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At a meeting of the Federal Leserve Bbard held
in the office of the Board on March 3, 1919, at 11 A.L.,

Broderick, Secretary.

Morning business was presented and disposed of as
The Governor reported the purchase of special 20
certificates of indebtedness of the United States for depopit
with the Comptroller of the Currency as collateral for Federal Reserve bank notes, as follows:
For Federal Reserve Bank



Feb.28, 1919 41,000,000
Feb.28, 1919
St. Louis
Yard, 1919
Kansas City
Mar.1, 1919
The Governor reported the following rediscount
transaction pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him:
March 1st, by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Chicago for the Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, 410,030,000 fifteen day member bank
promissory notes secured by Government obligations: rate 4,O.
Mr. Hamlin reported that he had prepared a draft of
resolution upon the occasion of the resignation of Milton C.
Elliott, Esq., as General Counsel of the Board.


-2On motion duly seconded, the following
resolution was ordered spread upon the minutes
and the Secretary was directed to transmit a
copy thereof to Mr. Elliott.
"RESOLVED: that the Federal Reserve Board
hereby places upon record this expression of
its regret at the resignation of Milton C.
Elliott, Esq., as General Counsel of the Board,
and its aporeciation of his industry, ability
and valuable service while holding this office.
"It is a source of satisfaction to the members that Mr. Elliott will be available as Consulting Counsel, so that the Board will continue
to have the benefit of his judgment and experience.'
Mr. Miller reported that he had visited New York and
conferred with Mr. Jay concerning the recommendation that Ur.
Shepard J. Morgan be appointed Assistant Federal Reserve Agent
at New York at a salary of $9,000 per annum.

He stated that

he was not satisfied with the character of the work at present
done by Mr. Major B. Foster, assistant to Mr. Jay without
title, at a salary of 0,000 per annum, and recommended that,
in view of existing circumstances, the Board do not approve a
salary in excess of 4;7,500 per annum for Mr. Morgan if appointed.
(Mr. Williams joined the meeting during the discussion
of this matter).

Voted that the Governor advise Mr. Jay that,
in view of present conditions in his Department,
the Board is unwilling to approve a salary in
excess of $7,500 per annum for Mr. Morgan if appointed as Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at New
Mr. Miller stated that when in New York he had not

-3been able to see Mr. Trowbridge, Consulting Architect of
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York because of latter's
absence from city, to invite him to be present at the discussion by uovernors of Federal Reserve banks of the question
of new bank buildings.
Voted that the Governor extend such invitation to Mr. Trowbridge.
Lotter dated March let from the Asia Banking Corporation, advising of its intention to establish branch offices
at Hongkong and Canton, China.
Letter dated February 28th from the National Park
Bank of New York, applying for permission to invest not to
exceed $1,125,000 in the stock of the Park-Union Foreign
Banking Corporation.

The Governor submitted for approval

draft of reply by him, dated March 3d.
Opinion of General Counsel dated March 3d, in re permission to certain directors of the National Park Bank to
become directors of the Park-Union Foreign Banking Corporation.
Opinion of Assistant Counsel Harrison dated February
27th, in re application of Lumbermens Trust Company, Port-

-4land, Oregon, for membership in the Federal Reserve System.
Opinion of Assistant Counsel Harrison, dated February
24th, in re security for drafts accepted by the American
Foreign Banking Corporation, New York.
Opinion of Assistant Counsel Harrison, dated February
24th, in re Section 11 (k) - deposit of securities with State
officials by National banks exercising trust powers in Minnesota.
Memorandum by General Counsel dated January 4th, in
re domestic acceptances.
Approved as submitted and ordered that
date be changed to February 28th.
Voted that copies of opinion be sent to
the Governors of all Federal Reserve banks.
Letter dated February 28th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Kansas City, advising that, through oversight, the
salary of 11r. Phillips, Assistant Cashier and Manager of
the Bond Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
City was fixed at $3,600 instead of4,000 per annum, beginning January 1, 1919, and requesting approval of the increase to 4,4,000, effective January 1, 1919.



-5Letter dated February 28th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Kansas City, advising that, through oversight, the
Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City had
neglected to appoint Counsel for the bank for the year 1919,
and recommending approval of salary of 4150 per month for
Mr. James E. Goodrich as Counsel of that Bank, effective
January 1, 1919.
The Governor stated that he desired to visit the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia on Thursday, March 6th, at
the expense of the Board.
Dated March 3d, recommending admission of State institutions as set forth in the auxiliary minute
book as of this date, subject to the conditions stated in the individual reports
attached to each application.
Dated March 1st and 3d, (3 reports) recommending changes
in stock at Federal Reserve banks as set
forth in the auxiliary minute book as of
this date.
Dated February 24th, recommending salary of 0,900 per annum
for Kinzie 3. Cecil, National Bank F,YAminer
in Third Federal Reserve District.
Dated February 24th, recommending salary of 4$2,400 per

annum for John N. Barrett, rational
Bank i:Acaminer in Federal Reserve
District ro. 3.
Other business was presented and disposed of as
The Governor submitted for approval draft of telegram prepared by him to advise Federal Reserve Banks to
transfer to surplus account the amounts now held by them as
reserves for franchise tax, such telegram not to be sent,
however, until the Board is advised of the signing by the
President of the bill making such transfers legal.
Letter dated February 28th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Cleveland, requesting formal approval of the Board
of the purchase by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland of
the property of the 'Ik:asonic Temple Association at a price,
including commissions, not to exceed 4875,000.

Voted that the purchase by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland of the so-called
Masonic property at Cleveland, Ohio, area
29,870 square feet, at a price, including commissions, not to exceed T875,000, with the condition that the Masonic.Fraternity will be permitted to occupy the upper floors of the building now on the lot up to January 1, 1921, without cost, be approved.
The Governor submitted for approval draft of tele-

-7gram dated March 3d, to be sent to all Federal Reserve
Agents and Governors of Federal Reserve banks, in re availability of proceeds of bankers acceptances.
Letter dated February 28th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Kansas City, in re resignation of Mr. Arch W.
Anderson, Secretary-Cashier, and the appointment of junior
officers of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City.
Letter dated February 28th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Kansas City, suggesting that he be permitted to
defer the inauguration of his caapaign for additional State
bank members.
Letter dated February 27th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Chicago, in re campaign for additional State bank
Referred to the Governor and Secretary.
Letter dated February 27th from the Federal Reserve
Agent at Dallas, in re campaign for additional State bank

Referred to the Governor and Secretary.
Letter dated February. 28th from the Federal Reserve


-8Agent at Chicago, transmitting copy of letter addressed
by his Bank to the Postmaster General.
Referred to the Governor for reply.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board held on
February 26th were read and on motion approved as amended.
The minutes of the meeting of thexecutive Committee
held on February 28th were read and on motion approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the Gold Export Committee held on February 26th, 27th, 28th and March 1st, were
presented and approved, and the action therein set forth
The Governor reported the reserve positions of the
several Federal Reserve banks.
At 12:30 P.M., the meeting adjourned.
