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At a meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held
in the office of the Board on November 22, 1918, at 11 A.M.,


Harding, presiding
Broderick, Secretary.

The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
November 20th were read and on motion approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the Gold Export Committee, held on November 21st and 22d, were presented and
approved, and the action therein set forth ratified.
Morning business was presented and disposed of as
Memorandum by Secretary dated November 9, 1918,
recommending information to be requested and also plan to
be followed in the examination of the following banks engaged in international and foreign banking which have filed
agreements with the Federal Reserve Board:
Mercantile Bank of the Americas
American Foreign Banking Corporation
First National Corporation
Asia Banking Corporation
International Banking Corporation
Upon request of the Board, Mr. Williams agreed to
have National Examiners make examinations of the First
National Corporation and International Banking Corporations

-2if,and when, deemed necessary, in connection with the
regular examination of the First National Bank of Boston,
which owns the entire capital stock of the First National
Corporation,and the National City Bank which awns the entire
capital stock of the International Banking Corporation.
Governor Harding reported the purchase for the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on November 21st of special
two per cent certificate of indebtedness of the United
States for $1,000,000 for deposit with the Comptroller of
the Currency as collateral for Federal Reserve Bank notes.
Discount rate sheets received from various Federal
Reserve Banks.

No changes recommended.

Governor Harding presented to the meeting a silver
medallion received from the Sverige Riksbank, Stockholm,
commemorating the 250th anniversary of the organization of
that Institution.
Voted that members of the Board contribute
privately to the purchase of a silver medallion
commemorating the administration of Woodrow
Viilson as President of the United States, for
transmission to the Sverige Riksbank, with the
compliments of the Board.
Memorandum dated November 21st, from the Comptroller
of the Currency, transmitting a report of the failure of the

-3Caisse d'Epargue Bank, Vienna, Austria.
Application of Central Union Trust Company, New
York, for permission to accept drafts and bills of exchange drawn upon it up to 10070 of its capital and surplus,
under the provisions of Section 13.
Governor Harding reported the following rediscount
transactions, pursuant to authority heretofore vested in
November 20th, rediscount of ,',i:5,000,000
member bank 15 day collateral notes secured
by Government obligations for Federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, taken by Federal Reserve Bank
of Linneapolis, at 4.
November 21st, rediscount of q-,'5,000,000
member bank 15 day collateral notes secured
by Government Obligations for Federal Reserve
, Federal Reserve Bank
Bank of Atlanta, taken b;)
of Chicago, at 4%.
Letter dated November 19th, from the Governor of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, asking approval
of the Board of action of the directors of that Bank,
authorizing a dividend at the rate of 6% per annum to be
paid to the stockholders of said Bunk on December 31, 1918,
for the period June 30, 1916, to January 1, 1919.

Memorandum dated November 21st, submitting recommendations with respect to extensions and additions to
the leased wire telegraph service of the Federal Reserve
Memorandum dated November 6th, submitted by the
Otatistician and approved by the Secretary, recommending
that all lawful money, including gold and gold certificates,
silver and silver certificates and legal tender notes, in
transit from Federal Reserve Banks to the Treasury at Washington and elsewhere, and between a Federal Reserve Bank
or branch and another Federal Reserve Bank or branch, be
report.ed as part of the reserve holdings of the bank or
Letter dated November 19th, from Federal Reserve
Agent at Linneapolis, transmitting resolutions of Board of
Directors of that Bank, requesting that the Board have reexamined and reconsidered, opinion of Board's Counsel published in the September, 1918, Bulletin, to the effect that
a note or bill rediscounted by a bank need not be included
as a liability of the maker to the bank within the meaning

-5of Section 5200 Revised Statutes of the United States.
Referred to Mr. Hamlin as Chairman of
the Law Committee for report.
Governor Harding submitted for approval proposed
circular letter dated November 22d to Federal Reserve
Agents in re revision of Regulation F, series of 1917,
fiduciary powers of national banks, prepared by Counsel.
Governor Harding submitted for approval, draft of
letter dated November 22d, to be addressed to all Federal
Reserve Banks, with reference to revenue stamps on drafts
drawn to finance sales of goods to Allied Purchasing Commission.
Dated November 22d, recommending admission of State institutions as set forth in the auxiliary
minute book as of this date, subject to
the conditions stated in the individual
reports attached to each application.
Special consideration was given to the


of the Fannin County Bank, Bonham, Texas, for admission to
the Federal Reserve System.

There were submitted in this

connection, memorandum prepared by Secretary dated November
21st, and memorandum by Counsel dated November 21st, containing


opposing views as to the conditions of membership.
Discussion was had as to whether or not stockholders in the Fannin County National Bank, in liquidation, should not all be given opportunity to subscribe to the stock of the new bank.
Er. "ailliams moved that it be stated as
a view of the Board that because of the good will
and the value of the bank's business that has been
built up and deposits accumulated by the use of
the capital of eliminated stockholders, their
rights should be recognized and they be given an
opportunity of subscribing to the new stock.


motion was lost, and it was voted to admit the
bank on general conditions only.
Mr. Williams requested that he be recorded
as not voting.

Dated November 22d, recommending that the salary of
Mr. John DeLaUater, Chief Clerk
and Supply Agent, be increased
from!;1=*2,900 to V3,600 per annum,
effective December let.

-7-Dated November 20th, recommending the designation of
Messrs. Royal W. Guild and H. Wallace
Blanchard as Federal Reserve Examiners
at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
Referred to Secretary and Chief
of the Division of Audit and Examination, with power.
At 12:50 P.M., the meeting adjourned.
