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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Pecleral Reserve System on Wednesday, March 2, 1949.
lii the

The Board met

Board Room at 11:35 a.m.


McCabe, Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Morrill, Special Adviser
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Thomas, Director of the Division of
Research and Statistics
Vest, General Covnsel
Leonard, Director of the Division of
Bank Operations
Millard, Director of the Division of
Yovng, Associate Director of the Division
of Research and Statistics
Solomon, Assistant General Counsel
Lewis, Chief, Regulation W Section of the
Division of Bank Operations
Pawley, Economist, Division of Bank

Reference was made to the discussion at the meeting yesterItrte
-rnoon concerning the proposed amendment of Regulation W,
' Instalment Credit, and to the understanding that further
ere.tion would be given to the matter at this meeting.
Mr. Vardaman moved that Regulation W
be amended to provide for a maximum maturity
of 21 months instead of 15 to 18 months on
instalment sale credits and unclassified
loans subject to the Regulation and for a
minimum down payment on Group B articles of
15 per cent instead of 20 per cent.


-2Mr. Clayton moved that Mr. Vardaman's
motion be amended to provide for a uniform
maximum maturity of 18 months for instalment
sales credits covering listed articles in
Groups A and B and for unclassified instalment loans, and that the down payment for
Group B articles be reduced from 20 per cent
to 15 per cent.
Following a discussion, Mr. Clayton's
motion was put by the chair and lost, Mr.
Clayton voting "aye" and Messrs. McCabe,
Eccles, Szymczak, Draper, and Vardaman
voting "no".
Mr. Clayton stated that he would vote with reluctance to ap-


Mr. VardAman's motion, but that he would rather see the pro-


change providing for miximum maturities of 21 months on all
articles in effect than to have no action taken at this
l'elaz the Regulation on Group B articles. He added that he still

that action to relax materially the maturity provisions on auto-

14°11ie credits would retard the downward adjustment in prices that
l'°111Y' was inevitable in any event.
Mr. Eccles said that he had reached the conclusion that he
41t1111(1 vote against these motions bectuse he felt that the proposed

41844t1on at this time would be premature and inconsistent with
1/t111)ose of Congress as expressed in the report of the Senate
44:14 and

Currency Committee recommending enactment of the pres-

t114 °11.8tuzer credit legislation.

In that report, the Committee

°ut that only harm could result from inducing millions



or American families to go heavily into debt on too easy terms at
high prices.

Excessive credit built up in that way would not only

ilicreese inflationsry pressures but would have to be liquidated out
°Is current
income should a downswing occur.
Mr. Eccles pointed out that this is the season of the year
Irlien• ordinarily
demand for listed articles is slack and that the re-ns in prices for some listed articles other than automobiles,
tecelltly announced, are comparatively small.

Certain important com-

ti"ities such as steel are still in short supply.

If the proposed

cation were confined to Group B articles, however, and could
QnrPletely disassociated from Group A, Mr. Eccles felt that the
- Bed modification would be relatively minor and that he would


1es8 objection to that action alone than he would have with re-

t° automobiles.

Nevertheless, even in Group B, the slight ad-



in prices and downturn in volume of sales has not been suf-

t UP to this time to justify a decision in favor of the pro44,4
List prices of new automobiles generally have not been reChi the contrary, manufacturers of cars making up more than



the msrket, instead of reducing prices, have raised

Of current models materially or announced substantial inflew models.

Moreover, the proposed relaxation would

be more liberal for most used cars than the trade believes
°Urid or would
In these
circumstances, Mr. Eccles felt that it was too soon



to form a satisfactory judgment as to the advisability of a relaxation
of the terms of Regulation W and that it would be wiser to deter action until a better appraisal of the situation could be made.
anti-deflationary cushion of easier credit terms should not be
/18ed Prematurely.
i4 the


The existing terms are more liberal than those

regulation when it was terminated on November 1, 1947 and

-c"4 only a moderate restraining effect on the expansion of

°t4:41-1 which, until recently, has proceeded at a high rate.


orq'edit terms at this time would tend, through further expansion
oretedit, to defer a needed and healthy adjustment in prices and
'efore to sustain inflationary conditions.

