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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem was held in Washington on Tuesday, November 22, 1938, at 10:30
a, m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Paulger, Chief of the Division of
Mr. Smead, Chief of the Division of Bank
Mr. Dreibelbis, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Vest, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Cagle, Assistant Chief of the Division
of Examinations
Reference was made to the following letter received under date
°t November 11, 1938, from Mr. Nardin, Chairman of the Federal Reserve
/*Ilk of St. Louis, in reply to the Board's letter of November 9, 1938.
C°Pies of the letter had been furnished to all members of the Board
betore this meeting:
"1 am in receipt of your letter of November 9th on
the subject of our bank examination department. Chairman
Eccles has talked to me in accordance with the suggestion
Of the Board as stated in your letter. Our board of directors met yesterday and the matter was presented to them.
Our board of directors has authorized me to advise the
Board of Governors as follows:
"1. In view of the reservations expressed by the
Board's representatives who made a survey of our examination department as to the ability of Mr. Peterson to assume



"the duties of vice-president in charge of examinations,
we will be very glad to have the Board send, as is suggested, one of its examiners to the bank to advise and
assist in the development of the examination department.
We want Mr. Peterson to have every fair chance to demonstrate his ability to handle the examination work. we
hope the Board will send an examiner for the distinct
Purpose of advising with us and with Mr. Peterson, and
of helping him to develop the department in such manner
aS would enable him successfully to carry on the work.
It is, of course, the desire of our board of directors
to have this department develop to a point of efficiency
satisfactory to the Board of Governors, in accordance with
the System's policies, under the general supervision of
the Board's division of examinations at Washington. Inasmuch as Mr. Vood's extended time expires at the end of
the year, we would be glad to have the examiner whom you
are to loan to us for this development period came about
the first of the year.
1t2. I reported to the board of directors here quite
fully the result of my conversation with Chairman Eccles.
The board concurs in the thought I had following my conversation with him--a thought which I should have had earlier-that we have had here an unsatisfactory situation in that
the officer in charge of examinations has also been in charge
of bank relations. The Board is familiar with the conditions here which have made me feel, after I became familiar
With the bank's affairs, that the relations of this bank
with member banks is not very satisfactory. Our board of
directors came to the same conclusion. We have been making a special effort to improve those relations. Mr. Wood
has, of course, been largely active in the efforts to accomplish that purpose. During the year our man directly
In charge of bank relations under Mr. V4ciod has reached the
retirement age and retired on the first of October. We
employed a new man for that position, a very promising
Young man who we think will work well into the position.
am asked, however, by the board of directors here to
Present to the Board of Governors the following considerations about Mr. Wood:
"He has been for years by far the most popular and influential man in the bank with the member banks. Be is
Well known to them on account of his long service in this



"district as a bank examiner prior to the time be came with
the Federal Reserve Bank, as well as on account of his work
and contact with the banks since he became vice-president
Of the bank here. He has the confidence of the bankers
and is highly respected by them. He can be of great service to us in carrying on the bank relations work. We
hope the Board will approve of our request, which we hereby present, for an extension of time for one year for Mr.
Wood, permitting him to continue as vice-president of the
bank for another year in charge of bank relations, having
no connection with the examination department. We would
ask Mr. Wood to continue his work in that field at a substantially reduced salary. We think it would be helpful
to continue him during this period as vice-president of the
bank. Not only would Mr. Wood's services be valuable to
the bank in this position during the year, but he would be
able to give much assistance to the young man who is now
engaged in the bank relations work in developing his contacts with the member banks in the district. The board
of directors here realizes the attitude of the Board
toward extensions of time beyond the age of sixty-five,
but nevertheless feels justified in making this request
in Mr. Wood's case on account of the distinct service
which we think he could render to the bank in connection
with this very important work. We would expect, if this
request is granted, to adjust salaries on such basis as
would not make the cost for the year of the combined bank
relations and exmination executive supervision greater
than it has heretofore been.
"I should very much appreciate it if you would present this matter to the Board at your earliest convenience,
and we shall be glad to have as prompt decision on the
matter as can be made."
After discussion, it was decided that the examiner sent from
the board's Division of Examinations to assist temporarily in the
611Pervision of the examination department of the St. Louis bank should
be at the bank at
least thirty days before the termination of Mr.
111°°4's service as Vice President in charge of examinations and that,


he reasons previously discussed and of which the Federal Reserve



Bank of St. Louis was fully advised, the Board should not approve the
retention of
Mr. Wood as Vice President of the bank in charge of bank
relations after the expiration of this calendar year.
Mr. Szymczak moved that the Secretary
be requested to prepare for consideration
by the Board a draft of letter to Chairman
Nardin advising him in accordance with the
above decision.
Carried unanimously.
Before this meeting there had been circulated among the members
the Board a memorandum dated October 12, 1938, from Mr. Cherry,

Counsel, summarizing the replies received from the Federel

l'eeerve banks to the Board's letter of September 3, 1938, witb respect
to the desirability of amending Regulation 0, Loans to Executive Officers
c)r Member Bank,, to exclude inactive officers of member banks from the
definition of "executive officer" contained in the regulation.


4 review of the circumstances which led to a consideration by the Board


amendment to the regulation, reference was made again to the

'fact that Section 22(g) of the Federal Reserve Act, which limits loans

by it
elmber banks to executive officers, constituted another field in
which there is discrimination between member and nonmember banks, and
4 Possible deterrent to membership in the System.

