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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in Washington

on Friday, May 4, 1934, at 12:00 o'clock noon.


Black, Governor


Morrill, Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Martin, Assistant to the Governor
Paulger, Chief of the Division of
Wyatt, General Counsel
Wingfield, Assistant Counsel
Chase, Assistant Counsel
Cherry, Assistant Counsel

The Board considered and acted upon the following matters:
Letter dated May 3, 1934, from Mr. Sproul, Secretary of the

Reserve Bank of New York, and telegram dated May 4, 1934, from

14% Strater, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Cleveland, both
4avising that, at mnetings of the boards of directors on the dates

no changes were made in the banks' existing schedules of rates

or discount
and purchase.

Without objection, noted with approval.
Letter to Yr. O'Connor, Comptroller of the Currency, reading


"In accordance with your recommendation, the Federal Reserve
Board approves a reduction in the common capital stock of'The City
National Bank of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, Illinois, from ')100,000
to 350,000, pursuant to a plan which provides that the bank's
capital shall be increased by :,60,000 of preferred stock to be
sold to the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and that the released capital shall be used to eliminate unsatisfactory assets,



"all as set forth in your memorandum of April 20, 1934."
Letter to Mr. O'Connor, Comptroller of the Currency, reading

"In accordance with your recommendation, the Federal Reserve
Board approves a reduction in the common capital stock of 'Dysart
National Bank', Dysart, Iowa, from :j65,000 to 26,000, pursuant
to a plan which provides that the bank's capital shall be increased
by A0,000 of preferred stock to be sold to the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation, and that the released capital shall be used
to eliminate unsatisfactory assets, all as set forth in your memorandum of April 23, 1934."
Letter to jr. Case, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve

BaJak of New York, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of April 16, 1934, with the inclosed
application, dated October 20, 1931, of the liquidating committee of
the Midwood Trust Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., for the cancelation of
870 shares of stock of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York outstanding in the name of the subject bank.
"You state that the application has been held in abeyance pending the outcome of certain litigation which has been the subj)ct of
Previous correspondence with the Board, and that one of the two suits
has now been concluded, and as the other suit may not be disposed of
for some time you recommend the cancelation of the Federal Reserve
bank stock, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to attempt to retain
the proceeds until final disposition of the litigation. You further
state you understand (although you have not been so advised formally)
that Messrs. Bancroft, Gray and Marshall, who signed the application
for the cancelation of the Federal Reserve bank stock, are no longer
acting as a liquidating committee of the Midwood Trust Company and
that the liquidation is in charge of the directors thereof, also that
YOU, feel you msy properly act upon the present application and that
it is not necessary to request the filing of a new application.
"In view of the circumstances involved, and with the understanding that the procedure has the approval of counsel for your bank, the
Federal Reserve Board approves the cancelation of 870 shares of stock
or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York outstanding in the name of the
uadwood Trust Company, Brooklyn,N. Y. It is understood that your
bank will attempt to retain the proceeds of the canceled stock pending the conclusion of the litigation referred to above.“




Telegram dated May 3, 1934, approved by six members of the Board,

to Lai. Newton, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of San
Francisco, reading as follows:
"Retel May 1 from Sargent Board authorizes extension of time
from May 1 to Tune 1 within which Chandler Investment Company,
Marshfield, Oregon, may vote stock of The First National Bank of
Coos Bay at Marshfield for purposes enumerated in paragraph D.
Of Board's NCIGAR telegram dated February 21, 1934."
Letter dated May 3, 1934, approved by six members of the Board,

• F. V. Askew, President of The Bank of Commerce, Clarenore, Okla-

homa) reading as follows:
"Due to the pressure of other urgent natters under consideration at the time, your letter of October 14, 1933, was not acknowledged promptly and I regret to find that no reply to the letter
has as yet been made.
You request the Federal Reserve Board to
instruct all Federal reserve banks to pay charges of twenty-five
cents each made by drawee banks upon checks returned by them because of insufficient funds or no funds.
"The Federal Reserve Board knows of no proper legal basis upon
Which charges of this kind could be enforced against Federal reserve
banks and, accordingly, the Board cannot comply with your suggestion
that it require the reserve banks to pay such charges."
Telegram to the Governors of all Federal reserve banks except
Cleveland, reading as follows:
"Referring Board's inquiry regarding need for credit for purpose of providing working capital for established industrial or commercial businesses, please advise cost, at commercial rates, of
telegrams in regard thereto sent to member banks and Chambers of
Commerce and cost of replies by banks and Chambers of Commerce sent
collect. Please also advise Board whether such telegrams have been
Paid and, if not, defer payment until receipt of further advice from