It would have the

et or encouraging the part of the public that can least afford
it to 4
flcur additional obligations at high prices and to subject
t4ellt t
o greater hardships in case of a later adjustment in economic
Ione, when prices as well as competitive conditions would be


IkIte a4
"vantageous to people of small incomes.
Mr. Eccles was also of the opinion that consideration of a

-la of margin requirements urder Regulations T, Extension and
e --" of Credit by Brokers, Dealers, and Members of National


1-- zachanges, and Ur, Loans by Banks for the Purpose of Pur-

48 Qr Carrying Stocks Registered on a National Securities Ex1144ge A


should precede action to liberalize Regulation W, on the
001414. t
111 a stronger case could be made at this time from a credit
141 for lowering margin requirements than can be made for the
liberalization of Regulation W.
Following a discussion, Mr. Vardanlan's motion was put by the chair and


-5carried, Messrs. McCabe, Szymczak, Draper,
Vardaman, and Clayton voting "aye" and
Mr. Eccles voting "no".
To carry out Mr. Vardaman's motion;
the following amendment to Regulation W
was approved:

-Lasued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
"Regulation W is hereby amended in the following respects,
effective March 7,
"1. By inserting the following immediately after the
'words 'structure or' and immediately before the number '(2)'
In section 7(g) of the regulation:
'other entire unit designed for residential
occupancy, or'
, "2. By changing '20 per cent' and '80 per cent' in
1:art 1, Group B of the Supplement to read, respectively,
15 Per cent' and '85 per cent'.
"3. By changing Part 2 of the Supplement to read
'Part 2. Maturities. - The maximum maturity
for all listed articles and for unclassified instalment loans is 21 months.'
"4. By changing the figure '20' to '24' in Part 3
ur the Supplement."
Approval was also given to the
following statement for the Press for
release in the morning papers of Thursday, March 3, 1949, it being understood
that the amendment and press release would
be sent by wire to the Federal Reserve Banks
with the request that they print and make
appropriate distribution of the amendment:
or 10

"The Board of Governors announced today modification

th 'legulation w, effective next Monday, March 7, making

toe maximum maturity uniformly 21 months, instead of 15
cr,!-8 months, on all extensions of consumer instalment
e01-41t, and reducing down payments on furniture, applitap/ etc., from 20 per cent to 15 per cent, while re111-8 the 33-1/3 down payment on automobiles.
the 'This modification is based on continuous study of
la„..°Perations of the Regulation since it was reinstated
1', September, and on the experience of Federal Reserve
— °13 and their branches in its administration in the field.
rei "In recommending last summer that Congress authorize
th;l1statement of the Regulation, the Board stated that
aUthority would be used flexibly and that the Board




"would be ready at all times to tighten or relax the
terms in accordance with the objectives of the authority
and with a view to sound credit conditions. The amendalso contains two minor modifications of a technical
"The text of the amendment is attached."
A statement for the Vederal Register reading in part as follows also
was approved:
"The notice, public participation, and deferred eff?ctive date described in section 4 of the Administra!lye Procedure Act are not followed in connection with
`hie amendment for the reasons and good cause found,
8 stated in section 2(e) of the Board's Rules of Pro'
cedure 52 CFR 262.2(e)7, and especially because in
!onnection with this permissive amendment such proceQu-res are unnecessary as they would not aid the persons
4tfected and would serve no other useful purpose."
Secretary's Note: During the discussion, Mr.
Carpenter talked by telephone with Mr. Evans,
who was on his way to the West Coast in connection with the Transamerica hearing, and reported to the Board that Mr. Evans had no comment to make on the proposed amendment as approved by the Board.
141% Szymczak referred to the draft of letter to the Bank

Or in


N.T. & S.A. with respect to permission to establish

branches as discussed at the meeting on February 24, 1949,


te.ted that he would like to suggest an alternative procedure
'441-ch the Bank would be informed that the application to estecirk

the Bangkok, Siam,branch was approved, and at a later date

cl letter would be sent stating the reasons why the Board
Prepared to approve the applications for permission to



establish the
three branches in Germany. This suggestion was disclIssed but was not accepted.
During the discussion, a draft of letter along the lines
atIggested at the meeting on February 27, 1949 was presented by
' ClaYton who stated that the letter was satisfactory to him.

Mr. Eccles suggested that inasmuch as action authorizing
the establishment
of a branch in Bangkok, Siam, and denying per4118810

to establish branches in Germany was approved by Messrs.

e) Evans, Vardaman, and Clayton, the letter informing the
15843k cf.

the action of the Board be prepared in a form satisfactory

to them.

