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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in Washington on
Thursday, March 16, 1933, at 5:30 P. m.


Woodin, Chairman
Meyer, Governor


Morrill, Secretary
McClelland, Assistant Secretary
Harrison, Assistant to the Governor
Wyatt, General Counsel

The Governor explained that the meeting had been called at the
request of Mr. James to consider the following telegram received earlier
in the afternoon from the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas:
"Your confidential telegram trans 1672 was read to our
board in session this morning. It is the unanimous thought
Of our Board
that the passage of the Robinson Bill would be
injurious to the Federal Reserve System and the country as
a whole, and the members of the Board, collectively and
individually, have a desire to protest against the passage
of the bill if the
Federal Reserve Board has no objection.
TheY have in mind the adoption of a resolution urging defeat
of the bill to be transmitted to you for such use as you might
want to make, and in addition to that the several members of
the Board
would like to have the privilege of wiring their
Senators and congressmen over the individual signatures exPressing their opposition to the measure. However, no action
Npatever in this connection will be taken unless and until the
ederal Reserve Board signifies it has no objection."
The Secretary of the Treasury stated that S. 320 in an amended
f°1111 is now before the House of Representatives and in all probability
'will be
acted on tonight. He said that amendments were under consideration
in the House, all of which had previously been discussed by the members of
the Boar _,
and suggested that a reply be made to the telegram received from
the Dallas bank that any action along the lines proposed by the directors
should be
deferred until tomorrow.
Governor Meyer pointed out that the board of directors of the Federal



Reserve Bank of Dallas has been in session all day, that some of them are
not residents of Dallas, and that apparently they are remaining in session
awaiting a reply to the chairman's telegram to the Board.
Mr. Tames then moved that the Federal Reserve Board interpose no
°Nsction to the directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas taking
such action in the
matter as they deem appropriate in the circumstances.
During the discussion of the motion, Mr. Hamlin suggested that the
Power of general supervision over the Federal reserve banks vested in the
Federal Reserve Board has never been construed to interfere with the right

directors of Federal reserve banks to express their opinions as to the

effect of any proposed legislation upon their respective institutions.
Ur. Miller then moved, as a substitute for the motion by Mr. Tames,
that the di
rectors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas be informed that
Federal Reserve Board advises against the course they have in contemplation.
A general discussion followed, during which the Secretary of the
Treasury left
the meeting to confer with Congressman Steagall, Chairman of
the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives who
had Previously
sent word that he would like to see him. Shortly thereafter
the 0_
oecretary of the Treasury sent word that he would like to have Mr.
Secretary of the Board, COMB to his office.
Ur. Hamlin then suggested that the Board address the following
telegrfti to the
Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas:

"While there is no authority in the Board to
interfere with individual expressions of opinion
on proposed legislation, the Board in response to
your direct question feels that the action you propose to take is not advisable."



Tunes stated that he did not feel that he could vote in favor
of the
tele7raq -Proposed by Ib. Hamlin, but that he would be willin7 to
be recorded as not vothk.; inlarder that it maid be transmitted as repreentinG the view of the majority of the renbers of the Board.
La% Hamlin then left the neetin -] to consult with the Secretary of
the TreasurY regarding the form of telegram Proposed by him with the
inclusion therein o- a statement showing that it was action taken by a
1-Y vote, and upon his return reported that the Secretary Of the
l'Ibeas1-117 asked to be recorded as favoring the proposed telegram as amended.
. Hamlin thennoved as an anendment to Lir. :Tiller's substitute
4°tion that the
following telegran be sent to the ahaiman of the board of
cliroctors of the
Aderal Reserve Barilz of Dallas:
there is no authority in the Board to interfere with individual expressions of opinion on proposed
leZislation, the Board, by majority vote, in response
to your direct
question feels that the action you propose
to take is not
Mr. Hamlin's motion was then carried,
la.. James not voting.
returned and, said that he had been asked by Secretary
to reoort to the Board That
had occurred.

