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Minutes for


Maych 20. 1958

Members of the Board

From: Office of the Secretary

Attached is a copy of the minutes of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on
the above date.
It is not proposed to include a statement
with respect to any of the entries in this set of
minutes in the record of policy actions required to
be maintained pursuant to section 10 of the Federal
Reserve Act.
Should you have any question with regard
to the minutes, it will be appreciated if you will
advise the Secretary's Office. Otherwise, if you
were present at the meeting, please initial in column A below to indicate that you approve the minutes.
If you were not present, please initial in column. B
below to indicate that you have seen the minutes.

Chm. Martin
Gov. Szymczak
Gov. Vardaman
Gov, Mills
Gov. Robertson
Gov. Balderston
Gov. Shepardson

Minutes of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
on Thursday, March 20, 1958.



The Board met in the Board Room at 10:00

Martin, Chairman
Balderston, Vice Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Hackley, General Counsel
Masters, Director, Division of Examinations
Hexter, Assistant General Counsel

Advice of Board action on applications. Pursuant to the understanding
at the meeting on February 24, 19580 there had been prepared and circulated
to the members of the Board a memorandum from the Division of Examinations

February 270 1958, revieving the procedures presently followed in
aing applicants of action taken by the Board on various types of

415Plications processed by that Division.

The memorandum pointed out that

raost instances the advice is transmitted through the Federal Reserve
concerned, usually in the form of a letter to the member bank but
14 Some cases in the form of a letter to the Reserve Bank requesting that
the tember bank be advised of the Boardts action. With respect to a
Permit for a holding company affiliate, the Federal Reserve Agent
18 l
'eqUested by telegram to issue the permit on behalf of the Board.


1118 recommended that henceforth advice of Board action on all of the types
" pplications show in a schedule attached to the memorandum be in the

/ 0/58


form of a letter to the applicant transmitted through the Federal Reserve
sank concerned, except for certain orders issued under the Bank Holding
e°mPany Act.

The recommended procedure would extend also to letters

Prepared in the Division of Bank Operations in connection with applications
tor permission to maintain reduced reserves.

Any official permits, including

those issued to holding company affiliates, would be prepared in the Board's
°ffices and transmitted through the Federal Reserve Bank.
Following comments by Mr, Masters, Governor Vardaman, who had
liaised the question of procedure at the meeting on February 240 said that
It had not been his thought to bypass the Federal Reserve Banks.


he had questioned the advisability of writing to a Reserve Bank and
leottlesting that the Board's decision be relayed to the applicant, since

he felt that it was better for the Board to express itself directly to
the aPplicant.
In response to a question as to what was gained by transmitting
letters to applicants through the Federal Reserve Banks, Governor Vardaman
raentioned the delegation of the examination function by the Board to the
Reserve Banks and also the fact that this procedure alloys the Reserve
kilk to have advice of the Board's action before such advice is received
bl the applicant.

Other points mentioned were that the applications are

13110ces8ed and recommended upon by the Federal Reserve Banks, that the
14teedure helps to maintain a close relationship between the Reserve
414k and member banks in its district, and that the procedure affords an



oPportunity for the Reserve Bank to review the Board's letter before it
readhes the applicant.

Mr. Hackley said that it had concerned the Legal

Division that in some cases 'where the law requires approval of a transaction
by the
Board, the applicant bank would not have a letter from the Board
la its files to the extent that the procedure was followed of writing to
the Federal Reserve Banks and asking them to advise the applicant bank.
Governor Robertson indicated that he favored the recommendation,
Particularly because transmittal of the Board's letter through the Federal
Reserve Bank provides assurance that the Reserve Bank will have advice of
the action taken before the applicant has such advice.
Thereupon, the procedure recommended in the memorandum from the
iblaion of Examinations was approved unanimously.
Visit by Mortgage Bankers Association.

Following a statement by

G°vernor Shepardson, it vas agreed unanimously to extend an invitation
t° the Board of Governors of the Mortgage Bankers Association of America
t° visit the Federal Reserve Building on June 3, 1958, in the afternoon,
terr a chart show similar to that presented recently to the newly appointed
dll'e'etors of the Federal Reserve Banks and branches,

The meeting then adjourned.

Secretary'a Notes: During the day advice was received from
the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis that the directors
of that Bank had established, subject to the approval of the
Board of Governors, rates of 2-1/4 per cent (rather than
2-3/4 per cent) on discounts and advances under sections 13
and 13a of the Federal Reserve Act; 2-3/4 per cent on section
10(b) advances, and 3-1/2 per cent on advances under the last
paragraph of section 13. Other rates in the Bankla existing
schedule 'were established without change.

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-4Pursuant to the action taken by the Board on March 60 1958,
the Secretary advised the Minneapolis Bank of approval of
the rates established by the directors, effective March 21,
1958. All Federal Reserve Banks and branches 'were notified
by telegram, a press statement vas issued in the usual form,
and arrangements were made for publication of a notice in
the Federal Register.
Advice also vas received during the day from the Federal
Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, and Chicago that
the directors of those Banks had established without change,
subject to the approval of the Board of Governors, the rates
on discounts and advances in the Banks existing schedules.
Pursuant to the procedure authorized at the meeting on
January 24, 19582 the Secretary advised each of those Banks
of approval of the action taken by its direct
