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At a meeting of the 2edera1 Reserve Board held in
the office of the Board on March 31, 1919, at 11 A. M.,

Broderick, Secretary.

Lorning business vas presented and disposed of as
Letter from Er. Kent dated March 29th, regarding the
earmarking of gold up to :10,000,000 for the Javasche Bank,
covering shipments of goods from Java to the United States
Referred to the Governor for reply to Er.
Kent and advice to the Federal Reserve Bank of
New York, the Board in principle being favorpaably disposed to the arrangement in antici
tion of lifting the embargo when
are more propitious,- the details to be left
to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
March 26th were read, and on motion approved as amende
ComThe minutes of the meetings of the Gold .:Iport
apmittee held on March 29th ancL31st were presented and
proved, and the action therein set forth ratified.
The minutes of the session of Federal Reserve Agents
with the Board held on December 5, 1918, and of the sessions
of the Advisory Council with the Board on February 17th and
18th, 1919, were ordered circulated.

The Governor-reported the purchase on March 29th of


special 2

certificate of indebtedness of the United --.;tates

for ,1,000,000 for the 2edera1 Reserve Bank of Philadelphia,
for deposit with the Comptroller of the Currency as collateral
for Federal Reserve bank notes.
The Governor reported the following rediscount transations pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him:

March 28th, for the. Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia, 410,000,000 member bunk 15
day collateral notes secured by Government oblications - rate 4% - as follows:
5,000,000 by Federal Reserve Bank of
5,0j0,000 by Federal Reserve Bank of
March 20th,
of Dallas by the
cage, :„35,000,000
notes secured by

for the Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Chimember bunk 15 day collateral
Government obligations; rate 470.

March 31st,
of Dallas by the
cago, ç5,O0O,0U0
notes secured by

for the Federal Reserve Bank
Federal Reserve Bank of Chimember bank 15 day collateral
Government obligations; rate 4%.

March 31st, for the Federal Reserve Bank
of Richmond by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, $10,000,000 11 to 15 day member bank collateral notes secured by Government obligations;
rate 470.
March 31st, for the Federal Reserve Bank
of Philadelphia, !1.0,000,000 member bank 15 day
collateral notes secured by Government obligations,- rate 40 - as follows:
45,000,000 by the Federal Reserve Bunk
of Cleveland.
i- ;i5,000,000 by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Minneapolis.

Mrch 31st, for the Federal Reserve Bank
of Dallas by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, :5,000,000 member bank 15 day collateral
notes secured by Government obligations, rate
4:0; (Gold settlement transfer April 1st).
Letter from the rational Park Bank, rew York, dated
March 20th, making application for permission to invest
stock of the Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation to the
extent of ,1,125,00u.
Letter dated Larch 29th from the Secretary of
the _.,rest
=',„sriculture, regarding the assignment of a clerk to
Service for a limited period to assist in retabulation
by Fedstatistics and estimates of crops, live stock, etc.,
eral Eeserve Districts.
Referred to the Secretary with instructions to submit same to Dr. 7;i1lis for his
opinion as to whether or not the information
desired is of sufficient importance to warrant
the assignment of a clerk to compile the statistics by districts.
Letter dated March 28th from the Secretary of Agriculture, suggesting that a statement be issued by the Governor,
endorsing the system of Federal liaensed and bonded warehouses, and recommending that the Federal Reserve Banks accept as security for rediscounts, warehouse receipts issued
under the United States 7:arehouse Act and Regulations in


-4°reference to loans secured by ordinary warehouse receipts.
Referred to the Governor with instructions to forward copies to the Federal Reserve
Banks of Richmond, Dallas, Atlanta and St.
Louis, requesting an expression of opinion as
to the desirability of establishing a preferential rate in favor of loans secured by warehouse receipts issued by warehouses operating
under Federal license.
Letter dated March 25th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Dallas, enclosing copy of letter from the Dallas
Clearing House Association regarding charges on collection
items in the City of Dallas.
Referred to the Governor .for the preparation of reply, after consultation with General Counsel, such reply to be submitted to
the Board at its meeting on Wednesday, April 2d.
The 6ecretury was instructed to wire the
Federal Reserve Banks, inquiring as to their
practice in re handling collection items payable elsewhere than at banks.
Draft of proposed letter prepared by Mr. ;
B. Trowbridge, outlining the functions and duties of the
Consulting Architect.
Referred to Mr. Miller for revision.
Letter dated March 28th from the Governor of the
Federal Reserve Lank of Philadelphia, regarding payment of
special compensation to Mr. ,. H. Charlton.

Voted not to approve increase in the
salary of Mr. Charlton, but to approve of
his reimbursement by the Federal Reserve Bank

of Philadelphia for reasonable attorney's
fees incurred in his defense under an indictment arising out of alleged misconduct of
his official duties with the Bank.
Proceedings of the Conference with Governors, March
20th, 21st and 22d, 1919.
Referred to the Governor and Secretary
for report on Wednesday, April 2d.
Letter from the Federal aeserve Agent • at San Francisco, dated March 20th, regarding the employment of Mr.
Edward Elliott in connection with State bank membership campaign.
2eforred to the Governor for reply.


Dated March 31st, recommending the admission of State institutions as set forth in the auxiliary
minute book as of this date, subject to
the conditions stated in the individual
reports attached to each application.
Dated March 31st, recommending action on applications for
fiduciary powers as stated in the auxiliary minute book as of this date.
Dated March Z7th, recommending approval of the application
of Mr. R. L. Griggs for permission to
serve at the same time as director and
secretary of the Northern National Bank,
'Duluth, Llinn., and as director of the
First rational Bank, Virginia, Minn.
Dated March 29th, recommending increases in salaries of employees of the Division of Reports and


-6Statistics, effective ;..pril 1, 1919,
as follows:
Mrs. :alma L.
Miss Dorothy L.Wooden,
Memorandum dated March 29th from Dr. Willis, submitting
the resignatiorsof Mr. M. H. Harris and Mr. 1„. H. Langston
from the Division of .analysis and Research, effoctive April
1, 1919.
Letter dated March 2Gth from Mr. William Y. Johnson
regardinc his application, heretofore denied by th


for permission to serve under the Clayton Lct in connection
with the Hackensack :Tational Bank and the Hackensack Trust
Company, both of Hackensack, New Jersey.
On motion duly seconded, action was suspended for a reasonable time, pending determination of the matters referred to in the
Letter dated March 25th from the Cashier of the
First National Bank, Deadwood, South Dakota, reluesttng.
that Mr. Ben Baer be not required to furnish the detailed
information called for in blanks to be filed in connection
with application for permission to serve at the same time
as a director of the First rational Bank of Deadwood, south
Dakota, and as president of the American rational Bank, St.


-7Referred to the ,Governor for reply, to
the effect that the Board has no power to
waive the requirement referred to and sucgestinf; that the bank supply the information called
for and send the blank to Mr. Baer.
Letter dated March .27th from the Comptroller of the
Currency, requestinL approval of a salary of 0,000 per
annum from Mr.

a. 3.

Congdon as 1%,tional Bank L:kaminer-ut-

At 1:05 P.M., the meeting adjourned.