-4Letter to LIr. Walsh, Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Re-

serve Bank of Dallas, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letters of December 19, 1933, and of
March 5, 1934, with inclosures, in regard to the Question whether
the First Y2ortgage Loan Company of San Angelo, Texas, is a 'securities company' within the purview of Section 20 of the Banking
Act of 1933, which provides in part that after one year from June
16, 1933, no member bank shall be affiliated in any manner described
in Section 2(h) of that Act with any 'corporation * * * engaged
Principally in the issue, flotation, underwriting, public sale or
distribution * * * of stocks, bonds, debentures, notes or other
securities'. From the information submitted with your letter, it
appears that the said company has been engaged principally in the
business of purchasing ordinary notes secured by mortgages, and
that it has not dealt in stocks, bonds, debentures, or other such
securities except in one isolated instance. It does not appear
that the company has issued or sold any bonds or debentures based
on the mortgage notes.
"One of the principal purposes of the Banking Act of 1933
was to effect a separation of commercial and investment banking,
and it appears that Section 20 of that Act was designed to aid in
the accomplishment of this purpose. Although there may be mortgage
notes of a kind which should be classed as 'securities' for the
purposes of Section 20, the Federal Reserve Board is of the opinion
that mortgage notes arising out of the ordinary type of direct loan
Of real estate are not'* * * notes or other securities' within
the intendment of that section, and that neither such notes nor
mortgages securing the same should be classified as 'stocks, bonds,
debentures, notes, or other securities' in determining whether an
organization dealing in such obligations comes within the scope of
said Section 20. Accordingly, the Board is of the opinion that a
company engaged merely in purchasing ordinary notes secured by
mortgages cannot be considered as being engaged 'principally in
the issue, flotation, underwriting, public sale, or distribution
* of stocks, bonds, debentures, notes, or other securities',
and the Board concurs in the view expressed by counsel for your
bank that the First Lortzage Loan Company of San Angelo, Texas,
does not cone within the purview of said Section 20 of the Banking
Act of 1933."
Letter to Nr. Lewis Cass Ledyard, Ir., flew York City, New York,
l'e4cline as follows:
"Consideration has been given to your application for permis.
slon, pursuant to Section 32 of the Banking Act of 1933, to serve



"at the same time as a trustee of the United States Trust Company
of i„ew York, New York, New York, and as a director of the Melville
Bond and Share Corporation, Jersey City, N. J.
"It appears that the Melville 13ond and Share Corporation is
successor, by a corporate reorganization, of the Melville Securities Corporation, which was organized by the late Mr. H. Melville
Hanna for the purposes of relieving himself from the cares of managing his property and making certain gifts to his descendants; that
he transferred to the latter company various securities and received
therefor the notes and stocks issued by the company; that upon the
reorganization, the notes and stock of the old company were exchanged
for similar notes and stock in the Melville Bond and Share Corporation,
all of which are owned or controlled by Mr. Hanna's descendants or
their families; that the corporation is empowered to buy, hold and
sell real and personal property; that at various times both corporations have bought and sold certain securities, but many of the securities now owned were transferred to the predecessor company upon
its organization.
"In view of the facts disclosed in your application, it appears
that the business of Melville Bond and Share Corporation is that
Of holding securities formerly owned by the late Er. H. Melville
Hanna, from time to time selling the same and purchasing and sellin other securities, and distributing the income from such securities to his descendants and their families and that the corporation
is not 'engaged primarily in the business of buying, selling, or
negotiating securities', within the meaning of Section 32 of the
Banking Act of 1933. Therefore, no permit is reouired under the
provisions of that section covering your service as director of
that corporation and as trustee of the United States Trust Company
Of New York."
Reference was then made to the Clayton Act application of Mr.
raes Inglis for permission to serve at the same time as a director and
c3fficer of the National Bank of Detroit, Michigan, and as a director of

the Detroit branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Er. Szymczak moved that the application be approved.
During the discussion of Mr. Szymczak's motion, Yr. Thomas stated


he had reviewed Mr. Inglis' application, and that the question which

e011carned him in connection therewith was whether or not Yr. Inglis had



actually functioned as a director.