Upon motion by Mr. Clayton, this
suggestion was approved, Messrs. Eccles,
Szymczak, and Draper stating that when
the letter was submitted to the Board
they would ask to be recorded as not
At this point Messrs. Riefler, Thomas, Vest, LeonArd,
Iciung, Solomon, Lewis, and Pawley withdrew and the acwith respect to each of the matters hereinafter re41'4
1 to was taken by the Board:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
1'41 Reserve System on March l, 1949, were .pproved ImAnimously.
Memorandum dated March 1, 1949, from Mr. Thomas, Director
-Dion of Research and Statistics, recommending that the



l'esignation of Mr. John H. Neill, Jr., an Administrative Assistant
11 that
Division, be accepted to be effective, in accordance with
his r
equest, at the close of business on March 4, 1949.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Gidney, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
or 01

reading as follows:

"For the reasons outlined in your letter of Feb.
23, 1949, the Board of Governors approves the
PaYment of salaries to the following employees at
la.tee which are below the minimums of their respective
„ 'ades with the understanding that the salaries will
ue brought within range as soon as practicable or no
later than October 1, 1949:
tlwood V. Denton
Personnel Manager
Eliqn E. Kopp
Secretary to Senior Officer
Jeannette Marks
Secretary to Junior Officer
John E. Orin
Manager of Fiscal Agency Dept.
Allguetine A. Schmitz
Manager of Credit, Loans &
Investments Dept.
George R. Hancox
Consumer Credit Investigator
Cincinnati Branch
:1,8-Mee Kelly
Consumer Credit Investigator
wilbur Noelcke
Consumer Credit Investigator
144rY Lee Smith
Redemption Advice Typist
Pittsburgh Branch
Ilialter L. Bedel
Head of Accounting Dept.
()Mae B. Crawford
Head of Noncash Collection Dept.
E. Hockenberger
Chief Engineer
L. IAWbOil
Consumer Credit Investigator
<toilette Bido
Case Operator
e,1..ifford Bonistall
Check Sorter and Lister (P.T.)
74 M. Cogswell
Redemption Clerk-Typist
;:eallae Elzer
Redemption Clerk-Typist
ziertha Frentzos
Check Sorter and Lister
1114e Henderson
Case Operator
l'a.l.e°11e Marko
Check Sorter and Lister
°r°tIlY Morris
Check Sorter and Lister
44therine Ruyechan
Redemption Clerk-Typist
;!erolte Telin
Check Sorter and Lister (P.T.)
Check Sorter and Lister (P.T.)"

Approved unanimously.


-9Telegram to Mr. Peterson, Vice President of the Federal Re-

Bent lank
of St. Louis, reading as follows:
"Reurlet February 23 regarding deposit of uninvested trust funds on time basis, action in this matter has been deferred pending receipt of views of Federal Reserve Banks and all such views were not received
until FebruPry 24. Reserve Banks are not in accord and
Matter will require some further study but a decision
Vill be reached as promptly as possible. In the meantime; if a member bank inquires whether it may carry
reasonable portion of uninvested trust funds as time
dePosit in benking department, pending final decision
°f this question, you may state that no penalty for reserve deficiency resulting from difference in classification will be imposed for period prior to Board's decision. It should be emphasized in any such case, howrer, that matter is unaer consideration and that what
Jooard's determination may be is entirely problematical
at this time. Believe such advice may be given both
telzber banks mentioned in your letter."
Approved unanimously.

Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks read48 follows:
ti "In reply to a recent inquiry concerning Regula°n 14; the Board issued the following interpretation.
When insurance relating to a listed article is
b°14 or financed in connection with the listed article
the Registrant who sells or finances the listed
ele, the insurance cannot be treated as a separate
,:rzipted sale of an unlisted article, but must be inled in the 'time balance' as specified in section
ti c), and must be scheduled for repayment within the
3M-icable mximum maturity as specified in sections
ci l) and 3(b). The same treatment is required in the
se of instalment loans."

Approved unanimously.


