor stated

further that he had sutested to :enator _:moot that inasmuch
as Federal Reserve bunk notes in denominations of one and
to dollars can not be issued in .sums exceeding the amount
of silver dollars broken up and exported under the provisiens
of the Zitman Let, and the available supply of silver certificates has been depleted as above, a large and immediate
additional supply of bills of these dunominations is absolutely
necessary for industrial and commercial purposes.


Governor added that he was advised that it was the purpose
of donator ;moot to introduce a bill making legal tender
United States gold certificates payable to bearer.
Voted that the Governor be authorized to
instruct General Counsel to prepare for submission to senator Smoot, Iraft of a bill to
make gold bearer certificates receivable for
all debts, public or private, and through consultation with the Chairman of the appropriate
committees of Congress, to endeavor to secure
prompt passage of such a measure.
Mr. 3trauss stated that he was authorized to say that
such action would meet with the approval of the Treasury


At 1-20 P.M., the meeting adjourned.
