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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYEftem was held in Washington on Tuesday, March 21, 1939, at 12:30
P. me


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman

Mr. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Pederal Reserve System held on March 20, 1939, were approved unaniticEttely..

Memorandum dated March 20, 1939, from Mr. Smead, Chief of the
8ion of Bank Operations, submitting a letter dated March 17 from
lIcKinney, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, which
approval by the Board of a change in the personnel classific tion

plan of the bank to provide for the discontinuance of the posi-

vi "Supervisor of Transfers" in the Cash Department and the

stitution therefor of a new position entitled "Assistant Manager"

With et

minor change in the description of work for such position.

14e 1orandum stated that the proposed change had been reviewed and
l'enMended that it be approved.

Approved unanimously.



-2Letter to the board of directors of "The Merchants and

Bank of Flint", Flint, Michigan, stating that, subject to
c°rIditions of membership numbered 1 to 3 contained in the Board's
aeglalation H and the following special condition, the Board approves
the bank's application for membership in the Federal Reserve System
444 for the appropriate amount of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank


Such bank shall make adequate provision for depreciation in its banking house and furniture and
Approved unanimously, together with
a letter to Mr. Schaller, President of
the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, reading as follows:

"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System approves the application of 'The Merchants and Mechanics
Bank of Flint', flint, Michigan, for membership in the
Federal Reserve System, subject to the conditions prescribed
in the enclosed letter which you are requested to forward
to the board of directors of the institution. Two copies
of such letter are also enclosed, one of which is for
Your files and the other of which you are requested to
forward to the Commissioner of the Banking Department for
the State of Michigan for his information.
"In view of the fact that the examiner has reported
that the estimated losses shown in the report of examination for membership were charged off during the examination, the usual condition of membership regarding the
elimination of estimated losses has not been prescribed.
"According to the report of examination for membership, the bank was holding 200 shares of its own stock
118 additional protection on an indirect liability to the
bank of the owner of the stock. A bank's own stock is
not desirable as collateral, even in such circumstances,


and it will be expected that as soon as practicable the
bank will work out some plan whereby it will not be necessary to hold the stock."
Letter to Mr. Clerk, First Vice President of the Federal ReBank of San Francisco, reading as follows:
"Reference is made to your letter of March 8, 1939,
advising the Board that, in order to provide for needed
additional space and to profit by immediate action, the
Monterey County Trust & Savings Bank, Salinas, California,
received your permission to acquire, through purchase at
a cost of Q5,500, the site and building now partially
occupied by its branch at Greenfield, California.
"In the circumstances described in your letter, the
Board is pleased to approve and confirm your action on
behalf of the Board under the provisions of condition
Of membership numbered 8.
"Your suggestion that the Board may wish to amplify
the authority granted under its letter X-6082 has also
received consideration but it is felt that the authorization should not be extended generally to include the acquisition of new properties."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve banks, read14€ EIS follOWS:
"Attached is a copy of a letter dated March 7, 1939,
from the Administrator of the United States Housing Authority, requesting advice as to whether it would be possible for the Federal Reserve banks to act as agents of
the United States Housing Authority in connection with a
Proposed new plan for furnishing local housing agencies
with necessary funds for the construction of low-rent
housing projects.
"The plan contemplates the sale of bonds by the
1°cal housing agencies, the proceeds of such bond offerings
to be deposited with the federal Reserve banks and released to local depositaries of the local housing agencies



"on the sole order of the United States Housing Authority
from time to time as funds are needed for construction of
the projects.
"The United States Housing Act of 193? specifically
directs the Federal Reserve banks to act as depositaries,
Custodians, and fiscal agents for the United States liouslng Authority, and the Board sees no objection to the
Federal Reserve banks actina in the capacity requested in
the attached letter.
"It is understood that, if it appears to be necessary or desirable, existing agreements between the respective banks and the Authority will be modified to such
extent as may be appropriate or new agreements will be
entered into to cover the performance of these services."
Approved unanimously, together with
the following letter to Messrs. Harrison,
Fleming and Hamilton, Presidents of the
Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland and Kansas City, respectively, in
reply to their telegrams of February 23,
February 21 and February 21, 1939, respectively:
"Reference is made to your telegram of
end to our letter of March 21, 1939, 6-151, in regard to
the desire of the United States Housing Authority to have
the Federal Reserve banks receive the proceeds of securities sold by local housing agencies and to release them
on the sole order of the United States Housing authority
to local depositaries of the local housing agencies.
"The funds in question will, of course, belong to
local housing agencies, although subject to release by
he Federal Reserve banks only on instructions from the
united States Housing Authority, and, therefore, are not
Of a character that would ordinarily be handled through
he Treasurer's general account. .rom informal discussl°ns it is understood that the Treasury is in accord
with the proposed arrangement.
"Funds belonging to the United States Housing Aut
itself will, of course, continue to be handled
through the Treasurer's general account."
In connection with the above matter,
the following letter to Mr. Nathan Straus,
Administrator, United States Housing Authority, was also approved unanimously:



"Reference is made to your letter of March 7, 1939,
requesting advice as to whether it would be possible ror
the Federal Reserve banks to act as agents of the United
States Housing Authority by receiving the proceeds of bond
offerings by local housing agencies and releasing such
funds to local depositaries of the local housing agencies,
on the sole order of the United States Housing Authority
from time to time as funds are needed for construction of
the projects.
"The Board of Governors has no objection to the Federal Reserve banks acting in this capacity, and is so
advising the Presidents of the lederal Reserve banks.
"It is understood that, if it appears to be necessary or desirable, existing agreements between the respective banks and the Authority will be modified to such
extent as may be appropriate or new agreenents will be
entered into to cover the performance of these services."
Mr. Bethea suggested that the Board authorize the payment of
the cost of the luncheon served to Mr. G. G. Coote, a member of the
13(T'd of Directors of the Bank of Canada, who had been a guest at
1114cheon in the Board's dining room today.

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

Assistant Secretary.
