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meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the
office of the Board on Wednesday, Yarch 2, 1921, at 11 a.m.
PRE=T: Governor Harding
flr. Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. Inns
T. Williams
Mr. Hoxton, Secretary.
Mr. Logan, General Counsel:.
Minutes of the meeting of the Board held March 1st were
l'ead, and on motion, approVed.
The Governor nported the reserve positions

of the several

Federal Reserve banks as at close of business February 28th, and
the status of rediscounts between the 'ederal Reserve banks as of
the same date.
The Governor reported rediscount transactions, member, bank
l'romissory notes secured by Government obligations, rate 77, as


Baia rediscounting ,

Feb. 20



11-15 days

Letter dated February 20th from the Railway Loan Advisory
C ommittee, requesting approval of a form of loan, in the aunt

579,000, to be made to the Indiana Harbor Belt Railroad Com-

17)11Y, in four parts, under the provisions of Section 20 of the
"ansportation Act, 1920, as amended.


-L., "'"

,bruary 28th, from the Secretary of the
Letter dated FE,
Federal Reserve 73an7f: of 7.7c-1,7 York,rjtsting ap.proval of the apintrnen t of ITes sr'. dos eph 2Harii10
Frederick Hofm.yer as



ort V. '.71dman and

edera1 Reserve exf,rninors to act on behalf

le Federal Reserve Board aid. the Federal 7,eserve 71.1..7. of Mew


,T5 OF 0017:1ITT

1:0. 1:

Dated 3'ebrucr7 20th. -?econirnenlino a)orov--1 of the aDlication of
J. Flood to servo at tne s.-unc, time
as officer and director of tao 2170.7-Lanr.e
-ational T3onk of zi.00lmne. aryl as director
of the Olymoia Rational Bank of Olyn.)ia,
D3ted. L?obral 17 28th, 73.e00rarie
apnro v: 1 of the a? 21 ic?.t i on of
hr. hilliam hart ley to serve at the same
time as officer and director of tochanae
:I-tiona.1 Bank of Spokane, and as director of
the Olynoia Rational Bank of Olympia,. -lash.
Dated I.-arch 1st.
-Recorrtnendin,-; a,)proval of tie appointment of
hiss I'lathryn 2. 71inchell as clerk-Counter in
the Federal 17,es,rve Issue and -ledemotion Division, at a salary of :1,020 )or annum, vice
Miss Catherine R. De Mont, resi
j.,etter dated March 2d, from Mr. J.

Connell, announcing

his resi7-Lation as stenographer on the F
- ederal Reserve Board, detailed to the office of the Comotroller of the Currency, effective
at the close of business :.Tarch 15, 1921.
7.7ot ed.. Mr. 71illiams stated that he understood that
Mr. Connell was entitled to about two weeks vacation at
. ne•posed to take that vacation
this time, and that he .i i
"uetv.reen nov. a n. March 15th.

Go vernor Harding advised Ir. ':/il 1lams that the Board. was
ilow ready to consider any further matters vhich the Comptroller
Of the
Currercy mir,ht wish to bring before it.

r. Williams sug-

ested that the proceedings take the form of a continuance of the
illeetiag held on Monday, February 28th which was reported verbatim
bY a stencr;rapher.

Upon motion, therefore, the official stenog-

rapher. Mr. Cox, was sent Ibr and directed to mite a stenographic
report of the ensuing proceedings.
Before adjournment, Governor Hardin;; stated_ that the
-xecutive Committee desired to submit a report signed by all members of that Committee, relative to the letters addressed by the
Cor7ptrollar of the Currency to the -,?ederal *Reserve Boa-d during
the past year.

- eUpon motion .of Mr. Miller, the report of the &

eutive Committee was ordered read, and it was so read. by Er.Platt.
ecut ive Committee
Upon motion, the report of the
was ordered received and. al)proved by the Federal Reserve Board. This act ion of approval was voted for by
all members of t
Board present, with the exceotion
that Mr. Williams refrained from voting.
Governor Harding asked Er. Williams if he intended to furnish the list of names requested in the letter of the
dated 7ebriziry 14;, 1921, and. again requested. by the Board at the

of ;-3aturday, February 25th.

In r'Tly to this question, Mr.

',71.1livrns submitted. to the Board a letter stating that he declined
to furnish
the list .of wares reouested aid giving his reasons there.11


Governor Harding asked Er. Williams if he was vzil hag to

! 185

ftirnish the 1onr1. as requested in letter o


1st. ,.•:ith the

ed :Tenor. shoot submitted to the Comptrol1 er


,:Tat io al

minor in connection with the re)ort of the exrninati on of

t116. Chase :tional Bank' f New 'York as of October 3: 1919.
'ly to this question. 1.7r. V1iUiair

In re-

sub-flitted to the Board a c opv

the so-called. yellow sheet referred to, with the ifforrf.tion
he thousit it best to fUrnish a copy, in vier of the fact that

the crip:inal document in his loossessioa had, become torn.
All further 1.)rbeeedirr;s of this meotinr oe recorded. in

the steriora9hic rel)ort.
At 1:20 p.m. the

Tile eti n
