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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem was held in Washington on Monday, May 1, 1939, at 12:30 p. m.

Mr. Eccles, Chairman
Mr. McKee
Mr. Draper
Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
Memorandum dated April 25, 1939, from Mr. Noell


Secretary, recommending (1) that Mrs. Alraeda Steiner be promoted from
relief charwoman to charwoman, with no change in her present salary
at the rate of 50¢ per hour, effective immediately; and (2) that Mrs.
Ethel Sunderraan be appointed as a relief charwoman, with salary at the
rate of 50¢ per hour, effective as of the date upon which she enters
upon the performance of her duties after having passed satisfactorily
the usual physical examination.
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Young, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
or Boston, reading as follows:
"Relet April 28. Board interposes no objection to
the proposed investment of 420,000 in additional banking
quarters by 'Depositors Trust Company', Augusta, Maine."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated April 27, 1939, from Messrs. Goldenweiser,



Director of the Division of Research and Statistics, and Wyatt, General
Counsel, recommending that, for the reasons stated in the memorandum,
the Board withdraw the request made at the meeting on March 10, 1939,
that they prepare memoranda discussing the merits of S. 1684, a bill
to amend the Gold Reserve Act of 1934, and S. 1696, a bill to terminate
the power to issue U. S. notes under the provisions of the Act of May
12, 1933.
The recommendation was approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve banks, reading
as follows:
"The Committee of Counsel designated by the Chairman
of the Conference of Presidents recouuuended to the Standing Committee on Collections on January 11, 1939:
'That means be adopted to make it clear
that the "Terns and Conditions of Collection"
set forth in Section V of Regulation I and in
the cash and noncash collection circulars apply to items sent by one Federal Reserve Bank
to another as well as to items sent to Federal
Reserve Banks by member banks and nonmember
clearing banks. (A form of suggested provision for these circulars is hereto attached
and marked Exhibit B.) Pending the inclusion
of provisions to this end in the cash and noncash collection circulars, it is recommended
that letters to this effect be exchanged between Federal Reserve Banks. (A form of suggested letter for this purpose is hereto
attached and marked Exhibit C.)'
This recommendation was approved by the Standing Committee
on Collections and subsequently, on March 6, 1939, was approved by the Presidents' Conference.



"However, as a result of certain questions which
were raised regarding this proposal the Committee of
Counsel again considered the matter at a recent meeting
in Washington and, on April 21, 1939, made the following
recommendation to the Standing Committee on Collections:
'That the proposed amendment to the cash
and noncash collection circulars of the Federal Reserve banks suggested in paragraph (3)
of the recommendations of the Committee of
Counsel on January 11, 1939, and embodied in
Exhibit B of those recommendations be not
adopted but that the Federal Reserve banks
exchange letters in the amended form attached
hereto marked Exhibit 2.'
"This recommendation was considered by the Standing Committee on Collections at its meetings here on
April 20-22, 1939, and it is understood that the amended
form of letter was satisfactory to the Committee. While
the language of the amended form of the proposed letter
differs somewhat from that of the draft attached to the
recawaendation of January 11, 1939, these differences
are largely matters of form and make no material change
in the effect of the letter.
"You are advised that the Board of Governors is of
the opinion that the letter in the form recommended by
the Committee of Counsel on April 21, 1939, a copy of
which is attached hereto, is satisfactory and the Board
has no suggestions to offer with reference thereto."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Comptroller of the Currency, reading as follows:
"It is respectfully requested that you place a
special order with the bureau of Rngraving and Printing, supplementing the order requested June 14, 1938,
for the printing of federal reserve notes of the 1934
Series in the amounts and denominations stated for the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York:


Number of





Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

Assistant Secretary.