Mr. Morrill said that


illan 3tea7,all


in tile Secretary's office with a draft of the bill

c°11taillinG changes along the lines vzhich have been discut sed; tita t I Ir.
2tetiaall aaid that he had made a public statemert that this proposed
legis14ti°1117°11101 Cive to a nonmember bank exactly the SS= privile„;es of obtain1544118 filla Federal reserve banks as any member bank would have ard that
(11fle °Ile had
raised the question whether he understood the bill clearly as
it "Matt seem to
be taut broad; that LIT. Stearmll's attention had been
(lirected t0
the reference in the bill to section 10(b) of the Federal




Reserve Act and that it had been pointed out to him that under section
10(b) a
member bank must have exhausted its eligible paper; and that it
had been
suggested that a nonmember bank to come in under the new bill
would have to first exhaust its eligible paper and that no means were
Provided by which it could come in with eligible paper.

Mr. Morrill said

he called Mr. Steagall's attention to the language of the bill and pointed
out that in
that respect it was the same as the Robinson bill as originally
and that since under the Robinson bill a nonmember would come
to the
Federal reserve bank under the terms of section 10(b), it meant
that it could
do so under that bill only when it had exhausted its eligible
Paper. Mr. Morrill said that he pointed out, however, that under other proViSions

of the Federal Reserve Act a nonmember bank could come to a Federal


bank through a member bank with eligible paper under permission


by the Federal Reserve Board or could borrow on such paper from a

correspondent bank.

Mr. Morrill added that Mr. Steagall said that upon the

rstanding of the bill which he had gotten from Senator Glass he believed

it gave e nonmember bank all the privileges of a member bank, but Mr. Steagall
vas told
by Mr. Morrill that so far as he had discussed the bill with Senator
Glass, the latter seemed to be perfectly aware of the facts with reference
t0 section 10(b).

However, Mr. Morrill said that Secretary Woodin stated

that he
was not aware of that interpretation of the Robinson bill and as a
result C
ongressman Steagall and Secretary iioodin decided to ask to see the
Ilreeident tomorrow
morning to ascertain what his intention was and what he
de8ired; that Mr. Steagall said that he wanted to do whatever
the President
desired; that Secretary Woodin also said that he had
before him an additional
ParagraPh which the
President had approved, with


changes, which the

e 0



President had asked to be added to the bill; and that Mr. Woodin had spoken
to Senator
Glass and had intended to speak to Congressman Steagall about
it, but,
realizing how extremely rushed the latter was, had not done so.

L:orrill said that, apparently, it was the paragraph which had been sug-

Eested as a desirable addition to require the applicant banks to comply
with the
conditions of the law with respect to member banks, and that the
had written on the side some changes.

Li*. Morrill understood

Secretary Woodin to say that the President wanted this paragraph added to
the bill.
Governor Meyer stated that late yesterday afternoon Secretary ::oodin
had requested
the assistance of Mr. Morrill and Er. Wyatt, acting in the

capacity of draftsmen,
in rewriting the Robinson bill with proper safeEllards and incorporating therein a provision which would Eive the obligations of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation the same status as Governtient o

bligations so far as the Federal reserve banks are concerned and a

Provision which would repeal the requirement with respect to publicity of
the loans
of the Corporation.

He added that last night Mr. Morrill and

Wyatt had drafted a
bill, in the form of an amendment to the Robinson
bill) and that copies
of the bill had been furnished to the members of the

The bill is as follows:

"Intended to be proposed by Er. Glasz of Virginia to the
bill (S.320) to provide for direct loans by Federal reserve banks to State banks and trust companies in certain cases, viz:
"On page 1, line 6, strike out the word 'section'
and insert in lieu thereof the word 'sections'.


