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14A meetin7 of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of


the 2ederal Reserve Board on 2riday, March 10, 1932, at 11:45 a. mi.

Governor Meyer
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. 1:ocC1e1land, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Harrison, Assistant to the Governor
Mr. ';iyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Goldenaeiser, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics.

The followinr; matters were considered and acted upon by the Board:
Telegrams dated March 17, 1932, from the Chairmen of the Federal
Reserve Banks of Kansas City and San Francisco, both stating, that, at meetings of their directors on the date stated, no changes were made in the
banks' existing schedules of rates of discount and purchase.
Without objection, noted with approval.
Letters dated March 14, 1932, from the Comptroller of the Currency
reconiending approval by the Federal Reserve Board of salaries for national
bank examiners, as follows:
William H. Lewis, Jr.
Gordon E. Starkey
Roger A. McLean
Sherman C. Shull

2,700 per annum
3,000 "
3,000 "

Salaries approved.
Memorandum dated larch 17, 1932, from the Connittee on District 7).
10, reconmendin,-; the appointment of Mr. Lee Clinton of Tulsa, Oklahoma, as
a director of the Oklahoma City Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Kansas City for the unexpired nortion of the term ending December 31, 1934.

Upon motion, 1,:r. Clinton was appointed a
director of the Oklahoma City Branch of the Federal
Reserve Ban of Kansas City for the term specified.




-2Letter to the Federal Reserve Agent at St. Louis, approved by five

Members of the 3oard on liarch 17, referrimg to the Agent's letters of
January 21 and February 5, 1932, transmitting the applications of Fessrs.
E. T. Mudd and E. W. Stix for permission to serve, under the provisions
of the Clayton Antitrust Act, the Iā€¢ercantile-Cornerce Bank and Trust
Company and the 1-ercantile-Commerce National Bank, both of St. Louis,
llissouri, and the applications of 7:essrs. P. D. George and W. T. Tones for
Permission to serve the Lafayette-South Side Bank and Trust Company and the
South Side National Bank, both of St. Louis, ITissouri; the Board's letter
callin-_; attention to the letters addressed by it to the Federal Reserve
Agent on Tune 19 and August 19, 1931, with rerr,.,rd to the holding of stock
Of the :'ereantile-Commerce National Bank by the I ercantile-Commerce Bank
and Trust Company and the holding of stock of the South Side national Bank
by the Lafayette-South Side Bank and Trust Company, and advisin7 that action

on the anplications of iiessrs. Iludd, Stix, George and Tones will be deferred
Pending final disposition of the stockholdings referred to.
Letter approved.
At this 2oint the Chairman joined the meeting.
acply to a letter dated Larch 17, 1932, addressed to the Governor
by Senator Garter Glass, enclosing conies of bill S. 4115 and stating that
the bill was introduced after numerous and prolonged conferences with
experts attached to the Board and Treasury; that the sub-committee of the
Senate Comnittee on Banking and Currency, of which Senator Glass is Chairman, will im-ediately ask the general Committee to substitute the new bill
for the so-called Glass Bill, S. 3215, introduced on January 21, 1932, and




to make it a continuing order of the committee, with a view to havin- it
reported to the Senate as soon as possible after such modificatioLs as
the Committee may decide to make; and that the Committee would be glad to
have the Federal Reserve Board make any comnent or suggestions that in
its judgment would seem desirable.

The reply stated that while the Board

is aware that from tiro to time certain members of the staff of the Federal Reserve Board and of the Federal Reserve lank of Yew York have been
called into consultation and their suggestions obtained by members of the
Committee, it was understood that the members of the staff referred to
made it clear that they were acting solely in their personal capacities
and that they did not undertake to express any views on behalf of the
Board; that since it appears that the bill, if enacted, would make extensive and important changes in existing law, it will be readily appreciated
that the Board will desire to make a careful analysis and study of its Provisions; that while this will necessarily require some time, the Board will
hasten in every way practicable its consideration of the bill and will
submit its corudents to the Committee at the earliest possible date; and
that upon transmission of its report the Board will respectfully request
an 0T)ortunity to be heard on the measure.
Letter approved.
Telegram dated 17arch 17, 1932, from the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Kansas City, advising that his Board of Directors had
established, subject to the approval of the 2eaural Reserve Board, a rate
of 5, for advances to merber banks under the )1.ovisions of Section 10(a)
and 10(b) of the Federal Reserve Act.





-4Reference was made to the discussion concerning the rate for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
which was had at the Meeting on Larch 15, 19620 and
I:agee was requested to communicate to the Chairman of the Kansas City bank by telephone the
attitude of the Board as expressed at that tirn.
Reports of Standing Comittee dated I arch 15, recannending approval

of the following Clayton Act apPlications:
Fletcher for permission to serve at the sarn
Nr. 5-ohn
tir7e as director of the Fairfield American National Bank of
Fairfield, Alabama, and as director of the First National Sank
of Birminghara, Alabama.
ITr. Victor H. Hanson for permission to serve at the same
ti7e us director of the North Birmingham,American Bank of
Birmingham, Alabama, and as director of the First National Bank
of Birmingham, Alabama.
narles D. Saunders for permission to serve at the same
time as officer of the First National Bank of Omaha, Nebraska,
as director and officer of the Security National Bank of Laurel,
Nebraska, and as director and officer of the Bank of Florence,
Omaha, Nebraska.


Thereupon the meeting adjourned.