-10Letter prepared for Chairman McCabe's signature to the

liclnorable Wright Patman, House of Representatives, reading as
"This refers to your letter of February 21,
1949, As I understand your inquiry, you wish confirmation of your view that veterans' loans guaranteed by the Veterans' Administration are exempted
from the Board's Regulation W.
, "In this regard, may I advise you that section
kd)(5) of Regulation W exempts from coverage linder
he regulation any extension of credit 'guaranteed
or insured in whole or in part by the Administrator
5 Veterans' Affairs pursuant to the provisions of
Title III of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of



"We appreciate this opportunity to be of service
to you:,
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. G. A. Leukhart, National Used Car Market
t Inc., 900 South Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, reading

4 roiaolis:

"In response to your telephone inquiry and conour advice the statement in our letter of
elluarY 7 that appraisal guide provisions of Regula'
tive W will no longer apply to used 1938 models effecApril 1, 1949, may be incorporated in the staten
4 0Regulation W in your guides effective April 1,
by changing the number 1938 to read 1939 in the
BiZth line of
the fourth paragraph, and changing the
r 1937 in the next line to read 1938."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. DeMoss, Vice President of the Federal ReOf Dallas, reading as follows:



"This refers to your letter of February 17, 1949,
concerning the application of the exemption in section
7(b) of Regulation W relating to demonstrators for automobile salesmen. You inquire whether this exemption
covers an extension of instalment credit by a finance
eomPany for the purchase of an automobile, in good
raith, by the individual owner of an automobile dealerwhere such owner is also a salesman and will use
the automobile principally as a demonstrator.
"The Board agrees that such a case would be exempt
Under section 7(b), so long as it otherwise qualifies
exemption under the principles stated in W-29 (#710,
Aegulation W Service)."
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for Chairman McCabe's signature to the Honor4151e r
41141-11 C. Johnson, Chairman, Committee on Interstate and Foreign
rce, United States Senate, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letters of February 18 and
ifuarY 19, 1949 in which you advise that your Conme
s 'cee will appreciate receiving comments regarding
Et. 1008 and an Amendment to S. 236, both of which
.138-1"ent1y relate to the legality under the anti11st laws of certain pricing practices in inter:
commerce, a question which was recently con''-dered by the Supreme Court of the United States.
nce neither S. 1008 nor the Amendment to
to affect the monetary and credit
er:.?''ions or other activities with which the FedBo'l Reserve System is directly concerned, the
e-1'd has no comments to offer concerning them.
ha.vaPpreciate, however, the opportunity which you
e afforded us to consider this matter."
p Is


Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for Chairman McCabe's signature to the Honor-


R. Maybank„ Chairman, Committee on. Banking and Currency,

el States
Senate, reading as follows:



"This refers to Mr. McMurray's letter of January 28,
1949, requesting the Board's opinion regarding S. J. Res.
9) which would provide for the establishment of a NaMonetary Commission to inquire and report to
Congress as to possible changes in the fiscal policy
of the United States and the laws relating to money:
banking and credit and also in the character of govertmental machinery now provided for the administration
of such laws.
"In this connection, the Board understands that the
4. Mission on OrgRnization of the Executive Branch of
l'he Government, which is currently making its report
1 Congress on the various aspects of its investigation,
8 expected to include in its report a consideration of
!atters closely related to the subjects which would be
3-nvestigated by the proposed National Monetary Commiss
m!°11. In the circumstances, the Board wishes to defer
74iug a report on S. J. Res. 9 until it has had an
wPportunity to consider the report of the Commission
111!, °rganization of the Executive Branch of the Govern:
13 11t on these matters. We hope that this procedure will
agreeable to you."
Approved unanimously.

Letter to the Honorable Frank Pace, Jr., Director of the
Of the
Budget, reading as follows:

se,_"In compliance with a request received from the
4:4c1ce Committee on Banking and Currency, the Board
14111 Prepared the enclosed report on the Bill S. 729
me 211 would be known as the 'Veterans Economic Develop-.
Corporation Act of 1949'.
trn, 'Before transmitting this report, the Board will
15;Zreciate advice as to the relationship of the proecl legislation to the program of the President."
Approved unanimously.

Letter prepared for Chairman McCabe's signature in ac-

ce with
action on February 24, 1949, to the Honorable
telano, Comptroller of the Currency, reading as follows:



"I am very grateful to you for your assistance
with the meetings which I have been holding with representatives of bank holding companies, the American
Bankers Association, the Reserve City Bankers Association, the two independent groups, and the Association
Of State Supervisors, in connection with the proposed
bank holding legislation. Since these meetings the
Board has considered the many suggestions made by each
of these groups and has now incorporated the principal
suggestions in a tentative draft.
, "Because of your vital interest in this legislation
4 am enclosing herewith three copies of the recently revised draft in the hope that you will consider this pro.
Posed legislation and let me have the benefit of any
suggestions or recommendations which you may have regarding it.
Approved unanimously, with similar
letters to Messrs. Snyder and Earl, Secretary of the Treasury and Chairman of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, respectively.

