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Minutes for i„ay 7, 10r)9. To: Members of the Board From: Office of the Secretary Attached is a copy of the minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on the above date. It is not proposed to include a statement with respect to any of the entries in this set of minutes in the record of policy actions required to be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act. Should you have any question with regard to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, if you were present at the meeting, please initial in column A below to indicate that you approve the minutes. If you were not present, please initial in column B below to indicate that you have seen the minutes. A Chm. Martin Gov. Szymczak Gov. Mills Gov. Robertson Gov. Balderston Gov. Shepardson Gov. King Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Thursday, May 7, 1959. PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. The Board met in the Board Room at 10:00 a.m. Balderston, Vice Chairman Szymczak Mills Robertson Shepardson King Sherman, Secretary Kenyon, Assistant Secretary Hackley, General Counsel Farrell, Director, Division of Bank Operations Mr. Solomon, Assistant General Counsel Mr. Hostrup, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Nelson, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Smith, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Davis, Assistant Counsel Miss Hart, Assistant Counsel Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Discount rates. The establishment without change by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco on May 6, 1959, of the rates on discounts and advances in its existing schedule was approved unanimously, with the understanding that appropriate advice would be sent to the Bank. Items circulated to the Board. The following items, Which had been eirmaated to the Board and copies of Which are attached to these raillutes under the respective item numbers indicated, were approved Ilnatimously: Item No. t tett:r to The National Shawmut Bank of Boston, vit ,11, Massachusetts, granting an extension of time of "in which to comply with the divestment provisions th the Bank Holding Company Act. (For transmittal °ugh the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston) 1 5/7/59 -2Item No. Letter to the Bank of Amherst, Amherst, Virginia, : , 1143r°ving the establishment of a branch in Madison fleights. (For transmittal through the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond) Letter to the Progressive Bank and Trust Company, New Orleans, Louisiana, approving the establishment Of a branch in the 5400 block of Canal Boulevard. (For transmittal through the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) Prize contest. 2 3 In advertisements concerning a contest sponsored by the Procter & Gamble Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, reference had been made t° a pictured bag of silver dollars "as obtained from a Federal Reserve Bank." This reference led to a large number of inquiries and it appeared that the association of the Reserve Banks with the contest could possibly result in embarrassment to the System. Accordingly, there had been distributed to the Board copies of a draft of suggested letter to the e°117PanY expressing the hope that arrangements would be made with its advertising agency to delete all references to a Federal Reserve Bank fl'°:m announcements regarding the contest. After discussion, during which it was noted that the contest had reached an advanced stage, it vas agreed not to send the proposed letter and instead to request President Fulton of the Federal Reserve Bellk of Cleveland to have the matter brought to the attention of an aPPr°Priate person at Procter & Gamble with a view to avoiding similar reference to the Federal Reserve in any contest that might be held in the future. 5/7/59 -3Oral argument. In preparation for the hearing of oral arguments frcm four bank holding companies on May 11, 1959, in connection with Pending requests for determinations under section 4(0(6) of the Bank 11°1ding Company Act, there had been distributed to the Board copies °f a memorandum from Miss Hart dated May 6, 1959 submittinFT. a tabulation Of the nature of the organizations involved and a summarization of the facts and issues. Also submitted with the memorandum as a summarization Of the facts and issues pertaining to the request for interpretation of the Act by St. Joseph Bank and Trust Company and St. Joseph Agency, both of South Bend, Indiana, concerning which action had been deferred peridin a decision on the insurance agency question involved in the cases to be heard next Monday. At the Board's request Mr. Solomon outlined a suggested Procedural arrangement for the hearing of oral argument which reflected e°1plicat1on5 arising out of the reluctance of Otto Bremer Company to associate itself in the proceedings with the other three bank holding eftPanies, After discussion, the Board expressed agreement with the all'angement proposed by Mr. Solomon and it vas understood that a temorand__ ,441 reflecting them would be distributed for the use of the zezbers of the Board. 5/7/59 -4In response to an inquiry regarding the procedure for consideration of the cases following receipt of oral argument, Mr. Hackley indicated that the legal staff would undertake to prepare a memorandum for the Boardts assistance analyzing each of the points at issue and perhaps flaking recommendations. Then, after consideration of each case by the Board on the basis of such memorandum, the hearing examiner's report and r ecommended decision, and the oral presentation, the LeFrAl Division 14ou1d be prepared to draft appropriate orders and statements. After Governor Mills commented that the several cases presented not only broad problems of importance from the standpoint of precedent bIlt also subsidiary issues that might tend to confuse the major points, Mr. RackleY indicated that the staff would have such considerations 14 Mind in developing its analytical material for the Board. Messrs. Nelson and Davis then withdrew and Mr. Molony, Special Assistant to the Board, entered the room. Amendments to Regulations T and U. With reference to the action taken by the Board on May 1, 1959, in adopting certain amendments to Regulation T, Extension and Maintenance of Credit by Brokers, Dealers, arid Members of National Securities Exchanges, and Regulation U, Loans by Banks for the Purpose of Purchasing or Carrying Stocks Registered °11 a National Securities Exchange, but reserving a final decision on the fi-,_ --LrIg of public announcement and the effective date, Mr. Solomon 5/7/59 -5- outlined a suggested schedule whereby there would be issued at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, May 8) a brief