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A special meeting of the

Executive Committee of the Federal :Reserve

Board was held in the office of the Federal Reserve Board on Thursday,
March 3, 1927, at 12:45 p.m.

Vice Governor Platt
1.1r. Haralin
Mr. Miller
Mr Eddy, Sec rotary

The Vice Governor stated that Mr. Ogden Mills, Under Secretary of
the Treasury-elect called
on him this morning and advised that the Treasury
will have an important operation taking place on March 15th, which will be
44nOunced on Monday next, and that in Er. Mills' opinion Deputy Governor
"se of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Governor Harding of Boston,
alld Governor McDougal of Chicago, should be at their respective banks when
the announcement is male. The Vice Governor called attention to the fact
that a meeting of the Open Market Investment Committee, of which Messrs.
Case, Harding and McDougal are members, is scheduled to be held in Washington next Monday.
Upon motion, it was thereupon voted th
Governor cancel the meeting of the Open —
ment Committee referred to.

the Vice
ket Invest-

The meet ing adjourned at 1:00 p.m.


Vice Governor.