-6"On pace 1, line 7, strike out everything commencing
with the words 'sec. 404', through and including the word
'condition' at the end of line 12, on page 2 and insert in
lieu thereof the following:
"'Sec. 404. During the existing emergency in banking,
or until this section shall be declared no longer operative by
proclamation of the President, but in no event beyond the
period of one year from the date this section takes effect,
any State bank or trust company which desires to discount with
or obtain advances from a Federal reserve bank but which is
not a member of the Federal Reserve System, shall apply for
membership in the Federal Reserve System in the manner prescribed by Section 9 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, and
pending final action upon such application, the Federal reserve bank, subject to regulations prescribed by the Federal
Reserve Board, may discount paper for and make advances to
such bank or trust company on the same terms and conditions
as it is authorized to discount paper for and make advances
to member banks. Before any such discount or advance is
made, the applying bank or trust company shall deposit with
the Federal reserve bank in a special account the amount
which it would be required to pay on account of its subscription to the capital stock thereof upon admission to membership in the Federal Reserve System; and, during the time that
such bank is indebted in any way to the Federal reserve bank,
it shall be subject to the provisions of the Federal Reserve
Act and the regulations thereunder applicable to manber
banks. If the application of such State bank or trust company for membership be approved and it shall fail to complete
its membership within the time prescribed therefor by the
Federal Reserve Board, or if such application be disapproved,
such bank or trust company shall not thereafter be entitled
to any further privileges under this section; but, in either
event, when all its indebtedness to the Federal reserve bank
shall have been paid or provided for, such bank or trust company shall be entitled to the return of the amount deposited
on account of its subscription to capital stock and to the
return of all other moneys, securities and other property due
to it or held for it by the Federal reserve bank. Under such
regulations as the Federal Reserve Board may prescribe, the
privileges afforded under this section to State banks and
trust companies applying for membership in the Federal Reserve
System may be made available to State banks and trust companies applying for conversion into national banking associations. Notes, drafts, bills of exchange and bankers' acceptances acquired by a Federal reserve bank under the provisions
of this section shall be eligible as security for circulating
notes issued under the provisions of the sixth paragraph of
Section 18 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended by Section
401 of this Act, to the same extent as notes, drafts, bills of
exchange or bankers' acceptances acquired under the 'rovisions
of the Federal Reserve Act.



"'Sec. 405. With the view of facilitating the operations of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, including
the making of loans to State banks and trust companies which
are not melthers of the Federal Reserve System, by increasing
the marketability of the notes, debentures, bonds, Find other
such obligations of that corporation, which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States, the Federal reserve
banks shall have the same powers (1) to discount notes,
drafts, and bills of exchange secured by such obligations,
(2) to make advances to member banks on their notes secured
by such obligations, (3) to purchase and sell such obligations, and (4) to use all paper and obligations so acquired,
as they have with respect to bonds and notes of the United
"'Sec. 406. Subsection (b) of Section 201 of the
Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 is amended
by adding at the end thereof a new sentence reading as
flt 'The statement showing the names of borrowers
shall be made available to the Committees on Banking and
Currency of the Senate and House of Representatives, respectively, for their confidential information, and shall
not be made public.""
Governor Meyer stated that Senator Glass has a copy of the bill and
that the
ideas embodied in it, other than the provision relating to the

Finance Corporation, seemed to appeal to him; that he (Gov-

ernor L.eyer) was inclined to feel that the bill was one that the Board wpuld
justified in approving; and that he had discussed the matter fully with
allantine, who had indicated that he would discuss it with Secretary

Telegram dated March 16, 1933, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta advising of the establishment at the bank on that date
Of the
f°110wing schedule of effective buying rates on bankers' acceptances:
1 to 90 days
91 to 120 days
121 to 180 days

3 1/2%
3 5/8';L
3 1/2/0

Without objection, noted with approval.