He also stated that he desired to

846gest to the Board that a letter be sent to all member banks through
the Federal reserve banks emphasizing the responsibility devolving upon
directors of the banks actively to participate in the direction of the
affairs of their respective institutions.

nr. Thomas? suggestion was

discussed and it was decided that, inasmuch as the Federal reserve agents
fram all of the Federal reserve banks will be in Washington next week,
the matter should be taken up with them.
At this point Mr. O'Connor joined the meeting.
Governor Black referred to the draft of letter to the Federal
Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which had been
Prepared in accordance with the action taken at the meeting on April
23) 1934, with regard to the service of officers and directors of certain member banks in New "York City as directors of the Discount Corporati011 of New York.

He called attention to the fact that the letter con-

tains a statement to the effect that action on the application of Yr. S.
Sloan colt is being deferred pending consideration of his Clayton Act
(IPPlication, and he suggested the advisability of holding the letter to
the Federal Reserve Agent at New York and the letters to the other apPlicaats for permission to serve the Discount Corporation, until the
11(3ard is in a position to act on both of the applications submitted by
Mr. Colt.
It was understood that Mr. Colt's Clayton
Act application would be expedited as much as
possible in accordance with the Governor's suggestion.


-7Mr. O'Connor inquired whether any consideration had been given by

the Board to a reduction in the maximum rate of 3% on time and savings dePosits prescribed in Regulation Q.

Governor Black stated that, while the

Board had received one or two communications suggesting a reduction in the
rate, the Board had taken no action with regard thereto inaamuch as it was
felt when Regulation q was promulgated that the rates prescribed therein
Were clearly maximum rates and that member banks could fix any rates they
rlight choose within that limit.

The Governor also pointed out that the

'ximum rates of 3% were fixed by the Board after a thorough and careful
7eY of the rates charged throughout the United States by member banks.
In connection with the above matter,

Morrill called attention

to the fact that the Board's Regulation c prescribed a maximum rate of 3%
Per annum compounded semi-annually on time and savings deposits, whereas
the regulations of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation prescribed a
tuaximum rate of 3% per annum compounded quarterly.

Mr. O'Connor stated

that the original rate fixed by the Corporation was in agreement with the
but that it had been changed in recognition of the
13c4trd is Regulation ;6
ellstam of mutual savings banks of computing interest quarterly, and that
the Corporation felt that, because of the small amount of interest involred
14 the changed basis of computation, the criticism made of the change by

I'letiber banks is not justified. It was pointed out, however, that certain
kellaber banks have taken the position that the difference in the regula7
tl°11a of the Board and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation places

them in an unfair competitive position with respect to nonmember banks,
°L1°41 while the actual amount of interest may be very small, they take the



P°8ition that it is an important difference from a competitive standpoint.
Governor Black suggested that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
nolght consider the advisability of amendins its regulation to permit only
Deitual savings banks to compound interest on a quarterly basis.
Upon inquiry by Governor Black as to the status in the House Banking and Currency Committee of the bill which would extend for one year from
XulY 1, 1934, the temporary insurance provisions of Section 12B of the
Pederal Reserve Act, Mr. O'Connor stated that he had conferred with Jr.
Steagall, Chairman of the Committee, who insisted that there is very strong
reeling in the Committee and in the House that the bill in its present
shoUld not be approved, although it might be passed if the amount of the
insured deposits were raised from

2,500 to .)5,000.

He also stated that

be had advised Li-. Steagall that the bill in its present form had been
roved by the President and passed by the Senate, and that he would not
be Willing to approve any amendments to the bill in its present form.


4cicied that he had advised the President on ijay 1 of Mr. Steagall's attitilde, and stated that he felt that, if the bill could be brought out of
the Committee it would be passed by the House, and that in a later con7ersation with Senator Glass the latter had expressed the same opinion.
It is

very important, Er. O'Connor said, that all reasonable steps be taken

to secure the passage of the bill, and with this thought in mind the direct°1's cr the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation intend to confer with
the ,
-Leading members of the House Banking and Currency Committee with a


to expediting the passage of the legislation.

Governor Black stated

Steagall had advised him that the bill in its present form would



aot pass the House, and that in a conference with the President the
latter had requested that Governor Black advise Er. Steagall that he
(the President) desired the legislation passed at this session.


