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Minutes for To: Members of the Board From: Office Of the Secretary May 24 1963 Attached is a copy of the minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve .System on the above date. It is not proposed to include a statement with respect to any of the entries in this set of minutes in the record of policy actions required to be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal Reserve Act. Should you have any question with regard to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, please initial below. If you were present at the meeting, your initials will indicate approval of the minutes. If You were not present, your initials will indicate only that you have seen the minutes. Chin. Martin Gov. Mills Gov. Robertson Gov. Balderston Gov. Shepardson • Gov. King Gov. Mitchell 40) Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Friday, May 24, 1963. The Board met in the Board Room at 10:00 a.m. PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Martin, Chairman Mills Robertson Shepardson King 1/ Mitchell Mr. Sherman, Secretary Mr. Young, Adviser to the Board and Director, Division of International Finance Mr. Cardon, Legislative Counsel Mr. Fauver, Assistant to the Board Mr. Noyes, Director, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Solomon, Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Johnson, Director, Division of Personnel Administration Mr. Koch, Associate Director, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Holland, Adviser, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Furth, Adviser, Division of International Finance Mr. Hersey, Adviser, Division of International Finance Mr. Mattras, General Assistant, Office of the Secretary Mr. Eckert, Chief, Banking Section, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Yager, Chief, Government Finance Section, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Axilrod, Senior Economist, Division of Research and Statistics Miss Dingle, Senior Economist, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Keir, Senior Economist, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Bernard, Economist, Division of Research and Statistics Mr. Goldstein, Economist, Division of International Finance T7--Entered - meeting at point indicated in minutes. 5/24/63 -2Money market review. Mr. Keir reported on recent developments in the Government securities market and commented on steps taken by the Treasury to keep the national debt within the ceiling prescribed by law. Miss Dingle then discussed changes in bank credit and the 111°IleY supply, after which Mr. Goldstein reported on recent developments in the foreign exchange market. All members of the staff then withdrew except Messrs. Sherman, Noyes, Solomon, and Mattras and the following then entered the room: Mr. Hackley, General Counsel Mr. Shay, Assistant General Counsel Mr. Leavitt, Assistant Director, Division of Examinations Mr. Hricko, Senior Attorney, Legal Division Mr. Potter, Senior Attorney, Legal Division Discount rates. The establishment without change by the Pederal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Dallas on May 23, 1963, the rates on discounts and advances in their existing schedules was 4PProved unanimously, with the understanding that appropriate advice would be sent to those Banks. Governor King joined the meeting at this point. ). Report on competitive factors (York-Hanover, Pennsylvania There had been distributed a draft of report to the Federal Deposit 1484rance Corporation on the competitive factors involved in the proposed tilelbger of First National Bank and Trust Company, Hanover, Pennsylvania, %/ith The York Bank and Trust Company, York, Pennsylvania. 5/24/63 After discussion, the report was approved unanimously for transmission to the Corporation. The conclusion read as follows: The proposed merger of the First National Bank and Trust Company, Hanover, Pennsylvania, with The York Bank and Trust Company, York, Pennsylvania, would not only eliminate the small amount of competition existing between the participants, but also would alter significantly the banking structure in Hanover and provide a potential threat to the ability of other local banks to continue to offer effective competition and remain independent units. At present, York Bank holds a larger proportion of York County's banking resources than any other bank, and the instant proposal would add substantially to the applicant's holdings of such resources. Report on competitive factors (Boise-St. Manes, Idaho). There had been distributed a draft of report to the Comptroller of the Currency On the competitive factors involved in the proposed merger of First Bank (If St. Manes, St. Manes, Idaho, into First Security Bank of Idaho, National Association, Boise, Idaho. After discussion, the report was approved unanimously for transto the Comptroller, with the understanding that the wording of the conclusion would be revised to read as follows: The proposed merger of First Bank of St. Manes, St. Manes, Idaho, into First Security Bank of Idaho, N. A., Boise, Idaho, a subsidiary of First Security Corporation, Salt Lake City, Utah, a registered bank holding company, would apparently have little effect on other banks nor would it eliminate any significant degree of competition between the two named above, since there is little or no competition between these two banks whose nearest offices are about 50 miles apart. There exists a heavy degree of concentration of banking resources in Idaho where the two largest banks operate over half of all commercial bank offices and hold almost two-thirds of all commercial bank deposits. 