Letter dated March 14, 1033, from the Secretary of the Federal Reserve
iansas City advising of the establishment at the bank on March 13,

.Z 47i



1933, of the following schedule of effective buying rates on bankers' acceptances:
1 to 90 days
91 to 120 days
121 to 180 days

3 1/2%

Without objection, noted with approval.
Telegrams dated March 16, 1933, from the Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Dallas and San Francisco, advising of the establishment at those banks, subject to the approval of the Federal Reserve Board, of
e rate of 4 1/2',% on advances to individuals, partnerships or corporations on

the promissory notes of such individuals, partnerships or corporations secured by direct obligations of the United States under the provisions of section 13 of the Federal Reserve Act as amended by section 403 of the

Act of

March 9, 1933.
The ratesestablished by the Federal Reserve Banks
of Richmond, Dallas and San Francisco,were approved, effective March 16, 1933.
The above telegrams also advised of the establishment at the Federal
Reserve Banks of Dallas and San Francisco of the following schedule of buying rates on
bankers' acceptances:
1 to 90 days
91 to 120 days
121 to 180 days

3 1/2%
3 5/8%
3 1/2%

Without objection, noted with approval.
Telegram dated lArch 16, 1933, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
41* of Richmond advising that the board of directors of that bank had voted
to establish a
rate of 5%, subject to the approval of the Federal Reserve
13°ara, on advances made under section 10(b) of the Federal Reserve Act as
6Wlended by
section 402 of the Act of March 9, 1933.

The rate established by the Federal Reserve Bank
of Richmond was approved, effective March 16, 1933.



Telegram dated /larch 16, 1933, approved by four members of the Board,
to the
Federal reserve agents at all Federal reserve banks advising that the

Comptroller of the Currency has brought to the attention of the Board

his telegram to the
Federal reserve agents quoting instructions sent today to
ell Chief National Bank Examiners with regard to the handling of inquiries
being received in connection with the proposed reorganization of national

The telegram stated that while the responsibility for the direction

of re
organizations of national banks rests with the chief national bank
e)Mminers, and with the State banking authorities in the case of State bRnks,
Board feels it would be desirable for the Federal reserve agents to
°°13erate with the supervising authorities in such matters.

Reply to a letter dated Larch 14, 1933, from the Secretary of the
'Federal ,
aeserve Bank of Cleveland requesting approval of the salary of .1)5,500

linnum fixed by the board of directors of the Cleveland bank, effective

1441'ah 150 1933, for ar. E. A. Carter who was appointed Assistant Cashier of
the bank
as of that date. The reply stated that the Board approves the salarY
fixed by the board of directors of the Cleveland bank, and advised that


understood that Er. Carter's salary will be subject to deductions in

"e°rdance with and during
the period of the share-the-work plan established
bY the
board of directors of the bank.
Letter dated Earch 15, 1933, from Deputy Governor Crane of the Federal
Reser7e Bank of New York, inclosing a copy of a telegram which was sent by
New York bank on that date to the Governors of the other Federal reserve

reerding steps which were taken to carry out the control of foreign



in the Second Federal Reserve District as contemplated

bY the
Executive Order of Earch 10, 1933.





Reply to a letter dated March 3, 1933, from the Acting Comptroller of
the Currency requesting approval by the Board
of a salary of 14,3,600 per annum
for National
Bank Examiner Clifton A. Poole, assigned to the Fifth Federal
Reserve District; the reply
advising that the Federal Reserve Board approves
the salary
Telegraphic reply, approved by four meMbers of the Board, to a telegralu of March 15, 1933, from the Federal Reserve Agent at New York request
iC aPproval of
the appointment of Messrs. S. G. H. Turner and Barton P.
Turnbull as
special advisers in the Federal reserve agent's department of
the bank
in connection with the reorganization of member banks, with salary
at the
rate of ::;1,000 per month. The reply stated that the Board approves
the salaries
at the rate stated above and requested that the agent advise
the Board
When Messrs. Turner and Turnbull assume their new duties in the
?sderal reserve
agent's department.
Telegraphic reply to a telegram dated March 16, 1933, from the Federal
Reserve Agent at Boston request
ing approval by the Board of the appointment
to the agent's examining staff for one month
of Messrs. A. P. Noble, A. I.
"ilateviell,H. E. Brown, H. S. Lamprey, R. W. Nam, F. H. Shute, M.
L. Hopkins
4" I's B. Hamel, with salary at the rate of t400, ;;;400, i180, 4180,
4135: 0202,
and ;1127 per month, respectively; the reply stating that the
approves the appointments and salaries recommended, and requesting adlee
or the dates on which the several men assume their new duties and whether
designated as examiners or assistant examiners.
Telegrap hic reply to a telegram dated March 16, 1933, from the Fedsl'al Re erv
s -.0 Agent at Chicago requesting approval by the Board of the





