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At a special meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board held in the office of the Board on Saturday, November 14th at 4:00 p. m.
Mr. Hamlin

Yr. Williams

Mr. Delano

Mr. Warburg
Mr. Miller.

The Governor of the Board presided and. Mr. H. P.
Willis acted as secretary to the meeting.
After a discussion of tne reimbursable roll
established by tne Comptroller of the Currency, in accordance
with the resolution of the Board for the purpose of counting
and caring for Federal reserve notes, it was voted on motion
that tne Acting Disbursing Officer of the Board be directed
on this occasion to pay the pay-roll for the staff appointed

by the comptroller of the Currency, the same amounting to the
sum of 4544.40, but that tno permanent method of payment be
later determined by tne Board and that the action taken on
this occasion be without prejudice to any future action the
Board might take.
On motion the draft of regulations for admitting
State banks to the Federal Reserve system was referred to
Counsel for comment to the Committee on State bank applications.


A telegram to Federal Reserve agents requesting
then to follow the forms already provided for tneir use in
tne accounting system adopted by the several banks was
approved and the Secretary was instructed to transmit it.
The Comptroller of the Jurrency informed the Board
that certificates authorizing federal reserve banks to begin business were duly executed and transmitted.
On motion the Board voted to approve forms BD 20-28
and FRA 1-5, both inc. for use by Federal reserve agents and
Federal reserve banks in recording the transactions of such
agents relative to the receipt and issue of Federal reserve
notes and the acceptance and substitution of collateral prOtooting such notes.
On motion it was voted to refer the application
of the Commercial National Bank of Washington, D. C. for power
to establish a bank at Christobal, Panama to the standing coMmittee which consists of Messrs. Warburg, Harding and Willi
The Secretary was instructed to acknowledge the application.
On motion it was voted that

r. Harding, Li% Warburg

and Mr. Miller be named a committee to report on standing cornmittees to be appointed.
On motion it was voted to refer the details of the
circular relating to the duties of Federal reserve agents to


a committee consisting of Mr. Miller and trio Secretary of
the Board, with power to complete and transmit such circular.
On motion at 5:15 p. in. the Board adjourned to
meet at 11:00 a. in. on Monday, November 16th.



At 6:00 P. in. an informal meeting of the Board
with the following
Mr. Hamlin

Mr. Warburg

Mr. Delano

Mr. Miller

read and approved draft of the above mentioned circular on
Reserve Agents and ordered its transmission in tentative form.


