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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on 'Wednesday, March 26, 1952. The Board met
ill the

Board Room at 10:05 a.m.

Mr. Martin, Chairman
Mr. Szymczak
Mr. Evans
Mr. Vardaman
Mr. Powell
Mr. Mills
Mr. Robertson
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Murff, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Leonard, Director, Division of Bank
Mr. Vest, General Counsel
Mr. Sloan, Director, Division of

Chairman Martin stated that yesterday afternoon he and Mr.
!eat a
ttended a meeting of the Patman Subcommittee in executive session,
Itt which time he delivered to Chairman Patman a letter dated March 25,
952 trInsillitting, for examination by the several members of the Subcomttees certain communications from the Federal Open Market Committee
444 the Board of Governors to the President and to the Secretary of the
itle4t8/117 with respect to questions of credit policy and Treasury financing
t lie Period July 1950-February 1951. The material thus transmitted was
the Subcommittee requested that he (Chairman Martin) submit
141 1 examination when he appeared before it March 11, 1952. Chairman
that the letter of transmittal was read by the members of the



mmittee (all but Congressman Wolcott were present) and that they
looked over the documents attached to the extent they desired.

He also

414 that
in the course of discussion, Senator Douglas stated that the
letter of February

7, 1951 addressed by the Chairman of the Federal Open

4e1icet Committee to the President was the one he was "fishing for" and
he thought it would be desirable to put it in the record. Chairman

liartin said
that after some discussion, which was on a very cordial and
t11114144 basis, he and Mr. Vest withdrew from the room in which the Subecktittee was
meeting and that they were called back in 20 or 30 minutes
It/11114h time Chairman Patman returned the documents listed in the transal letter,
stating that he would keep only the transmittal letter and
the Subcommittee would consider further whether the other material
11°111ci be made a part of the public record. Chairman Martin went on to
all that he was disposed to think the Subcommittee might decide not to
ttleitide the letters in the public record.
During the foregoing report, Messrs. Thurston, Assistant to the
and Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman, joined the meeting.
Chairman Martin stated that during the meeting with the Subcomkittee
44hq was asked certain questions concerning the savings bond program
144 that 1,
41 responded that it would be difficult for him to comment on
le 13r°Vaz since it was not within the jurisdiction of the Federal Rel't158Ystem but was in the province of the Treasury.

• T



Chairman Patman also brought up the matter of examinations and

"te of the Board and of the Federal Reserve Banks and requested that
he (Chairman Martin) attend another executive session at ten o'clock on
Illeaday morning, April 1, 1952, bringing with him copies of the audit
IleP°Ite covering the Board and the Federal Reserve Banks as made by the
le examination staff and the Reserve Bank auditors. Chairman Martin
841dthat he would plan to attend the executive session of the Subcom14ittee next Tuesday accompanied by Mr. Leonard, Mr. Sloan, and perhaps
414 Lang, Chief Federal Reserve Examiner, with a view to presenting any
illtormation which the Subcommittee wished regarding the examination and
411dit Procedures followed.
There followed a discussion of the material that might 1;os called

attention of the Subcommittee and of the general procedure to be

ed in submitting the reports and information requested, and it was
114ciel8t00d that a more detailed agenda of material to be presented would
PliePared by the staff in consultation with Mr. Robertson between now
'4( th
I ° date of the executive session. In this connection, it was underNod
that material to be prepared would cover not only the audit and
tiation procedures but also the budget procedures observed by the
and the Federal Reserve Banks. It Was also understood that Mr.
11/441w ...,
c44-141 accompany the Chairman at the executive session of the Subttee next Tuesday.

