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At a regular meeting of the Federal
Reserve Board held in the office of the Governor of the Board at 12:25 p. m., on Tuesday,
May 23,

Mr. Hamlin, presiding Hr. Williams
Mx. Delano

Mr. Hardin g

Mr, All, Secretary.
The minutes of the meeting of May 22
were read and approved.
Attention was called to a telegram
from the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas asking if that bank might inaugurate
intra-district clearing at an earlier date
than July 15.

It was, after discussion, voted

that the Dallas Bank be authorized to begin
intra-district clearing on July 5, the other
Federal reserve banks to be notified of the actian taken on the request from Dallas.


antire matter was referred to the Committee on


Clearing for attention.
The Secretary read a letter from

the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia asking if the Board would, in
view of the fact that July 15 is Saturday,
postpone the going into effect of the clearing and collection plan to July 18.


letter was also referred to the Committee on

Clearing, it being voted that no postponement should be made.
Attention was called to a letter

from the Federal Reserve Agent at San Francisco stating the appointment of Mr. Clarence R.

Shaw as acting assistant to the Federal Reserve Agent, and to a second letter in vhich

the Federal Reserve Agent stated that, in
view of the fact that this was a temporary
appointment, and the further fact that the
Agent has not in his custody either gold, Federal reserve notes or rediscounts, the Agent

had not required the usual bend of .;, 100,000
to be . furnished.

This statement was accept-

ed., it beir4; held that in case of loss, the
Federal Reserve Agent himeelf would be responsi ol e.
A report was presented fran Mr. Miller in favor of authorizing Mr. Claud. Catch
to act as Acting Deputy Federal Reserve Agent
at San Francisco in case of the absence of
both the Agent and the Deruty, he to be paid
.25.00 per diem for such days as his attendance is required at the bank in the lierformance of necessary duties.

This was approved.

A request was presented from the
Federal Reserve Agent at

an Francisco for

760,000 in Federal reserve notes in the following denominations:
560,000 in 20's,
.200,000 in 50's.
On recommendation of Mr. Delano and Mr. Hard-




of the Committee on Issue and Redemption,

favorable action was taken, the notes to be
released through the Assistant Treasurer of
the United States at San Francisco.


At 12:35P. in., the Board adjourned
to meet at 11:00 a. in., on Wednesday*, May 24.
1. •


