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a meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held
in the office of the Governor of the Board at 11.0 a.m.,
on Monday, March 19,

.arburg, presiding,
Mr. Miller,

Mr. dilliams,
Mr. .illis, Secretary.

Mr. Hamlin,
The minutes of the meeting of March 16th were read,
and on motion approved.
confidential letter of !on. Frank Polk, Joansellor of the State Department, to Governor Harding, stating
that information had been received to the effect that proGermans in Baltimore were planning a ran on banks there,
was read.

Discussion ensued, and it was agreed that the

cting Governor communicate the contents to Federal


2tgent Hardy, also sending a copy to Governor Harding, in
New York.
Governor .arburg stated the facts as to a conference he had just had with Secretary of War Baker relative
to certificates which the Department intends to issue to
persons who have furnished it aith supplies.


11r. ,,arbarg


suggested that the certificates might be attached to notes
discountable by member banks, and the Federal reserve

might perhaps accept paper so secured.

On motion

it was voted to refer the matter to Counsel for conference with the 'Jomptroller of the Treasury and report, the
matter also to be submitted to Governor Harding.
On Motion, the conversion of :';63'2,000 2


into equal parts 30 year conversion bonds and one year
Treasury notes for the Federal :Zeserve Bank of 31-licago was
.41 letter from Federal

eserve Agent - ellborn with

reference to the plans of the 7ederal

eserve Bank of iA-

lanta for the construction of a building, was read and
A letter from Federal

eserve Heath with ref-

erence to the que tion of a second exwAination of the
Bankers Trust Company at Sioux. City, Ia., was read, and on
motion was referred to the Executive committee with poaer
to act.
Redaction of the capital stock of the First National Bank of New Brockton, ida., from .45,000 to .)30.000,



duly recommended by the Comptroller of the Currency, vas
on motion approved.
Letters from 7ederal deserve lgent Perrin with
reference to the public relations work of Federal


i,gents, and the status of checks on the failed Ceattle
banks were presented to the Board, and on motion, ordered
Governor ;:arbarg presented revised schedules of
discount rates effective or soon to be effective at the
following banks:
Aichmond, Jitlanta, St. Louis, Boston, Philadelphia
Dallas, 7ew York, and Cleveland.
On motion, all were approved, the old rates being
substantially maintained, except that it was voted to fix
the bankers' acceptance rate at 21; to 4:), this to be subject to confirmation by the Executive lommittee.
_1 letter from ?ederal Aeserve igent .ellborn with
reference to transfers of funds to banks sitaatei in subtreasury cities without charge was read, and on motion referred to the Committee on "reasary 3elations.
L, letter from Governor lIcJord ,ith reference to
the luertion of admitting the Georgia Savings Bank and Trust


)ompany under certain specified conditions, was read.
fm motion, it a_c voted that the f'ecretry reply, stating
that in the opinion of the Board the suggested conditions
cold not be conceded by the Board.
letter from Adoral Reserve ,gent Ramsey announcing the intention of the First National Bank of De
Kalb, Texas, to %,ithdraw from the ::yetem was read and noted.
A letter from
erence to

ederal Reserve Agent Lsmsey with ref-

Atting the First State Bank of 3remond.Texas,

to withdraw at a date earlier than that fixed lnder the
present regulations,

read, and on motion it was voted

that the riles could not be waived in the case of this bank.
letter from Tedcral ,eserve 'gent 'Math calling
attention to the necessity of notifying sub-treasury offici-ls regarding the new plan of re,airing joint signatures
for the withdrawal of notes, was read.

On motion, the mat-

ter was referred to the Executive ;ommittce, with the suggestion that Joancel be instructed to prepare the necessary
The secretary of the Board read a letter from Lssistnt Secretary of the Treasary rewton with reference to the
assessment of transportation charges on unfit notes.




motion it

as voted that the letter be transmitted to

ll Federal Ilescrve Lgents and lovernors of deserve Banks.
The report of the examination of the Federal Reserve Bank of Taicago was referred to the Committee on
Operation of the ;hicL7,o Bank.
r..arbarg made a repoi.t as chairman of the Committee on Operation of the

ew York Bank, and read a let-

ter from qovernor .idken thscribing his recent visit to
Jhicao and telling of his conference there with Governor


iken reasserted his former position with

reference to a possible connection with the Federal Reserve
Bank of 77ew York to the effect that he did not see his way
clear to ab:.ndon his position at Boston.
The kiomptroller of the Currency read a letter from
the 7::,tional Lank of Jommerce of Lincoln, 7coraska, complaining of the present cle ring systc., and urging that with respect to exchange charges member banks should be allowed to
make a reasonable charge for collecting checks in the sane
manner as :tate banks, or that both State and national banks
should be prevented from making these charges.

It was -:reed

that the';omptroller make a general re-ly referring to amend-


ments now pending in Congress.
governor Hamlin presented a letter from Federal
Reserve /gent Rich suggesting a daily wire report of the
situation at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
It was agreed that he should say to 'Ir. Rich that it would
be acceptable to have him wire in tiw event of any unusual
occurrence but that othervise the mail report would be sufficient.
The Xmptroller of the Currency notified the Board
that he expects shortly to receive a weekly telegraphic report with reference to the condition of the clearing house
banks in the 136 clearing house cities.
On motion at 12.30 p.m. the Board adjourned, to
meet on Vednesday, March 21, at 11 a.--

