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At a meeting of the Federal Peserve Board held in
the office of the Board on Thursday, May 27, 1920, at 11-10
PRESENT: The Chairman
The Governor
Mr. Miller
Mr. Yoehlenpah
Mr. 7Alliams
Mr. Emerson, Assistant Secretary.
Business was presented and disposed of as follows:
Letter dated May 13th from the Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, recommending for the approval of the
Board, the e tablishment of the following discount rates at
that Bank:

Commercial Parer:
For advances not exceeding 15 days, secured by all classes of eligible commercial
paper, excepting bankers' acceptances, and
for rediscounts of such paper, all maturities. 75
Liberty, Bonds and Victor Notes:
For advances not exceeding 15 days on
Liberty bonds, Victory notes and customers'
notes secured by either of the foregoing,
and for rediscounts of customers' notes, so
secured, for periods not exceeding 90 days....
Bankers' Acceptances:
For advances not exceeding 15 days secured by bankers' acceptances and for rediscounts of same not exceeding 90 days



United 7tates Treasury Certificates of
For advances not exceeding 15 days secured by United States Treasury certificates
of indebtedness, and for rediscounts of customers' notes so secured not exceeding 90


7)1scussion of the .prorosed chnlies in
rates at
York then ensued.
The Chairman reported .upon his conference
::osterday with the officers nnd directors of
the NewYorkBank on this subect.
';iilliams read a letter by hTh to
Governor HardinL; under date of Lia-2 25th, rT0tCStil4; r.tainst zn.: further increase in discount rates at the Fejeral reserve Bank of
reconendinT tint a stronc directinL head be flaccd in charge of the New
Yor.;(.. Bank to fill the vacancy in the Governorship at tht.
Lochlenpah submitted memorandum from
hin to Governor Hardi42 under date of Lay 2tSth,
statiw that he was opposed to the recoendation of the :.ew York Bnk for increase in discount rates at this
On motion duly made and seconded, it was
voted to approve the discount rates recorended
by the Federal eserve Bonk of 1:ew York, as
stated above, :r. :.,Toehlenpah and :r. 'illiams
votinc "io", with the Chairman votin "Aye".
On motion duly made and seconded, it was
voted that no Governor be authorised to advise the YederL1 ::eserve
Bank of New York of
the approval of the discount rates as stated above,
with the understandirk: that such rates would be
made effective as of Tuesday, June 1st, and that
no anno-lncement will be made until after close
of busine.3L Taturday,ttrch4 29th: also to advise all other 'Federal Reserve Banks of he approval of the Loard of the above rates for the
:,ev, York Bank and date of announcement, with a
further statement th't this notification was
not for the purpose of :nakino any su, cestion as
to what action sho-.113 be taken by individual 7Aeserve Fanks,but In order to permit any other
banks that miLht desire to increase their rates




3to make such increases, if desired, effective
in their districts simultaneously with those of
New York.
Letter dated 1:ay 15th from the Assistant Federal 7eserve Agent, Federal Reserve 13ank of Cleveland, submitting application of the 3econd

Bank of Allerheny, Pittsburgh,

Pennsylvania, for reduction in its reserve against demand deposits from ten to seven per cent, untler the provisions of
3ection 19, paragraph (b) of the Federal 7eserve Act.
On motion duly seconded, it was voted
to refer the application to the :]xecutive Committee of the Federal 7eservc Banc of Cleveland for its recommendation to the Federal
r.eserve Board.
Letter dated 1,:ay 264,h from the Chir-rlan, Federal Reserve Bank of ilew York, requesting approval of the Board to
letting of contract by that Bank for the construction of a
fire-proof building for storage purposes, authorized by the
Board under date of April 16th with the understanding that the
total cost of lot and building will approximate ;900,000, such
contract to be let without asking for bids, in view of the necessity uf i:,oliately correneiqL, 1-mstrilction, 7essrs. :'arc


Cons, Contractors, having agreed to construct the

buildin7 on a commission of eight rer cent on the cost, and
submit all contracts to the Federal reserve Panic for verification and audit.
(At this point the Chairman withdrew from the meeting)


Letter dated liay 25th from the Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, enclosing copy of letter from

