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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
83rsteralvas held in
Washington on Saturday, March 4, 1944, at 10:30


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action
stated with respect to each of the matters herein—


referred to
was taken by the Board:
The minutes
of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
<Reserve System held on March 3, 1944, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated March
1, 1944, from Mr. Paulger, Director of
(4, 01 Examinations, recommending that, effective as of the
vvil which he
enters upon the performance of his duties after hay—
satisfactorily the usual physical examination, Phillip P.

appointed as an
Assistant Federal Reserve Examiner on a
-Aran/ b
aeie for an indefinite period, with basic salary at the rate
(4 6,
Per annum, and with official headquarters at Chicago, Illinois.
By unanimous vote, Mr. Phillip P.
Piton was appointed on a temporary basis
for an indefinite period as an examiner
to examine Federal Reserve Banks, member
banks of the Federal Reserve System, and
corporations operating under the provi—
sions of sections 25 and 25(a) of the

-2Federal Reserve Act, for all purposes of
the Federal Reserve Act and of all other
acts of Congress pertaining to examinations
made by, for, or under the direction of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, and was designated as an Assistant
Federal Reserve Examiner, with official
headquarters at Chicago, Illinois, and with
basic salary at the rate of t2,700 per annum, all effective as of the date upon which
he enters upon the performance of his duties
after having passed satisfactorily the usual
Physical examination.


Memorandum dated February
25, 1944, from Mr. Goldenweiser, Dithe Division of Research and Statistics, recommending (1)



Louise E. Leverton, a clerk-stenographer in that Division

1111° ha

been on maternity leave since October 1, 1943, be granted ad-


"leave without pay for the period March 1 to 31,
1944, incluit
being understood that during her leave without pay she will


Contributions to the retirement system but that she will pay


4cictiti0nal contribution to continue the death benefits in force,
a.lid (2)
that she be
reemployed as a clerk-stenographer in the Division
Of 11

"earch and Statistics, with no change in her present basic salary
rate of
1t2,100 per annum, effective April 1, 1944.
Approved unanimously.

the A

Letter prepared for the signature of Mr. Leonard, Chairman of

P. ? ellc:f Committee on Deferment of Government Employees, to Mr. Edgar
147ear, Chairman,
Review Committee, Deferment of Government Em4e0a ,
''Jar Manpower
Commission, reading as follows:

-34., "Under the provisions of Section IV, 1-b, of Execu:
:q-ye Order 9309, the Agency Committee submits herewith in
Pli.cate, a request for the deferment for six months from
30, 1944, of Mr. J. Burke Knapp, Assistant Head of the _
Section of the Board's Division of Research and
expanded work both for the War Department and the
nate Department, referred to in our letter of September 11,
to the Review Committee, has continued at an increased
In addition, the collaboration of our International
ine'lon has been requested by the Military Government Division
mil,further phase of the work for the War Department. The
tZtarY Government Division is starting the preparation of
trdee l for Military Government personnel specializing in
inseal and financial operations. These are designed to assist
,ting up a procedure for meeting some of the major prob:
hi.s- that will have to be faced in the field. By reason of
erv, Proven capacity, his excellent judgment, and his experiraerr within the Federal Reserve and with the Military Govern04
in particular, Mr. Knapp is uniquely fitted to carry
beer!further phase of the Military Government job. He has
directly in charge of the work of our International Secmeri! f?r the Military Government Division of the 4ar Depart'. 1.nce its
„ Mr• Knapp's qualifications for his work in the InternaSection are unique. Following graduation from college
at 0933, where he majored in economics, he was a Rhodes Scholar
t]al tc)rd University in England for three years and then for
Years was associated with an international banking firm
Bo l:'g in the Berlin and London offices. He has been in the
8 International Section since February 1940, when he re'
ed tram
whom :In the circumstances, Mr. Knapp is truly a necessary man,
No.” woula be exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to
ace at this time.”
Approved unanimously.
Secretary's note: At the meeting of the
Board on March 10, 1944, Mr. McKee asked
that he be recorded as not being in favor
of the above action.

Letter to Mr. Hill, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank
1Phia, reading as follows:
"In aceordance with the request contained in your letr of
r ebruary 29, 1944, the Board approves the designation


-4"of the following as special assistant examiners for
the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia:
Wm. H. Crozier, Jr.
J. Donald Einchell
Jean B. Frederick
Arthur E. Walker
Samuel G. MacTague
John Y. Allan
Florence Orrell
Ruth A. Cooper
Eugene R. Pomendale
Andrew R. Smith
C. Veghte"
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Stewart, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
of St. Louis,
reading as follows:


"The Board of Governors approves, effective Decembi 27, 1943, the change in the personnel classification
ils-n of the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, involving
aue reestablishment
or the position of Teletype Operator,
e submitted
with your letter of February 28, 1944.
of "Although
the page submitted covering the position
yo TeletYpe Operator is unnumbered, it is referred to in
t,.ur letter as
page No. 131. This places the page in order it occupi
ed in the plan before the elixirth4tlon of the Transfer-Telegraph Department, and for
Dee Purpose of placing it under the Collection-Transfer
11.13 rtment in the same order that is indicated in the
318 .1 c)f employees submitted with your letter of January
1-41 4-944, the page has been tentatively numbered 54-B.
r advice in this connection will be appreciated."
Approved unanimously.

Letter to the board of directors of the "Bank of Ripley

Virginia, stating that, subject to conditions of member1

to 3 contained in the Board's Regulation H, the Board

13131'0'1es the
bank's application for membership in the Federal Reserve
end for the appropriate amount of stock in the Federal Reserve


Approved unanimously, for transmis—
sion through the Federal Reserve Bank of
Letter to "The First National Bank of Windsor", Windsor, Colorado,

as follows:

"This refers to the resolution adopted on August
1943, by the board of directors of your bank, signify1g the bank's desire to surrender its right to exercise
ciarY powers heretofore granted to it.
The Board, understanding that your bank has been
'4!-scharged or otherwise properly relieved in accordance
With the law
of all of its duties as fiduciary, has is—
foal certificate to your bank certifying that
c4 le no longer authorized to exercise any of the fidu—
o-rry powers covered by the provisions of section 11(k)
the Federal Reserve Act, as amended. This certificate
enclosed herewith.
fa "In this connection, your attention is called to the
that, under the provisions of section 11(k) of the
hil eral Reserve Act, as amended, when such a certificate
Re8 been issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
40e.?rve System to a national bank, such bank (1) shall
of tonger be subject
to the provisions of section 11(k)
Federal Reserve Act or the regulations of the Board
20vernors of the Federal Reserve System made pursuant
a:et°, (2) shall be entitled to have returned to it
or" e?Ilrities which it may have deposited with the State
co 31-Misr authorities for the protection of private or
c_Urt trusts,
and (3) shall not exercise any of the powers
utlferred by
section 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act
thc%It with the permission of the Board of Governors of
e r ederal Reserve System."


Approved unanimously.
Thereupon the meeting adjourned.
