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Miiu.e of actions taken by- the Board of Governors of the
Federal re',
.;:rve fl: stem on Monday, M-rch




Eccles, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
My. Sherman, Pssistent Secretary
Mr. Thurston, Assisant to the Chairman

Minutes of actions taken by the Board


Governor: of the

Federal Reserve System on March 14, 1947, were approved unanimov,ely.
Memorandum dated March 11, 1947, from Mr. Leonard, Director
Of the Division of Fxaminations, recommening that Mrs. Marguerite
A. Fynel Secretary to Mr. Ipulger, be transferred to the Division
°f Examinations as Secretary to Mr. Slonn, effective April 11 1947
With no change in her present basic salary of

177:1.40 per annum.

ipproved unanimously.
Memorandum dated March 10, 1947, from Mr. Pethe-, Director
°f the Division of Mministrative Services, recomendin

that in—

creases in the basic annut- 1 salaries of the following employees in
tLe-t Division be 7PProveC effective March 23, 1947:
Morris Muhew
Arad D.
IviezY V. Dellatorre
C. Brown
bricen Barnes

Operator (Puplicating

Selary Increase
21469.24 :!1;2,544-48.





Clara Ray Cook
Elizabeth M. Young
Sendra Bigler
Evelyn Lewis

Elevator Operator
Elevator Operator

Salary Increase


The memorandum also recommended that the appointment of
nricen Barnes be chnn-ed from tempor-ry indefinite to permanent,
effective March
23, 1947.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated March 14, 1947, from Mr. Pethea, Director
Of the Division of Administrative Services, recommending the apPointment of Miss Rebecca M. SwTzert as an Assistant Supervisor
in the Cafeteria in that Division, on a temporary indefinite basis,
Rith basic salary at the rate of !:21394
per annum, effective as of
the date upon which she enters upon the performance of her duties
after having passed the usual physical examination.

The memorendum

also stated that it was contemplated that Miss Swy ,ert would become

raember of the Federal Reserve retirement system.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Maple T. Han, Chairman of the 7ederal

Deposit Insurance Corporation, prepared in accordance with the action
t4lIcen at the meeting of the Board on February 25, 1947, End reading
e-8 follows:

"Reference is made to the recent discussion by
members of the Board's staff and representatives of
Your Corporation concerning requests which are received from time to time from other Government agencies
for information contained in bank examination reports.
"The Board has considered the question as to the
practice which it should follow with respect to requests received by it. The Bo-rd believes that in 00



"far as practicable it should cooperate with other Government agencies seeking information for use in the
performance of their official duties, particularly where
the purpose is to assist in developing lends which may
help to establish violations of law. In doing so, however, it is necessary to protect the confidentiality of
examination reports and provide adequate safeguards
against improper use of the reports and information contained in them. Accordingly, the Board believes that it
Should consider requests of this nature only where (1)
the request is submitted in writing by the appropriate
authority of the agency desiring the information, (2)
the request states that the matter involved arose, and
the information is desired, in connection with the discharge of official duties of the agency, and (3) there
is an understanding with the agency that the information will be used only in developing leads in connection with an investigation, that no reference is to be
made to the source of the information, and that no effort will be made to use the information As evidence
in any court or other similar proceeding. It is contemplated that in furnishing information, examination
reports will not be permitted to leave the Board's offices.
"The foregoing is merely for your inform-Lion in
order that you mny be fully advised as to the Board's
policy with respect to this matter. It has no application, of course, to the routine interchange of reports
and information between the roard and your Corporation
and the CoTTtroller of the Currency."
Approved unanimously, together
with a similnr letter to Honorable
Preston Delano, Comptroller of the
Letter prepared for Chairman Eccles' signature to Honorable
Charles B. Henderson, Chairman of the Board, Reconstruction Finance
Corporation, reading as follows:
"Our Board ha e read with interest your letter of
March 11, 1947, stating that the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation feels that its investment in the preferred
capital of banks should now be retired as promptly as
possible, compatible with safe banking practices, and
reauesting the cooperation of the Board of Governors
in encouraging State member banks to retire such capital when it can be done on a basis consistent with
the best interests of the institutions concerned.




"The Board concurs wholeheartedly in the position
expressed in your letter. The Reserve Banks are being
requested to cooperate in the program of retirement and
a copy of your letter and of this reply is being sent
to the president of each Federal Reserve Bank with the
request that the Reserve Bank review the cases of State
member banks in the district with a view to having concrete plans developed, wherever possible, for the retirement of your Corporation's preferred capital holdings, where it can be done on a basis consistent with
the public interest.
"With kind personal regards."
Approved unanimously, together
with a letter to the Presidents of
all the Federal Reserve B,--..nks reading
as follows:
"Attached is a copy of a letter dated March 11,
1947, from Chairman Henderson of the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation stating that the Corporation feels
that its investment in the preferred capital of banks
should now be retired as promptly as possible and requesting the cooperation of the Bo-rd in encouraging
State member banks to retire such capital when it can
be done on a basis consistent with the best interests
of the institutions concerned. It is understood that
similar letters have been addressed to the Comptroller
of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurence Corporation. Attached also is a copy of Chairman Eccles'
reply to Mr. Henderson.
"As you know, the investment of Government funds
in the capital of banks through purchases by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was purely an emergency measure following the Banking Holiday in 1933
to provide temporary assistance until the banks could
put their houses in order. The Reconstruction Finance
Corporation capital was not intended to form part of
the permanent cepitel of a bank nor to be a Government
subsidy whereby banks could use Government funds over
extended periods for their awn profit.
"While the greater pert of such preferred capital
has been retired in the fourteen years which have
elapsed since the Banking Holiday, there was still outstanding at the end of January, 1947, approximately



"176,000,000 of such capital. A greater amount of
this was in State member banks than in either national
or nonmember insured banks.
"The Board is in full agreement with and heartily
endorses the views expressed in Mr. Henderson's letter.
The Board feels that, wherever it can be done soundly,
Reconstruction Finance Corporation holdings of bank
capital should be retired as promptly as possible in
view of the length of time which has elapsed since
the Government assistance was provided, the extended
period of hicji earnings for banks, the opportunities
banks have had to effect necessary corrections and to
arrange for permanent capital, the desirability of
b-nks operating on their own resources, the availability of private capital, and the fact that retirement of preferred capital owned by the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation represents the return of Government funds.
"It will be appreciated if you will cooperate
With the Reconstruction Finance Corporation in this
program and review the cases of State member banks
in your district in which the Reconstruction Finance
Corporation owns preferred capital with a view to
having concrete plans developed, wherever possible,
for the retirement of such capital where it can be
done on a basis consistent with the public interest."
Memorandum dated March 11, 1947, from Mr. Bethea, Director
of the Division of Administrative Services, recommending the pur-

Chase of insurance to cover the Board's liability as a result of
employees driving their personal cars in the course of their emacYment, with bodily injury liability limits of

.50,000 for any

°Ile person, t100,000 for any one accident, and Pf;10C0 property
damage for any one accident.

The memorandum also stated that the

IPProximate cost of this amount of insurance would be $75.00 per
Year, and recommended that the appropriate budget classification


of the Division of Administrative Services be increased accordingly.
Approved unanimously.


C airman.