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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve


Was held in Washington on Monday, March 6, 1939, at 4:00 p.m.


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Thurston, Special Assistant to the
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Vest, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Wyatt reviewed briefly the status in the House of RepreE;e4tatives of the reorganization bill, (H.R. 4425), as outlined in
morandum to the Board under date of March 4, 1939. He stated
pointed out in that memorandum, the President could submit

Conrz,ress which would abolish the Board entirely or transfer

all of its functions to another agency or transfer to the Board

actions of other agencies and that such a plan would become


unless Congress within sixty days adopted a joint resolu-

eZpressinE its disapproval thereof.
ned language


He also said that the bill

might be construed as making the Board subject

BudEet and Accounting Act of 1921 but that there were several


be eot.

Upon which it could be argued that this provision should not

strilad as applying to the Board, unless a contrary intention
loaz evid

ellead during consideration of the bill.

He added that since

tl House committee
read ybeen reported favorably b y the


°14117 way in which the Board could seek an amendment in the House

w°Uld be to have an amendment offered on the floor.

Upon inquiry,

141s. 1WYatt stated further that, as a practical matter, he did not know
or 8thY action

that the Board should take with respect to the bill

"the Present time.
At the conclusion of a discussion
it was agreed unanimously that Counsel's
office should continue to watch the
Progress of the bill and keep the Board
advised of developments.
Mr. Davis reported that, in accordance with the action taken
at th

meeting of the Board on February 27, he and Mr. Szymczak had

sseu with President Harrison the draft of the annual report of
ederal Reserve Bank of New York for the year 1938 to its stock11014,..
8) that a number of changes in the report had been made by
Harrison prior to the discussion, that certain additional

Were made durinr, the discussion, that as finally written the
Nort ,
"las agreeable to Messrs. Davis, Szynczak and Goldenweiser and


resident Harrison had been so advised.
At this point Messrs. Thurston, Wyatt and Vest left the meet-



:" the action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinl'eferred to was then taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
611 R eserve System held on March 3, 1939, were approved unani-


Letter dated March 4, 1939, to Mr. Parker, President of the
Federal Reserve
Bank of Atlanta, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the recommendation contained
in Your letter of February 27, the Board approves the alpPointment of R. P. Wilson as an assistant examiner for
the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Please advise us of
the effective date.
"It is assumed that Mr. hilson has no indebtedness
outside business connections which would have an undelrable effect upon his services as an assistant examiner
ror the
Reserve bank, but these Points are not covered in
irlir letter and definite advice in this connection will
e appreciated."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the board of directors of the "Iirst State Bank of
4a4P', Red
Bud, Illinois, stating that, subject to conditions of
113ershiP numbered 1 to 3 contained in the Board's Regulation
H and
the f„QI„
-Louing special conditions, the Board approves the bank's appli.t1()11 for
membership in the Federal Reserve System and for the approllitElte amount of
stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis:
Such bank shall make adequate provision for depreciation in its bankinE!, house and Purniture and
Such bank shall not make any distribution or payment on outstanding deferred certificates of dePosit except with the permission of the Federal
Reserve Brink of St. Louis.
Prior to admission to membership, such bank, if
it has not already done
so, shall charge off or
Otherwise eliminate estimated losses of .(12,201.02,
aS shown in
the report of examination of such
bank as of January 18, 1939, made by en examiner
for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis."


-4Approved unanimously, together with
a letter to Mr. Martin, President of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, reading as follows:

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Sysapproves the application of the 'First State Bank of
ed aid', Red Bud, Illinois,
for membership in the Federal
System, subject to the conditions prescribed in
the enclosed letter which you are requested to forward to
the Board of Directors of the institution. TWO copies of
,t1ch letter are also enclosed, one of which is for your
riles and
the other of which you are requested to forward
the Auditor of Public Accounts for the State of Illinois
°r his information.
"It will be noted that the Board has not prescribed
special condition recommended by the Reserve Bank with
respect to
showing the deferred certificates of deposits
ilz Published statements of condition. The revised form
+i -105e provides for the showinR of subordinated liabili;
1-es under item 33(h) and, therefore, it is not deemed
fece83arY to prescribe a special condition with respect
3 this matter.
"It has been noted that the bank has the authority
exercise trust powers but that such powers are not now
,7111S' exercised. Therefore, the application has been ap'707ed on the same basis as if the bank did not have trust
b°11ers, and should it desire in the future to do a trust
ihess, application for permission to do so should be
to the Board in accordance with the provisions of
°Ildition of membership numbered 1."




to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, reading

Ped., "Pursuant to the provisions of section 12B of the
of, '
-11a1 Reserve Act, as amended, the Board of Governors
the Federal Reserve System hereby certifies that the
ore17''Ida Bank of Commerce', Elko, Nevada, became a member
4 the Federal Reserve System on March 3, 1939, and is now
ierlIber of the System. The Board of Governors of the
eral Reserve System further hereby certifies that, in

-5connection with the admission of such bank to membership

in the Federal Reserve System, consideration was given to

following factors enumerated in subsection (g) of section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act:
1. The financial history and condition of the
2. The adequacy of its capital structure,
3. Its future earnings prospects,
4. The general character of its management,
5. The convenience and needs of the community
to be served by the bank, and
6. Whether or not its corporate powers are consistent with the purposes of section 12B
of the Federal Reserve Act."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Fletcher, Vice President of the Federal Reserve

iktac of
Cleveland, reading as follows:
"We have received a report as of December 31, 1938
4 to
F.R. 105b for the Oak Harbor State Bank Company,
rk Harbor, Ohio, which lists the Oak Harbor Mortgage
Company as an affiliate of the member bank, but we
'.rtsve not
received a report and published statement (forms
;dif 220 and 220a) of the affiliate. The report on form
131.11. 105b shows that the affiliate was indebted to the
bank in the amount of $7,000, which amount exceeds
r 6 liMitations given in the terms of waiver of affiliate
8 printed on form F.R. 220b. It would appear, there1,,!
that the affiliate should have rendered a report
IT form F.R. 220
as of December 31, 1938 and published
'ir'e statement in accordance with form F.R. 220a. Since,
rwever, no useful purpose would be served in having the
31filiate now render and publish a report as of December
31, 19
38, the Board waives a report as of that date. The
bank should be advised that, if the affiliation ex2:!s at the time of the next call, a report on form F.R.
the terns be rendered and published unless waived under
of waiver printed on form F.R. 220b."


Approved unanimously.



-6Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve banks, reading

as follows:
"The Board's letter of October 20, 1932 (X-7276),
requested that funds contributed by the Reserve bank to
the Federal Reserve club or society be accounted for
separately from
funds contributed to the club by employees
and that a statement be sent to the Board at the end of
ach year showing the purposes for which the funds con- ributed by the Reserve bank were expended.
"Phis matter has recently been reviewed, and you
are advised that the annual reports heretofore submitted
in accordance with the Board's letter of October 20, 1932,
aY be discontinued. The Board's examiners will, however,
6 expected to review expenditures of funds contributed to
edaral Reserve clubs by the Reserve banks."


Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meting adjourned.

si stant Secretary.
