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Minutes for may 22, 1959


Members of the Board


Office of the Secretary

Attached is a copy of the minutes of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on
the above date.
It is not proposed to include a statement
with respect to any of the entries in this set of
minutes in the record of policy actions required to
be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal
Reserve Act.
Should you have any question with regard
to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will
advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, if you
were present at the meeting, please initial in
column A below to indicate that you approve the
minutes. If you were not present, please initial
in column B below to indicate that you have seen
the minutes.
Chm. Martin
Gov. Szymczak
Gov. Mills
Gov. Robertson
Gov. Balderston
Gov. Shepardson
Gov. King

Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
on Friday) May 22, 1959.

The Board met in the Board Room at 10:00 a.m.


Balderston, Vice Chairman
Sherman, Secretary
Hackley, General Counsel
Solomon, Assistant General Counsel
Benner, Assistant Director, Division
of Examinations
Mr. Hill, Assistant to the Secretary


Discount rates.

The establishment without change by the

Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, and

Kansas City on May 21, 1959, of the rates on discounts and advances
in their existing schedules was approved unanimously, with the understanding that appropriate advice would be sent to those Banks.
Item circulated to the Board.

The following item, which

had been circulated to the Board and copy of which is attached to
these minutes as Item No. 1, was approved unanimously:
Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Banking and Currency
Committee regarding S. 1798, a bill to amend the Federal
Deposit Insurance Act to eliminate the payment of premiums
on deposits of trust funds by fiduciary banks in uninsured

With reference to this it was pointed out that there seemed
to be an inconsistency between the title of the proposed bill and
the text with respect to the area circumscribed.

It was understood

that Mt. Hackley would call this to the attention of Mr. Coburn,



General Counsel, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, when he met
With him this afternoon.
Messrs. Johnson, Director, Division of Personnel Administration,
and Molony, Special Assistant to the Board, entered the room at this
"Questions and Answers" on Regulation U (Item No. 2).


connection with the amendments to Regulation U, Loans by Banks for
the Purpose of Purchasing or Carrying Registered Stocks, which
become effective June 15, 1959, a series of questions and answers
illustrating the application of Regulation U had been revised to take
account of the amendments so that if the Board desired they could be
made available for such distribution as might seem appropriate.
Governor Balderston stated that the question before the Board
was primarily a matter of procedure--whether the Board wished to
restrict the distribution of the revised questions and answers to
the supervisory authorities or make them available to the public
and, if the latter course were decided upon, whether they should
be distributed with the reprinted Regulations.
Question was raised as to whether the questions and answers
might be published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin, but it was felt

that distribution in pamphlet form would be more satisfactory.


-3Governor Robertson suggested that at this time the questions

and answers might be sent to the Federal Reserve Banks and supervisory
agencies with a request that after, say, three months of use, they
submit any suggestions for change in order that the Board might have
the benefit of such suggestions before distribution of the material
to the public in pamphlet form.
Following a discussion of various alternatives, it was agreed
that a draft of the questions and answers would be sent to the Reserve
Banks today with a request that comments or suggestions be sent to
reach the Board's offices not later than Thursday morning, May 28.
The questions and answers, revised in the light of those comments,
would then be reproduced and mailed to reach the Reserve Banks about

4, which would permit distribution to member banks so as to reach

them by Monday, June

8. The telegram sent to Presidents of sll Federal

Reserve Banks pursuant to this action is attached hereto as Item No. 2.
Messrs. Molony and Benner then withdrew from the meeting.
Major medical insurance.

At the meeting on May 15,

1959, the

Board requested the Division of Personnel Administration to submit
material concerning the major medical insurance plan recommended by
the Presidents' Conference Subcommittee on Personnel and the points
on which difference of opinion was understood to exist, for consideration
Prior to the special meeting of the Board and the Presidents on May 26,

A memorandum submitted by the Personnel Division under date of

MY 20, 1959, included comparative information on the Board's program)
the proposed Reserve Bank program, the plan for Federal employees
recently submitted to the Congress, and plans currently favored by
In reviewing the status of the program being considered by
the Federal Reserve Banks, Mr. Johnson pointed out that historically
their study of such insurance apparently started in 1955.


assignment was given to the Presidents' Conference Subcommittee on
Personnel which initially worked with the Blue Cross organization
Of New York.

Blue Cross suggested that it might be possible to work

out with 01 Blue Cross organizations covering Federal Reserve Bank
offices a uniform contract, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield as
well as major medical insurance; however, at the September 30, 1957
meeting of the Presidents' Conference, the Subcommittee reported that
Such uniform coverage could not be worked out.

The Subcommittee then

Obtained the assistance of Marsh and McLennan, insurance brokers, and
Irith their guidance set up standards for Systemwide major medical

Marsh and McLennan requested quotations from twelve

companies on three plans; on the basis of the quotations from the
eight submitting companies, the Presidents' Conference at a special
Meeting on January 27, 1959 considered a Subcommittee recommendation
°f a plan that would provide a $10,000 lifetime maximum benefit,
80%-20% coinsurance, and a straight $100 deductible, with Prudential

Insurance Company proposed as the underwriter.