In this connection

l'eference was made to the fact that there were a number of other disellrainations in Federal banking law against member banks and it was
Ilee-ested that this whole matter be brought to the attention of Congress



tor such action as it sees fit.
At the conclusion of the discussion
the staff was requested to study the
problem with a view to seeing whether
an amendment to Regulation 0 can be
formulated which would provide a satisfactory solution as to inactive officers
in the light of the legislative history
and purposes of Section 22(g) of the
Yederal Reserve Act and if so to submit
to the Board such an amendment with a
statement of the reasons.
There was then presented a memorandum prepared by Mr. Cagle
luader date of
August 1, 1938, summarizing the comments and conclusions
reach ed by the Division of Examinations on the basis of the surveys
by the Division of the bank examination departments of the respective Federal reserve banks.

The memorandum had been circulated among

the M,embers of the Board and had been placed on the docket for eonsid"
Ition et this meeting of the action to be taken by the Board with
respect thereto.
It was agreed that a copy of the
memorandum should be furnished to each
member of the Board and that the Division
of Examinations should be requested to
review the individual reports and to prepare for consideration by the Board a
draft of a letter to each /ederal reserve
bank stating the actions which it is felt
should be taken to place the examination
department of the bank in a position to
discharge its responsibility effectively.
At this point Messrs. Wyatt, Paulger, Snead, Dreibelbis, Vest,
"4 Cagle left the meeting.




The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter

referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the

Federal Reserve System held on November 9, 1938, were approved unani-

The minutes of the meetings of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System held on November 14, 16, 17, and 19, 1938, were
4PProved and the actions recorded therein were ratified unanimously.
Telegram dated November 21, 1938, to Mr. Parker, First Vice
I'l'esident of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, reading as follows:
"Retel. Board approves designations of the three
branch employees listed as assistant examiners for the
examination mentioned."
Approved unanimously.
Letter dated November 21, 1938, to Mir. Fry, Vice President of
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of October
281 1938, forwarding the request of The Bank of Glade Spring,
Glade Spring, Virginia, for permission to purchase certain
additional stock of the Holston Agricultural Credit Corporation. It is noted that the Holston Agricultural Credit
Corporation was organized under the laws of the State of
Virginia end that all of its capital stock is now owned
by The Bank of Glade Spring.
"The Board, in its ruling published on page 449 of
the Federal Reserve Bulletin for 1933, to which reference
has been made by your counsel, end in other instances,
has ruled that, inasmuch as section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by the Banking Act of 1933, subjects
State member banks to the same limitations and conditions



"with respect to the purchase of stock of other corporations as are applicable to national banks under paragraph
seventh of section 5136 of the Revised Statutes of the
United States, State member banks are not permitted to
invest in any stocks except stock of the limited types of
corporations in which national banks are allowed to invest. A contrary view would result in a discrimination
between State member banks and national banks in this regard and would thus be inconsistent with the intention of
Congress in enacting the provision of section 9 relating
to the purchase of stock by State member banks. ?dth
reference to the suggestion of your counsel that section
23A of the Federal Reserve Act may be considered as authority
for the purchase of the stock in question, it may be stated
that the Board has taken the position that this section
does not authorize a State member bank to purchase stock
of an affiliate, and for your information and that of your
counsel there is inclosed herewith a copy of the ruling
Which the Board made some time ago on this subject.
"The Board, however, has given careful consideration
to the request of The Bank of Glade Spring and to the views
of your counsel expressed in connection therewith, but,
since there is no authority in the Federal law for a national bank to invest in the stock of an agricultural credit
corporation incorporated under State law, it is the view
of the Board that The Bank of Glade Spring, a State member
bank, may not lawfully purchase additional stock in the
Holston Agricultural Credit Corporation.
"In communicating the Board's views in this matter to
the member bank, it is requested that you advise the bank
that the Board recognizes that the purpose of its request
ls to serve the agricultural credit needs of its community
and that legal considerations require the position which
is taken above. It is assumed that you will also assure
the member bank of the desire of the Federal Reserve bank
to assist it as far as possible in making credit available
to the community."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr.. W. B. Oglesby, Cashier, The State National Bank,
Tearkane, Arkansas, reading as follows:
"It is regretted that you have not received an earlier




"reply to your letter of July 26, 1938, inquiring whether
Your bank must deposit security in its trust department to
secure certain funds deposited in its savings department
but, as indicated by our letter of August 5, 1938, consideration of related matters has necessitated the delay.
"Without undertaking to construe the will from which
You quote, it is assumed that the funds in question were
received by your bank as trustee under a will expressly requiring that the funds be invested by deposit in the bank's
savings department. Section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve
Act and section 9(b) of Regulation F require that trust
funds awaiting investment or distribution which are used
by a national bank in the conduct of its business be secured by the deposit of securities in the trust department
of the bank. iiowever, the Board is of the opinion that
trust funds invested by a national bank by deposit in its
own savings department are not required to be secured because they are not funds awaiting investment or distribution
and that, accordingly, security is not required when a
national bank deposits trust funds in its own savings department in compliance with terms of a trust instrument
or court order expressly requiring the bank to so invest
the funds.
"Copies of this correspondence are being furnished
to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and, if you have
anY further questions, it will be appreciated if you will
take them up with that institution in order that it may
answer them if it is in a position to do so or refer them
to the Board with such information as may be needed by
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated November 19, 1938, from Mr. Smead, Chief of
2 ,
-ulvision of Bank Operations, recommending that, for the reasons
stated in the memorandum, the sum of 4200 be added to the 1938 budget
fc)r the Division to cover traveling expenses during the remainder of
the current year.

Approved unanimously.