I 11


—4At this point the members of the staff listed above withdrew

rret the meeting and W. Allen, Director
of the Division of Personnel
Adtirlistration, entered the room.
The Secretary was subsequently informed that
following a discussion of officers' salaries at
the Federal Reserve Banks, Mr. Allen withdrew from
the meeting, and that during the executive session
that ensued the Board approved a memorandum from
Mr. Young, Director of the Division of Research and
Statistics, dated March 19, 1952 recommending that
Miss Susan S. Burr, Assistant Director, Division of
Research and Statistics, be authorized to accept an
invitation to participate in the Economic Education
Workshops sponsored by the Texas Economic Education
Council and that she also be authorized the necessary official leave and traveling expenses to Texas
for that purpose, with the understanding that a
travel authorization request would be submitted as
soon as a definite itinerary was arranged.
The following additional actions were taken by the Board:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the

41 Reserve System on March 25, 1952, were approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Stevens, Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve
fulk of
New York, reading as follows:


"In accordance with the telephone request of March 24
Mr. Harris, the Board of Governors approves the pay"tent of
salary to Mr. R. E. Hunke at the rate of $6,550 per
,11171, effective January 24, 1952, which is the effective
of his appointment as Alternate Assistant Federal
4eserve Agent."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Lunding, Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve

1441k of
wkicago, reading as follows:




"In accordance with the request contained in Mr.
Meyer'sletter of March 21, 1952, the Board of Governors
approves the payment of salary to Mr. Charles J. Scanlon,
Alternate Assistant Federal Reserve Agent, at the rate of
$81800.00 per annum, effective January 141 1952."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Koppang, First Vice President, Federal Reserve


of Kansas City, reading as follows:

"In view of the circumstances described in your letter
of March 201 1952, the Board of Governors approves the payment of salaries to the following employees at rates below
their respective grade minimums for a further period until
April 1, 1952:
Head Office
George E. Moran
Check Collection
Pat Guadagnoli
Marilyn Childs
Lorene Free
Mary Pomie
Denver Branch
Check Collection
Margaret Stieb
Oklahoma City
Oren Powell
Thomas Norman
Omaha Branch
Check Collection
Lois Mandolfo
Check Collection
Debris Shafer
"The Board of Governors also approves the payment of
s• to Messrs. Brenton Leavitt and Elmer Screechfield,
c ar
amlnation Department, at rates below their respective
grade minimums for a further period ending July 1, 1952.
"The Board of Governors also approves for a further
Pieriod ending March 31, 1952, the payment of salaries to
13c3an Stastny and Lavonne Martin, employees at the Omaha
ranch, at rates that are below their respective grade minimums."

Approved unanimously.


-6Letter to Mr. Smyth, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of

13141ae s reading as follows:
"In view of the circumstances described in your
letter of March 20, 1952, the Board of Governors apProves the continuation of the payment of salary to
Mr. Ralph H. Rogers while occupying the position of
Supervisor of Return Items - Remittances and Country
Checks, Transit Department, San Antonio Branch, at the
rate of $3,900 per annum which exceeds the maximum
established for the grade in which his position is
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Latham, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank

°I' katon, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of March 20, 1952, the Board approves the desig!,!ation of the following as special assistant examiners
Or the Federal Reserve Bank of Bostnn:
Roger C. Meuse
Foster K. Cummings
John 0. Barrows
Harold J. Kennedy
William E. Studley
Kenneth Holland
John F. McTeague
Donald A. Pelletier
Harry H. Norris
Thomas F. Hunt
George E. Mulvey
George McLeed
Joseph B. McBride
George H. Harris
John H. Bragg
Phillip A. Burbine
William G. Kendricken"
Charles L. Buchanan
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Stetzelberger, Vice President, Federal Reserve
allic of

Cleveland, reading as follows:

request contained in your
lett "In accordance with the
112,4 er of March 24, 1952, the Board approves the desig--"14n of the following as special assistant examiners