5/24/63 -4Any increase in concentration of banking resources in these two banks must be considered as seriously adverse to the preservation of banking competition. Mr. Potter then withdrew from the meeting. Application of Bank of Virginia (Items 1, 2, and 3). Pursuant to the decision reached at the meeting on May 20, 1963, there had been distributed a proposed order and statement reflecting the Board's approval or the application of The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, to merge with The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia. The issuance of the order and statement was authorized, subject to the understanding that the wording of the statement would be revised slightly. Copies of the order and statement, as issued, are attached to these minutes as Items 1 and 2. °rcler A copy of the letter transmitting the and statement to The Bank of Virginia is attached as Item No. 3. The meeting then adjourned. Secretary's Note: Pursuant to recommendations contained in memoranda from appropriate individuals concerned, Governor Shepardson today approved on behalf of the Board the following actions relating to the Board's staff: Salary increase Wilhelmina K. Steele, Operator, Tabulating Equipment, Division of 4ta Processing, from $4,580 to $4,950 per annum, effective May 26, 1963. t Outside activities Irving L. Gedanken, Statistician, Division of Research and Sta+. , -1stics, to teach an evening course in Statistics at American university. 5/24/63 Allen E. Simmons, Messenger, Division of Administrative Services, to work as a messenger for Western Union on weekends. Item No. 1 5/24/63 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA BEFORE THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON, D. C. In the Matter of the Application of THE BANK OF VIRGINIA for approval of merger with The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie ORDER AITROVIEG MERCER OF BANKS There has come before the Board of Governors, pursuant to the ilank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), an application by The Bank f Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, a State member bank of the Federal Reserve System, for the Board's prior approval of the merger of that bank and The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia, under the harter and title of the former. As an incident to the merger, the stnale office of The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie would be operated as a 13411ch of The Bank of Virginia. Notice of the proposed merger, in form 4PProved by the Board, has been published pursuant to said Act. Upon consideration of all relevant material in the light of the factors set forth in said Act, including reports furnished by the ConnPtroller of the Currency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 411(1 the Department of Justice on the competitive factors involved in the Proposed merger, 1 e tz0 'CT -2- IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, for the reasons set forth in the Board's Statement of this date, that said application be and hereby is approved, Ptovided that said merger shell not be consummated (a) within seven calendar days after the date of this Order or (b) later than three months after said date. Dated at Washington, D. C., this 24th day of May, 1963. By order of the Board of Governors. Voting for this action: Chairman Martin, and Governors Balderston, Mills, Robertson, Shepardson, and Mitchell. Absent and not voting: Governor King. (Signed) Merritt Sherman Merritt Sherman, Secretary. (sEAL) vikaL i3 Item No. 2 5/24/63 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM APPLICATION BY THE BANK OF VIRGINIA FOR PRIOR APPROVAL OF MERGER WITH THE FARMERS BANK OF DINWIDDIE STATEMENT The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia ("Virginia Bank"), Ilith deposits of $159 million as of December 31, 1962, has applied, Pursuant to the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1820(c)), for the 8Oard's prior approval of the merger of that bank and The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia ("Dinwiddie Bank"), with deposits of $3 million as of the same date, under the charter and title of Virginia sank. The proposal contemplates that the sole office of Dinwiddie Bank 367O1ld be operated as a branch of the resulting bank, increasing the riutlber of offices operated by Virginia Bank to 22. each Under the Act, the Board is required to consider, as to Of the banks involved, (1) its financial history and condition, (2) the prospects, adeluaoY of its capital structure, (3) its future earnings (4) th e general character of its management, (5) whether its corporate 11°Ilets are consistent with the purposes of 12 U.S.C., Ch. 16 (the Ped 01 Deposit Insurance Act), (6) the convenience and needs of the " "malunity to be served, and (7) the effect of the transaction on -2- e°111Petition (including any tendency toward monopoly). The Board may not aPProve the transaction unless, after considering all these factors, it the transaction to be in the public interest. Banking factors. - The financial history and asset condition of Ilitginia Bank are regarded as satisfactory, and this should hold true 440 for the resulting bank. The capital structure of the resulting bank 17111 continue to reflect a need for some strengthening. The financial t°rY and condition of Dinwiddie Bank are satisfactory and the net cutrent earnings are average. ill Although Virginia Bank's net current earn- are below average, improved earnings are expected to result from `'reased automation and other economies. Present management of Dinwiddie Bank is satisfactory but a latI4gellIent succession problem exists as the two senior officers are 1)a8t the normal retirement age and in rather poor health. The manage- raent success4 on problem would be solved by the merger, Virginia Bank 4ing adequately staffed with competent personnel at both junior and 444i0r levels. Prospects for solution by other means are not favorable. The resulting bank would have a satisfactory asset condition 44(1 favorable earnings prospects. the provisions There is no indication of any inconsistency with Of 12 U.S.C., Ch, 16. Virginia Bank Convenience and needs of the communities. °Per f--es its main office and 13 branches in the Richmond metropolitan 4rea 3 branches in the city of Norfolk, and 1 branch each in the cities j „. 