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A meeting of the Federal Reserve
Board was held in the office of the Board at
11:10 a. m., on Friday, May 19,
Mr. Delano, presiding

Mr. Harding

Mr. Warburg


Mr. Allen



The meeting of the Board scheduled
for May 18 was postponed by direction of the
Vice Governor.
The minutes of the meeting of May 17
were read and approved.
Governor Aiken of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Boston appeared before the Board and
stated that the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
had perfected a plan for taking over the Boston
Clearing House.

In this connection he read a

tentative memorandum of the proposed arrangement

and it was voted that the matter be re-

ferred to the Committee on Clearing with the

hearty approval of the Board.

Governor Aiken

was authorized to proceed with the arrangements
which he had outlined, and submit a further report to the Board.
There was no change in discount rates.
A letter from the President of the
National Association of Supervisors of


Banks requesting that Mr. Joseph A. Broderick
represent the Federal Reserve Board at the fifteenth annual convention of the association in
Louisville, June 12 - 14, was referred to the
Executive Committee with power to act.
A letter from the Sixth National
Rank of Philadelphia as to the interpretation
of the amended Clayton Act, was referred to
the Committee on Law, and the Secretary directed
to so refer all letters of like character.
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent
Ramsey in connection with a request that the
reports of examination of Federal reserve banks


be read and initialed by directors thereof,
was noted, and the Secretary directed to acknowledge the letter and list the subject for
the meeting of the Federal reserve agents.
Attention was called to the letter
of the National Hardware Association of the
United States, approving the check clearing
The Secretary was authorized to
answer a letter from the Catawissa National
Bank asking when interest would be paid on
reserve balances.
A report of the Committee on Issue
and Redemption recommending the printing of
021,000,000 of Federal reserve notes for the
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, and
the shipment of V9,040,000 to be held at the
Subtreasury in San Francisco, was read, and
the recommendations approved.
The report,of the committee to wham

was referred the petition of certain Wisconsin
banks to be separated from the Ninth District
and attached to the Jeventh District, was received, and made a special order for lionday,
Lay 22.
On recommendation of Lir. Harding
and Li.. Williams the Board approved a reduction
of V0,000 in the cal-ital stock of the First National Bank of Cody, Wyoming.
A memorandum of Counsel on rediscounts
of agricultural paper by the federal Reserve
Bank of Dallas, was referred back to the Dallas
Cannittee that it mi0It again take the matter up
with Counsel.
At 1 o'clock p. m., the Board adjourned
to meet at 11:00 a. m., on :Ion ,, Lay 22.