"for the Federal Reserve Bank of
Trimbur, Hilda
Haflinger, Constance R.
Petrovic, Stephanie (Mrs.)
Zgonik, Elsie B.
Zielaskiewicz, Clara (Mrs.)
Bergold, Molly (Mrs.)
Covert, Violet (Mrs.)
Davis, Helen C.
DiBlasi, Frances F.
Fennell, LaVerne M. (Mrs.)
Hawkins, Bernice
Stroh, Coletta M.
Blue, Bernice L. (Mrs.)
Campbell, Helen E.
Eberhart, Edwin A.
Kamerer, Gordon R.
Cam, Charles H.
Clay, W. Rogers, Jr.
Coby, Arthur B.
Janicki„ Joseph W.
Martin, Albert G.
Peoples, Edgar R.
Poelking, John A.
Stemmles Charles E.
Pollock, Robert H.

Edwards, ArthurE.
Todhunter, Paul E.
Spies, Olive M.
Bones, Gladys A. (Mrs.)
Fajfar, Dolores F.
Sievertson, Gertrude (Mrs.)
Kantor, Marguerite (Mrs.)
Zinger, Leona I. (Mrs.)
Winslow, Frances (Mrs.)
Kaczorek„ Alice J. (Mrs.)
Amos, Helen E.
LaBoda, Mary C. (Mrs.)
Berish, Eleanore L.
Scott, Helen H.
EMrhein, Marie
Lewis, Stella I.
Hoelke, Clara E.
Erste, Anne J.
Whither, Virginia L. (Mrs.)
Dickman, Mildred L. (Mrs.)
Nichols, Catherine
Smith, Betty Jane
Struble, Janet M.
Wasco, Helen
Grover, Rosemarie
Easton, Claire. P."

Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Armistead, Vice President, Federal Reserve
84* of
Richmond, reading as follows:
le„ "In accordance with the request contained in your
naner of March 21, 19520 the Board approves the desig4ion of the following as special assistant examiners
the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond:
Benjamin F. Harrington, Jr.
John H. Mosner, Jr.
01. 4 "Appropriate notations have been made in our records
he names to be deleted from the list of special



"assistant examiners."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Vergari, Counsel, Federal Reserve Bank of PhiladelPhia, reading as follows:

"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of March 21,

52, and enclosures relating to apparent violations of
"egulation W by

Kaplan Furniture Company, Scranton, PennsYlvania. This material was forwarded in accordance with
Paragraph 7 of the Board's letter of January 18, 1952,

"In view of the fact that the latest examination
spewed only three willful violations, consisting of late
.1111 Payments, your suggestion as to the handling of
'us matter appears to be entirely in order."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Lloyd W. Foutz, Executive Director, Oil Heat
48°ciation of
Metropolitan Philadelphia, 5035 Sansom Street, Philacleiphia)
Pennsylvania, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of March 21, 1952 reif,d_ing the application of Regulation W to the so-called
. 1er Plant of financing consumer purchases of heating
re ."The Board's action in eliminating the down payment
c rement for Group D items, including residential heatt4ye
orpment, should afford at least a partial solution
Problem. Requirements governing maturity and the
1102d11ling of instalment payments remain unchanged,
all "In the Board's opinion, it would be inadvisable to
in °W the schedule of instalment payments to be adjusted
ccordance with the seasonal use of a product. Such
' could not be equitably granted to any single item



"alone and its general application would substantially
weaken the effectiveness of the Regulation."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks, reading