Black said that he had given the President's message to Mr. Steagall.
Letters to applicants for permits under the Clayton Act, advis1AZ of approval of their applications 8.8 follows:
Yx. A. A. Smith, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director and officer of the State Bank of Jennings, Jennings,
Kansas, and as a director and officer of The First National Bank
Of Norton, Norton, Kansas.
Mr. F. L. Ford, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director and officer of The First National Bank of St. Joseph,
St. Joseph, Lissouri, as a director and officer of The First
Trust Company, St. joseph,Eissouri, and as a director and officer of the First State Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Missouri.
1dr. Jacob Geiger, for permission to serve at the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph,
LA.ssouri, and as a director of The First Trust Company, St.
Joseph, Eisspuri.
L'al. B. W. Eelick, for permission to serve at the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph,
Missouri, and as a director of The First Trust Company, St. Joseph,
Mr. Ben Phillip, for permission to serve at the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph,
Missouri, and as a director of The First Trust Campany, St. Joseph,
lir. G. E. Porter, for permission to serve at the same time as a
airector and officer of The First National Bank of St. Joseph,
St. Joseph, Missouri, as a director and officer of The First Trust
earapany, St. Joseph, Missouri, and as a director and officer of
The First State Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Missouri.
R. N. Ridge, for permission to serve at the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph,
Lassouri, and as a director and officer of The First Trust Company,
Joseph, Eissouri.



Mr. Thos. R. Wall, for permission to serve at the same time as a
director of The First National Bank of St. Joseph, St. Joseph,
Missouri, as a director of The First Trust Company, St. Joseph,
Missouri, and as a director of The First State Bank of St. Joseph,
St. Joseph, Missouri.
MT. X. Reuben Clark, Jr., for permission to serve at the same time
as a director of The Utah State National Bank of Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake City, Utah, and as a director of Zion's Savings Bank &
Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mr. A. W. Ivins, for permission to serve at the same time as a
director and officer of The Utah State National Bank of Salt Lake
City, Salt Lake City, Utah, as a director and officer of Zion's
Savings Bank E.L Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, and as a director and officer of Utah Savings
Trust Company, Salt Lake City,
Ashby Snow, for permission to serve at the sane time as a
director of The Utah State National Bank of Salt Lake City, Salt
Lake City, Utah, as a director of Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, and as a director of Utah Savings &
Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah.
L]x. Geo. S. Spencer, for permission to serve at the same time as
a director of The Utah State National Bank of Salt Lake City,
Salt Lake City, Utah, as a director and officer of Zion's Savings
Bank & Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah, and as a director of
Utah Savings & Trust Company, Salt Lake City, Utah.
There were then presented the following applications for original
additional stock, or for the surrender of stock, of Federal reserve
42112Elty)n for ORIGINAL Stock:
4Y.Lrat National•Bank in Howell,
Ii(pwall, Michigan



0!13.11.9ation3 for ADDITIONAL Stock:
Pikesville National Bank,
.1% ?ikeeville, Kentucky
46 Second National Bank of Hamilton,
RaJnilton, Ohio





AUlications for ADDITIONAL Stock: (Continued)
District No. 4. (Continued)
The First National Bank of Wilmington,
Wilmington, Ohio
The First National Bank of Etna,
Etna, Pennsylvania
't N
No. 9.
The Northern National Bank of Bemidji,
Bemidji, Minnesota
The First Citizens National Bank of Watertown,
Watertown, South Dakota
District No.
The City National Bank & Trust Company of
Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri
District No. 12.
The First National Bank of Salt Lake City,
m, Salt Lake City, Utah
44e First National Bank of Ferndale,
Ferndale, WashLngton










A 1

-Lioations for SURREUDER of Stock:

The First National Bank of Hankins,
Ilankins, New York
tae First
National Bank of Darby,
mis Darby, Pennsylvania
440 Northwestern National Bank & Trust Company
Of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

"Le First National Bank of Stone Lake,
Stone Lake, Wisconsin
.1rast National Bank in Independence,
badependence, Kansas

e First National Bank of Sebastapol,
ebastapol, California
'" First National Bank of Blackfoot,
Illsokroot, Idaho












Aalications for SURRENDER of Stock: (Continued)
Districtjo. 12. (Continued)
The First National Bank of Bremerton,
Bremerton, Washington





Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