1 1: -3proposed tsmouth, and Roanoke. The Newport News, Petersburg, Por the the convenience and needs of merger would have little effect upon k. e°14rr1Unities now being served by that ban Bank is located in Dinwiddie The sole office of Dinwiddie 183). die County (population 22, (Population 400), the seat of Dinwid es south of hway No. 1, about 35 mil The bank is located on U. S. Hig munity serves as t of Petersburg. The com Iliehmond and 18 miles southwes within a 10-mile radius, the trade area for an estimated 10,000 persons ltural this predominantly agricu Iltight leaf tobacco is the principal crop in , and the s and beef and dairy cattle atea. In addition, the raising of hog nts economy. A number of reside Pl.°duction of pulpwood, contribute to the Hopewell, ted in Petersburg and ae employed in industrial plants loca ble. appears generally favora 114ginia. The economic outlook for the area it osed merger the loan lim Upon consummation of the prop reased. Customers would be substantially inc 4Ppl1cab1e at Dinwiddie Bank g e complete range of bankin f Dinwiddie Bank would have available a mor office, such available at that banking ly ious prev e thos ices than serv , le I loans, dealer financing 48 trust services, vacation savings, FHA Tit ied program of der and more diversif broa a and , ers ord ey onal mon Pers ity of full-scale business. The availabil 1"na to individuals and small the local economy. rable influence upon banking should have a favo ia Bank became December 21, 1962, Virgin Competition. - As of ation, a bank holding subsidiary of the Virginia Commonwealth Corpor have Co affiliates. The affiliated banks ing bank r othe four h wit anY P ll1 4 n. teltal deposits of about $191 millio e f' -4and holds Virginia Bank is the fifth largest bank in the State i°ur per cent of total bank deposits in Virginia. It conducts a fairly the Ilidespread correspondent business and is also in fifth place among banks of Virginia in this respect. area in which it operates. It is not the dominant bank in any In four cities--aichmond, Newport News, other Nerfolk, and Roanoke--it ranks fourth in resources, and in the two cities—Petersburg and Portsmouth--it ranks third. The resources to be significantly gained by the proposed merger would be too small to alter its in the areas served competitive position in the State as a whole or by it. Bank is its Virginia Bank's closest office to Dinwiddie l'a tezsburg branch, which is about 18 miles northeast of Dinwiddie. Petersburg area There is competition between the banks, chiefly in the where negligible in volume. Virginia Bank has a branch; however, it is and 1)in 7iddie Bank has concentrated its efforts primarily in Dinwiddie competitive the nearby 'rea and has not been a particularly effective factor outside this fairly small area. other banks. In Dinwiddie County there are two One is The Bank about 10 miles southwest f I4cRenney Incorporated, located in McKenney million as of June 30, 1962. Of T)inwiddie, having total deposits of $1.2 It confines its services primarily to its own community. it The other bank Southside Virginia in the county is the main office of the Bank of Cara°n, about 13 miles east of Dinwiddie. This bank also operates three deposits of i8.5 million as of ffiees in other counties and had total trlt -5- December 31, 1962. Two of its offices currently compete to some extent pith Virginia Bank as they are within 15 miles of Petersburg. The only other banks in close proximity to Dinwiedie are those in Petersburg, about 18 miles to the northeast. In addition to Virginia Bank's office, there are eight banking facilities in Petersburg, three being offices of First & Merchants National Bank of Richmond, the largest bank in Virginia. In addition to that of other banks, in certain fields competition is provided in Virginia Bank's service area by a number of nonbanking financial institutions. Summary and conclusion. - Consummation of the proposed merger 1()Il1deliminate only a negligible amount of competition and uill not have lverae competitive effects on smaller area banks. It will solve a man- agement succession problem confronting Dinwiddie Bank and provide a broader range of banking services in the Dinwiddie area. Accordingly, the Board finds the proposed transaction to be in the public interest. IlaY 24, 1963. 4 Item No. 3 5/24/63 BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM WASHINGTON 25. D. C. ADDRESS OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE TO THE BOARD May 24, 1963. REGISTERED - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED The Bank of Virginia, Eighth and Main Streets, Richmond, Virginia. Gentlemen: The Board of Governors has approved the application, under the Bank Merger Act of 1960 (12 U.S.C. 1828(c)), for the Board's prior consent to the merger of The Farmers Bank of Dinwiddie, Dinwiddie, Virginia, into The Bank of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Enclosed are the Board's Order of this date, the accompanying Statement, and the press release on this action. The need for additional capital for The Bank of Virginia has been previously brought to your attention. Approval Of this merger application does not imply approval of the present capital structure, and the Board wishes to emphasize the need for strengthening of your bank's capital position. The proposed addition of $1,500,000 to capital structure is a constructive Step; however, the Board does not believe that it is sufficient to bring your capital to a desirable level. Very truly yours, (Signed) Merritt Sherman Merritt Sherman, Secretary. Enclosures