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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office

e Board on Tuesday, November 15, 1921, at 11:25 a•TO•


Hoxton, Secretary.

Minutes of the meeting of the Board held November 10th were read
6241 011 mot ion approved.
the several Fed.The Vice Governor reported the reserve positions of

reserve banks as at close of business November 9th, 10th and 12th,

1141 the statm of rediscounts between the Federal reserve banks as of
same dates.
znember bank proThe Vice Governor reported rediscount transactions,
ttliasery notes secured by Government obligations, rate


Bank reaiscounting

New YO 2IC


as follows:
Mat ur iti es
11-15 days

Letter dated November 4th, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
11413k of Dallas, advising that the Board of Directors of that bank had, subitIct to the approval of the Federal Reserve Board, fixed the salary of Mr.

411 „

119 Acting Deputy Governor, at !fl.,'11,100 per annum, effective November let.

i4itchel I moved to approve for Mr.


4,11,000 per
a salary of '

111L'r moved as an amendrent that the Board approve for Mr. Emerson a

l'Sr of 6,10,000 per annum.
1141ch Was lost.

The Vice Governor put Mr. Miller's amendment

The Vice Governor then put the original motion which was

41111ed and a salary of 41.1,000 per annum was approved for the Acting Deplltr Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.



Telegram dated November 10th, from the Federal Reserve Agent
t San Francisco, advising of the closing by the state bank authorities
c't the Union State Bank of Nezoerce, Idaho, ani reporting the amount
C:cled at the time of closing by the said institution to the Federal Reserve
tank of San Francisco.
Two telegrams of November 14th, from the Governor of the Federal Ileserve Bank of
Dallas, advising of the closing of the Inis
1144 thnal Bank of nnnis, Texas, and it s affiliated institutions, the
4te Bank of Windom, Texas, and the E
- dwards rational Bark of Booker,
also reporting the amounts owed, at the time of closing, by
Nat ional Bank ard t he ..!Awards Nat :tonal Bank, to the Federal
Bank of Dallas.
Letter dated November 11th, from the Chairman of the Fed.Reserve Bank of Richmond, submitting a schedule of certain ad-uente of salaries for employees of that bank as of December 1st,
said adjustments having been made in accordance with the plan of
elleary and. semi-anniversary of employment, previously authorized
by t he
Federal Reserve Board.
Telegran dated November 14th, from the Governor of the FederBank of Dallas, requesting authority to issue a non -par list
ew of a law recently enacted in Louisiana, rhereby it is declared
'/144ClernikarlOr to give any notice of non-payment when a barf,c refuses to



1)4.1 an item drawn upon itself without exchange deduction.
The Secretary was directed to take
this matter up with the General Counsel and
report to the Board at a later meeting.
Letter dated November 8th, from the Chairman of the Federal
'ye Bank of Dallas, advising of the resignat ion of Tr. Carl B.
Te4garden as General Auditor of that bank, and the appointment to
rill the vacancy of .1.1r. D. S. Lawhon, T.7r. Lawhon being designated as
jetin g general Auditor, there being no change made in his present sal-

Noted with approval.
Letter dat ed Nov enber 1st, from the Governor of the Fed er al
e Bank of Boston, submitting to the Federal Reserve Board for
4ill5trremt a dispute between that bark ani the Federal Reserve Bank of

regarding the rate governing the rebating of interest

by a

Federal Reserve Bank to a borrowing Feueral Reserve Bank,
for reply,
Referred to Vice Governor
the rate
it being the
at which stch rebates are to be made is a matter
for the determination of the lending Federal Reserve Bank, and that in this case if the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston wishes to follow, in its
dealings with the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta,
the same course which it follows in its dealings
with its m enb er banks, that the Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston is entirely within its rights in
so doing.
Letter dated Novenbcr 7th, from the Governor of the Federal Res42:11c of Dallas, submit ting a carbon copy of a letter addressed by

hit to Mr. Harrisaa, Secretary of the Governors' Conference,
setting fbrth

the objection held by t1

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas to acting in ac-

with the vote of the governors upon topic 1170-3, said vote prothat each Reserve bark than.. file claims for its encbrsers on acOf checks drawn on failed banks, hether or not requested to do so,
1/33-less expressly instructed to the contrary.
Referred to General Counsel.
Letter dated November 8th, addressed. to Hon. L. T. McFadden,
4413-Man of the Banking ani Currency Committee Of the House of Representa"s, and signed by Governor Harding, written in compliance with Mr.
licPad.den's request, aid. expressing the views of the Federal Reserve Board
119°11 House of Representative Bills No. 8015 mid 8784, providing for an
kleluiment to Section 5219 of the Revised Statutes.
Letter dated November 8th, from the Federal Reserv-- Bank of Dallas,
jes,ting authority to establish a supply depot for currency at San Antonio.
Upon motion it vas voted that the Board is of the
opinion that there is no necessity at this time for the
establishmnt of a cur rency supply depot at San Antonio,
Letter dated November 9th, from the Federal Reserve Agent at Minne41)°Iis advising of his action in rescinding the appointmeat of Mr. Louis W.
aS Assistant Federal Reserve Agent, and the appointment of Mr. H..L.
414nerman. as Assistant Feleral Reserve Agent at the Helena Branch
t ot ive November 25th.



Upon motion the Board approved the following bonds of Federal Reserve Agent and Assistant Federal Reserve Agents:

Pierre Jay, New York
Richard L. Austin, Philadelphia
Arthur E. Post, Philadelphia


$ 100,000


01LajliguM;TTEE NO. 1.

1)ated November 14th, recommending changes in stock at Federal Reserve
banks as setforth in the Auxiliary Minute book
as of this date.

November 12th, recommending action on applications for admission
14th of state banks, subject to the conditions stated
in the individual reports attached to the applies,
tions, as setforth in the Auxiliary rinute book as
of this date.

At 12:50 p.m. the meeting adjourned.


Vice Gover 0