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eeting of the Federal le erve Board held
in the office of the lovernor at 1L.30 p.m., on Eond
May 14,

arburg, presiding,

Mr. Delano,

Mr. .;illiams,
Mr. Miller,

Ia.. Hamlin,



The reading of the minates of the pr ceding
meetings was dispensed with.
Mr. Hamlin presented to the Board an informal
report of a meeting of the Jlayton

ot Commi tce held

on L;at rday, May 12, at which there had been present
Ur. E. D. Hulb rt of 2hicago, president of the Merchants

Trust company of that city.

It was stated that

Ilalbert desired to present cert%in f7-cts about the
statas of the directors of the Merchants IMan & Trast
Jompa y to the Loard, with a view to their probable
status s'aoald this company become a member bank, and to
learn from the Board the Principles which would be likely
to govern in dealing with these directors . nder the Clayton 4ct.

The Secretary of the Board read a letter from Judge
Advocate General -11.aader relative to the application of
the selective draft plan to employees of Federal reserve

On motion, it was voted that the Secretary of the

Board send a form letter to each Federal reserve bank find
Federal reserve agent, enclosing copies of the communic
tion of the Judge Advocate General.
The Secretary of the Board presented letters from
the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston transmitting resolutions
of the bord of directors fixing the salary of the Governor
of the Bank at ,„;25,000 per annum, effective June 1, and recommending to the Federal deserve Board that the salary of
the Federal Reserve .gent be fixed at .312,500 as of the same

, lommittee on 'Ltaff.
The letters were referred to the ,
The Secretary of the Board read a report of the Com-

mittee on Staff recommending the appointment of Lr. 4alter
fiyatt as law clerk in the office of Counsel at a salary of
4a500 per annum.

On motion, the report was approved.

The Secretary of the Board read a report of the ..-fommittee on St' ff approving the employment of Lr. Elmer H.
Tucker in the

ederal Aeserve Agent's dep.rtment in the

Federal ,ieserve Bank of San Francisco, at a salary not to


exceed 1;900 per annum.

On motion the report was ap-

The Secretary of the Board presented a letter
Bank of

V. Bell, Cashier of the Federal Reserve
tlant, with reference to the attitude of

national bank examiners toward the interpretation of
Section 5200.

The matter was referred to the Committee

on Law.
A lettcr from Governor Stron

of rew York rela-

tive to the rate of interest for the future sale of 7.
S. certificates of indebtedness and urging a change in
the law so as to give wider power to the Secretary in
this respect, was read and

on motion, referred to the

Vice Governor to be taken up by him with the Secretary
of the "reasury.
The Vice Governor of the Board reported the subst% ce of a conversation he had just had with Honorable
Carter Glass regardino; the Hardwick amendment to the bill
amending the Federal Reserve tct, now pending, and a substitute therefor proposed by Yr. Glass.

after discussion,

he was, on motion, authorized to confer with Senator Owen
and Aepresentative Platt with regard to securing accept-

ance of the substitute.
4 letter from Lr. . S. _Owe of 2incinnati relative
to the use of gold in payrolls in that city, was read.


motion, the Vice 3overnor and Mr. Delano were named a special
committee to prepare a letter on this subject to Pederal reserve banks, ;nd to communicate as they might deem best, with
the Departments of .ar and Navy, or any others that might seem
Letters from Messrs.

itherow and Lowrie with respect

to agricultural loans at the Tederal deserve Bank of Linneapolls, previously referred to 7:r. rlamlin, were reported by
him with suggested outline of

letter of response.


matter was referred back to Mr. Hamlin with po4;er to act.
On motion, at 1.10 p. m. the Board adjourned to meet
on .ednesday, L:ay 16, -t 11 a.m., unless sooner called by
the .hair.