Company to a member bank in the Fourth District, in

re financing shipments for packers u:Ider acceptance credit.
Letter dated May 27th froln:Ir. C,eorL;e L. Harrison,
submitting his resignation as General 0ounsel of the :7ederal
Reserve Board, effective July 1, 1920.
On motion (hay seconded, it was voted
that Mr. Harrison's resignation be accepted,
and the Governor was authorized to express to
7arrison the Board's anpreciation of his
Letter dated May 25th from the Governor, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicaso, with reference to complaints made
by Mr. John A. Lynch of Chicago regarding certain activities
of the Chicago Bank.
Telegram dated Lay 26th from the Federal


Bank of Dallas, asking whether or not the Board had revoked
its ruling' that a member bank might rediscount with a Federal
7.eserve Bank a non-member ban7,:'s notes secured by Liberty
bonds and -Victory notes.

Peferred to the Governor for negative


-5Letter dated !,:ay 25th from the Executive Secretary,
United States Bituminous Coal Commission, askinE that the
Board designate a representative to an informal conference
to be called by that Commission for the purpose of discussing
- certain information concerning coal which has been, and is
being collected by various Federal departments and agencies.
On motion dulj seconded, it wal voted
that Dr. I:. A. Goldenweiser, Assistant
3tatisidcian, be designated as the Board's
representative at this conference. .
Telegram dated Lay 26th from Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at Philadelphia, requesting approval of the
Board to the designation of Mr. Charles Litzenburg as an
Assistant :xaminer of the Federal

eserve I3ank of Philadell'hia.

Telegram dated inlay 27th from the Chairman,. Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond, requesting approval of the Board
of the establishment at that Ban'!: of discount rate of 5-112,
on member banks collateral notesard customers' rediscounted
notes secured by United States certificates of indebtedness
bearinn• rate of 5-l/2;1, effective May 27th.
Arproved. The Governor reported the reserve positions of the
several Federal Reserve at close of business May
25th, and the status of rediscounts between Federal Reserve
Banks as of the same date.

The Governor reported rediscount transaction, pursuant
to authority heretofore vested in him; member bank promissory
notes secured by Government oblications; rate 5'4 on paper ,
cured by certificates of indebtedness, and 5-1A, on paper
secured by Liberty bonds and Victory notes, as follows:

Bank T.ediscoun_tin;-:



,:ansas City




11-11 days

The Governor reported rediscount transaction, pursuant
to authority heretofore vested in him; member bank promissory
notes secured by Government oblications; rate e on commercil
paper, as follows:



::.ay 25th

St. Louis

New York



31 VO days

The Governor reported rediscount transaction, pursuant
to authority heretofore vested in him; member bank Promissory
notes secured by Government obligations: rate 5, 011 paper se4 or
cured by certificates of indebtedness bearing rate of 5::
less; 5-1X on paper secured by all other certificates of
Indebtedness, and

on paper secured by Liberty bonds and

Victory notes, as follows:


Bank Led'sno-,;
- ntipL







The Govoroor rol ort(d rc,d;soor,,It transaction.ursiso


to .. ,.1ktho2'it,' 'icrctof*)rc.

0.! 1_ 1-GT 3.2.-

tietcs secilruC, L i/
3red by Certificates of 11571.01,teduess
Lass; 5-1

rate of



on paper secured by certificates of ialjelto,

bearina rate of 5-1/4:), and 5-1/27J on.pauer secured bj certificates of indebtedness bearing rate of 5-1/e, as follows:




Nev York .::',3,010,f7,00


11-15 days



recol -londitili-jsio-n of 3t;te iustitutions,
as set forth ía the auxiliar.2; Liffato book as
of L'As (Inte, sublect to tip ondtio%s
in tLe
div daal reports littached to eaoll anoi

Dated ,7..r:ay 26th, reco:nmending cha2k-:. es in stock at Federal
serve Et-11'1%s as set fortli in the auxiliary
ninato book as of this date.

Letter dated. Liay .,76th from

, L. Peed, Private
r. Ja-

to Er. A. C. Liner, submittinc; his resinat1on,

lye June 15, 1920.
At 12-4

the meet lug adjourned,

Assistant Secretary.