press release to which would be attached the approved amendments and a factual explanation, all in approximately the same style as when proposed amendments to the regulations were announced on March 13, 1959. This schedule contemplated that the amendments would be published in the Federal Register on or about MaY 13 and would become effective Monday, June 15, 1959. In discussion, consideration was given to a suggestion by Gc)vernor Robertson that the effective date be advanced to June 1, 1959, since publication of the proposed amendments in the Federal Register had given interested parties ample opportunity to inspect and comment 11130n them and the approved amendments were less restrictive, taken as a group, than those published for comment. It was noted, however, that under the Administrative Procedure Act a decision to provide less than a thirty-day period after publication of the approved amendments ill the Federal Register would require a finding by the Board that this 14as necessary in the public interest. In view of that requirement, and in as the amendments would exert a tightening effect, it th -e majority, be !lay that the originally suggested effective date preferable to the first of June or June 8, which had been nlentic'ned during the discussion as a possible alternative. Because of the current Treasury financing operation, Governor SzYmczak suggested that it might be advisable to check informally with 5/7/59 -6- an a ppropriate Treasury representative to ascertain whether there would be any feeling against public announcement of the amendments tomorrow afternoon. It was agreed that such a check should be made by the Vice Chairman, with the understanding that in the light of the views expressed to him the announcement would either be made on the date con templated or on a date as soon thereafter as might appear appropriate. Secretary's Note: On the basis of conversation with a Treasury representative following the meeting, Governor Balderston concluded that it would be advisable to defer public announcement of the amendments at least until 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 12, and the other members of the Board were so informed. All of the members of the staff except Messrs. Sherman, Kenyon, liackleY, Farrell, and Smith then withdrew. Report of examination of San Francisco Bank. The report of e xamination of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco made by the 111°ardts examining staff as of February 2, 1959, had been circulated to the Board along with the customary supplemental memoranda. At the Board's request, Mr. Smith reviewed the highlights of into developed through the examination. Nothing in his comments l'eta deemed to require further inquiry or action on the part of the Board. The meeting then adjourned. 5/7/59 Secretary's Note: Governor Shepardson today approved on behalf of the Board a letter to the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (attached Item No. 4) approving the appointment of David Kent Sheppard as assistant examiner. , BOARD OF GOVERNORS 4,4440-40,0 OF THE Item No. 1 5/7/59 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON 25. D. C. 4 4' 1' 4V3 ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE 44 \ 0 TO THE HOARD SMits , ‘ 4 May 7, 1959 Mr. A. B. Tyler, Vice President, The National Shawmut Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts. Dear Mr. Tyler: This refers to The National Shawmut Bank of Doston!s application, pursuant to section 4(a) of the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, for an extension of the period, for one year from May 9, 1959, within which it may retain its direct ownership of 12,601 of the 100,000 shares of the Nevada-Massachusetts Company, and 6,970 of the 100,000 shares of the Loyal Protective Life Insurance Company. In accordance with the provisions of section 4(a) of the Act, the Board has granted the requested extension. Very truly yours, (Signed) Kenneth A. Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS 4,pc,0 ,01.1 : 0 c * , 65. 4 OF THE 4.* Item No. 2 5/7/59 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM lt WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD May 7, 1959 Board of Bank of Directors, Amherst, Amherst, Virginja. Ge ntlemen: Pursuant to your request submitted through the Feder a, ral Reserve Bank of Richmond, the Board of Governors c)4 ;the Federal Reserve System approves the establishment n a branch on the west side of U. S. Route 29, one mile of its intersection with Alternate Route 29, in the crollneorporated community of Madison Heights, Amherst 111,I, ntY, Virginia, provided capital stock is increased to brk.J0,000 to meet Federal statutory requirements, and the th rich is established within nine months from the date of ls letter. It retis noted that outstanding preferred stock will besn, red prior to the establishment of the branch through direct °f additional common stock, and that the board of j_rs has agreed to provide additional capital in 'fluarY 196l, if necessary. Very truly yours, (Signed) Kenneth AL Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE Item No. 3 FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 5/7/59 WASHINGTON 25, D. C. ADORE69 OFFICIAL CONHESPONOENCE TO THE HOARD May 7, 1959 Board of Directors, Progressive Bank and Trust Company, New Orleans, Louisiana. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request submitted through the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, the Board of Governors of the Federal 1.serve System approves the establishment of a branch in the 0 block of Canal Boulevard, New Orleans, Loaislana,by erogressive Bank and Trust Company, providEld (1) the branch e tablished within one year from the date uf this letter, ( ) i c) branch operhtions now conducted at 5055 Canal Street will e discontinued simultaneously with the establishment of the above branch, and (3) the approval of the State authorities is in effect as of the date of the establishment of the branch. r Very truly yours, (Signed) Kenneth A. Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon Assistant Secretary. BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE Item No. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 5/7/59 WASHINGTON 25. D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD May 7) 1959 Mr. B. F. Groot, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston 60 Massachusetts. Dear Mr. Groot: In accordance with the request contained in your letter of May 1, 1959, the Board approves the appointment of David Kent Sheppard as an assist— ant examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Please advise as to the date on which the appointment is made effective. Very truly yours, (Signed) Kenneth A. Kenyon Kenneth A. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary. 4