Prudential quoted

an annual billing premium of $'460,792 which would be firm until
August 1, 1959.

Following a discussion of various features of the

Proposed program

it was decided to table the report and certain

suggestions made by President Hayes of the Federal Reserve Bank of
3ew York until the February 10, 1959 meeting.

On February 5 Mr.

Hayes wrote to the other Presidents setting forth certain amendments
to the Subcommittee's plan, and at the February 10 meeting the
Presidents voted to adopt without change the recommendations of
the Subcommittee as to coverage and benefits; however, six of the
eleven members present were recorded as favoring (a) maximum coverage
of 4310,000 per calendar year, (b) *20,000 maximum lifetime coverage
and Objective reinstatement, and (c) variable deductions.


Presidents' Conference also adopted the proposal of the Subcommittee
'whereby the Minks would pay two-thirds of the premium.
Mr. Johnson stated that, while the Board had not yet received

a definite proposal from the Conference of Presidents as to the plan
the Conference had agreed upon, he understood that at the joint meeting
/41th the Board on May 26 the Presidents would request approval of
slabstantislly the Subcommittee recommendations as modified along the
lines indicated in the foregoing paragraph.

He then proceeded to

discuss the several approaches to major medical insurance and the
various features individually.


-6In the area in which differences appeared, i.e., maximum

coverage per calendar year, maximum lifetime coverage and Objective
reinstatement, and variable deductions, Mr. Johnson stated that based
ou advice from Marsh and McLennan the Subcommittee's recommendation
Of $10,000 lifetime maximum with right of reinstatement was thought
to be adequate for this type of insurance and that it was the belief
Of the Personnel Division that either the $100 or variable deduction
Iras acceptable. Marsh and McLennan advised the current trend was
taward the variable deduction, although the straight deduction was
More easily administered. With respect to the sharing of cost, it
Ilas the opinion of the Personnel Division that the trend was toward
PaYMent of two-thirds by the employer and it would appear that the
desire of the Federal Reserve Banks to apply the same fractional
of cost as they absorb for basic hospitalization would
be Progressive with the trend toward larger absorption of the cost
bY employers. He noted, however, that current proposals being
discussed for Federal employees contemplated a 50/50 sharing of
the costs between employer and employee, this being higher than
earlier proposals that the employer should pay one-third and
employees two-thirds of the cost if such coverage were made
available for Government.


-7Following a brief discussion, it was understood that the

Board would listen to the presentation of the views of the Presidents'
Conference at the joint meeting on May 26, after which it would give
consideration to whatever specific proposals might be submitted with
respect to a major medical insurance program for the Federal Reserve

The meeting then adjourned.

Secretary's Note: Governor Shepardson
today approved on behalf of the Board
the following items:
Memorandum dated May 15, 1959, from Mr. Johnson, Director, Division
of Personnel Administration, recommending the appointment of Jeanne
Chanibers as Clerk-Stenographer in that Division, with basic annual
4larY at the rate of $3,755, effective the date she assumes her
Memorandum dated May 19, 1959, from Mr. Noyes, Adviser, Division
Research and Statistics, recommending that permission be granted
2 James C. Byrnes, Economist in that Division, to accept part-time
ITPloyment as statistical consultant on a specific survey project to
e undertaken by the National Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives.


Item No. 1





May 22, 1959.

HonOrable A. Willis Robertson,
'',"airman, Committee on Banking and Currency,
united States Senate,
Wa8h1ngton 25, D. C.

1°ellr Mr. Chairman:
This is in response to your letter of April 28, 1959,
I.fluusting a report on a bill, S.1798 "To amend the Federal Deposit
Vleurance Act to eliminate the payment of premiums on deposits of funds by fiduciary banks in uninsured banks."
The Board understands that the purpose of this legislation
is 4—
yu correct a situation existing because of present law under which
de er banks of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation which
me°81t in uninsured banks funds held by them in a fiduciary capacity
,26 consider such funds as part of their deposits for FDIC assesspremiums thereon, although
10 PurPoses, and pay to the Corporation
6nes of such funds arising from failure of the depositary uninsured
would normally not be paid at the time of its failure.

While the provisions of the bill would not directly affect

th_ ±unctions and responsibilities of the Federal Reserve System,
board has no objection to its favorable consideration.

Sincerely yours,

(Signed) C. Canby Balderston
C. Canby Balderston,
Vice Chairman.

Item No. 2



May 22, 1959.


Supplementing wire of May 6,

1959, it

is now expected

that reprinted Regulations T and U will be shipped on May 27 or
28 to reach you early in the week beginning June 1.
With respect to "Questions and Answers" on Regnlation Us
conies will be sent to you today with request that they be reviewed
by staff members and comments or suggestions be sent to reach the
Board's offices not later than Thursday morning, May 28.


Will then be reproduced and supply shipped to you as soon as possible,
Probably reaching your Bank about June

4. It

will be noted that

Questions and Answers are similar to those discussed at conferences
of examiners, except for portions applizable to amendments to become
effective June


Should your staff review of Questions and Answers suggest

significant modification of number of copies requested in your

recent wire, please include that information at time of advice
vhether you have suggestions concerning this document.

(Signed) Merritt Sherman