"In connection with Amendment No. 7 to Regulation
W, you may find it helpful to have some additional background concerning the Board's decision to eliminate the
down payment requirement in connection with credit extensions for Group D articles, residential repairs, alterations, or improvements. At the time this provision was
first included in the Regulation in September 1950, there
as general recognition of the great difficulty of obtaining anything like complete observance of such a reTlirement when applied to all home improvement credits
-as' distinguished from Federal Housing Administration
requirements that there be a down payment only if the
Credit grantor wished Federal Housing Administration
Insurance). In adopting this down payment provision,
the Board was aware that it might not prove
to be either sufficiently equitable or effective as a
credit restraint measure to warrant its indefinite retention in Regulation W. In an effort to make the requireIr,leht administratively feasible, the Board provided that the
Payment must be obtained before beginning work, but
the Defense Production Act amendments of 1951 forbade the
requirement of a down payment before completion of the
w°rk, and amendment of the regulation to carry out this
3r°vision virtually destroyed any chance of successfully
g"forcing the requirement.
zosperience brought out in practice the problems
that had been anticipated in connection with the down
!Plient requirement in the home improvement field and
nowed that the cost and effort throughout the System
01. attempting to administer and enforce the provision
Weighed any possible restrictive effect on instalment
expansion. Furthermore, in the case of violations,



"it was either impossible to obtain the necessary evidence to support a referral to the Department of Justice,
or the time and effort needed to secure such information
were disproportionate to the significance of such violations. It was these considerations, and not the desire
to stimulate the extension of home repair and modernization credit, that led the Board to conclude that the proshould be eliminated.
"The matter also was discussed with the Federal
Housing Administration to ascertain whether that agency
would seriously object to such action. This discussion
brought out the fact that Federal Housing Administration
not only had no objection but that it was also prepared
to eliminate the down payment requirement with respect
to home improvement loans insured under Title I of the
Federal Housing Act.
"The Board will not refer any more cases covering
violations of the down payment provision of Group D
articles to the Department of Justice, even though the
violations occurred prior to the effective date of Amendment No, 7. It will not be necessary, therefore, to
submit to the Board additional reports of violations of
this provision, in accordance with our letter of January
18, 1952, S-14301 j-179."
Approved unanimously.
Order for proceedings pursuant to section 8(b) of Regulation
C(Insumer Credit, prepared in accordance with action taken at the
etijig on March 18, 1952, in the matter of Video Meter, Inc., 108
11:44 Street, San Francisco, California, a registrant under Regulation WI

reading as follows:

e, meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
°Ystem held at its offices in the City of Washington, D. C.,
on the 26th dm_of March, A. Do, 1952,

"In the Matter of
Video Meter, Inc.)
a California Corporation,
108 Ninth Street,
San Francisco California.



The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has advised
the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System that Video
Meter, Inc., a California Corporation, hereinafter called the
registrant, has filed a registration statement with that Bank
1?ursuant to Section 2(b) of Regulation 4, Consumer Credit,
i ssued by the Board of Governors pursuant to Section 601 of the
liefense Production Act of 1950, as amended; and that Bank has
l'ransmitted information to the Board of Governors which tends to
Show that since September 18, 1950, the effective date of Regu-ILIationVi and contrary to the provisions thereof, the registrant
as leased, and made instalment sales of, television receiving
sets listed in that Regulation in violation of the terms thereof.
The information reported to the Board of Governors, as
!et forth in Section I hereof tends, if true, to show that the
fegistrant, in instalment sales of listed articles since Septem'er 18) 1950, has violated Regulation A:
a. By not obtaining the down payment required by
Section 3(a);
b. By not obtaining the down payment at or before
the time of delivery of listed articles, as
required by Section 3(c);
C. By delivering listed articles in anticipation
of instalment sales without obtaining at or
before the time of such delivery, a deposit
equal to the down payment that would be required
on such an instalment sale, as required by
Section 6(f);
d. By inflating the cash price of listed articles
sold, thereby evading or circumventing the down
payment requirements of the Regulation contrary
to the provisions of Section 6(h);
e. By extending credit for financing the purchase of
listed articles knowing that there was other
credit extended in connection with the purchase of




