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tir 1.7.ay 18, 1923. LTraT.DULI FOR GOVERNOR CRISSIr The undersLcned Teeniest that you call a special !wet in reserve Board for today, of the r'ederal 192Z, at 10:;)0 a.m. ri 'day, Yay 18, 4') A special meeting of the federal Reserve Pop.rd was held in the office Of the Federal Reserve -loard on ' , riday, May 18th, at 11:n0 o'clock. 2T3EISE."72: .aSO: Governor Crls&nger Mr. Platt Mr. Hari in Mr. Miller Mr. Junes Mr. Dawes 7r. HoY,ton, Secretary r. Wyatt T -r. "r. q. McAdoo, Lttorney for the rank of Italy (The latter u.)on invit ,tion of the ,=oarCi.) , had been called upon t' e written The Governor stated tht the Treetin,c, ' r equest of three members of the Bc ard, in accordance with the .v-laws. The Governor then submitted to the Board two letters dated May 17th, rx'om Mr. McAdoo, petitioning the Federal Reserve "oard to reconsider its action disapproving the applicat ion of the Bank of Italy to establish branches at .hlba C ty and Sacramento, California. .After full discussion of the arguments contained in Mr. McAdoo's lett er, the Board adjournec: at 1:15 p.m. Secret ary. 41pb, -oved: ••