"the listed articles, thereby bring the total
amount of credit extended in connection with such
purchases beyond the amount of instalment credit
permitted by the Regulation, contrary to the provisions of Section 6(1);
allowing discounts to be used as part or all
of the down payments on listed articles contrary
to the provisions of Section 8(j)(7);
g. By filing to keep, maintain, and preserve records
of such instalment sales as were made by it as is
required by Section 8(a);
One or more of the violations alleged in paragraphs a to g,
inclusive, hereinabove set out, occurred in connection with one or
more of the leases and/or sales of listed articles by the registrant to the following persons or customers:
Jane Alexander
James Morgan
M. Konchalski
B. C. Bergman
Stanley A. Bergman
Richard Carroll
'one Cain
Allen Gravier
W. E. Hall
L. Bebout
Harold Williams
D. Smithers
Mr. C. Raquizs
J. Laws
Ann P. Kennedy
Loretta M. Saunders
Percy T. Webb
George E. Turner
Horace O. Weaver
Leroy Jacobson
Silvio G. Santori
Frank Bell
Barbara Conover
W. C. Larson
Lucille Brown
Chas. Mitrea
Warren Scott
Ginna Ryan
Azzie Lee Thomas
Daryl Dillon
Mrs. Hazel Elmore
Mrs. P. Hilsen
E. F. Spencer
Max C. Singleton
C. Dimmitt
David Perez
Mack Pittman
Lucille L. Bronson
FrankW. Clark, Jr.
Lee Baca
Donald Chapin
Sam Ono
Mrs. James O'Connor
Robert Lee Nicholson
Mrs, Ivy Chargois
John Wood
Ozzie Lewis
John W. Little
Robert L. Martin
J. Scardino
Norman Babkirk

"Harold R. Follett
Thelma Patricks
Robert E. Sutherland
Herbert M. Johnson
Charles Hoffman
E. Norris
1816 Pacific St.
Oxford Hall
Colonial Hall
Terrace Guest House
Phi Delta Theta
Joe Caboara
Harold Square
Deetz Residence Club
Roosevelt Hotel
Club Casino
5044 Club
I. F. O. No. 1 Office
L & M Cafe
Delux Guest House
Barrington Hall
Astoria Guest House
Prank C. Weaver
The Buchanan
Fourty-One Club
Gilroy Club
Stewart Hotel
Berkeley Motel
Zeta Psi

-13Rogers S. Cannel
Marie Bell
George Pavis
William Guyman
Atelena V. Uribe
Swanson Guest House
Frank Cascino
Curleyts Restaurant
Dolphine Room
Rainbow Club
Zenieth Cafe
White Guest House
Wilson Guest House
Santa Maria Club
Rockwood Inn
Parkview Inn
North Gables
Marogos Club
Joaquin Guest Haase
The Henry Clay
Hawley House
El Rancho Annex
El Rancho San Pablo Motel
Chateau de Longpre
Casa Verda
Broderick Manor
1035 Haight Street
House of Baker
The California Hotel
Crane Hotel

The Board deems it necessary and appropriate that proceer14...,
--ulgs be instituted to determine:
a. Whether the statements set forth in Sections
I and II hereof, are true;
b. Whether it is necessary or appropriate in the
public interest to suspend the license of the
registrant pursuant to Section 8(b) of Regulation W.

"IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that a hearing for the purpose
Of taking evidence on the questions set forth in Section III
hereof be held before the Board or before a trial examiner
designated by the Board at a time and place to be fixed by the
(signed) Merritt Sherman,
Assistant Secretary."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Olson, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of
ego, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of March 18,
1952, with attachment, regarding the applicability of
Regulation X to the construction of a parsonage 'that
will be connected to and attached to' the present Church
of the Redeemer building in Racine, Wisconsin. The Board
is of the same opinion as the Chicago Bank in that the
erection of this parsonage should be considered new
residential construction and that conventional credit
advanced for its permanent financing is subject to Regulation X. This residence would be analogous to a row
:Iollse or semidetached house which is joined to a struc!
ware other than a residence.
"In regard to the status of structures ancillary
tO churches, hospitals, and schools, no action has
been taken on this matter since the time of our past
discussions on the question."

Approved unanimously.