apDointraent as examiners of Messrs. B. K. Patterson, A. L.

Wt.le6n, E. R. Mauss, E. M. Toseph and Boyd Brown, with salaries within
Et l'alaCe of from 33,000 to 36,000 per annUM; the reply stating that the
}3°a.rd aPproves the appointments and salary range recommended, and requesting advice of the dates on which the respective appointees assume their

new duties and at what salaries appointed.
Telegraphic reply to a telegram dated March 16, 1933, from the
PeCleral Reserve Agent at Kansas City requesting approval by the Board of
aPPointrrent of Mr. L. F. Mills as an examiner at the KFmsas City bank;
l'eP17 stating that the Board apprares the appointment recommended, with
at the rate of 32,700
Per annum.
Telegram on March. 15,


to the Governors of all Federal reserve

Proved by four mmbers of the Board, advising that the Federal

Ire Board feels that an advance to an individual, partnership or corpora-

tulder the provisions of the last paragraph of section 15 of the Federal
ileeerg.e Act, as amended by section. 403 of the Act of March 9, 1W3, &mild
be 1324e °n1Y by the Federal reserve bank of the district in. which the
13i1:1c4-Pal place of
business of such individual, partmrship or corporation
Apilr awed.
Telegram. to the Assistant Irederal Reserve Agent at Minneapolis,
teleellIng to the
applications for permission to withdraw immediately from
tilenab"elliF in the Federal Reserve System filed by the Belgrade State Bank,

Montana, the Bavalli County Bank, Hamilton, Montana, and the



Miners Savings Bank and Trust Company, Butte, Montana, the telegram advising that the Board waives the usual requirement of six months notice
and that,
accordingly, upon surrender of the Federal reserve bank stock
issued to these banks, the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis is authorized
to cancel
such stock and make refund thereon.
Telegrams to the Federal Reserve Agent at Chicago advising that the
Federal Reserve Board has approved applications filed by the following
state banks for membership in the Federal Reserve System and for stock in

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, subject to conditions set forth in the

individual telegrams:
Number of Shares

Name of Bank
Scars-Community State Bank of Chicago, Illinois.
Boulevard Bridge Bank, Chicago, Illinois.


Telegrams to the Federal Reserve Agent at Kansas City and to all

Federal reserve agents, advising that in view of the second sentence

est section 303 of the Act of March 9, 1933, when read in connection with the
first sentence of the tenth paragraph of section 9 of the Federal Reserve
At) unimpaired preferred stock of a State bank lawfully issued and outstandIlleY be included as capital of such bank in determining whether it has
cient capital to entitle it legally to become a member of the Federal


The telegrams also stated that even though the capital of

the blInk is legally sufficient, the Federal Reserve Board, in acting upon
its „
-t4/4-1cation for membership, would take into consideration, among other
get whether the kinds and amount of its capital appeared to meet the



needs of the bank under all the circumstances of the case.
Telegram on March 15, 1933, to the Governors of all Federal reserve
banks, approved by four members of the Board, referring to the Board's
Previous telegram of that date, trans. 1669, and advising that the Board
reels it would be desirable to have the alphabetical list referred to therein prepared in
three sections: (1) member banks licensed to resume banking
°Perations; (2) nonmember banks licensed to resume banking operations without
alaY restrictions
other than those applicable to all banking institutions
under the
Executive Order of March 10, 1933; (3) nonmember banks licensed
to resume banking operations
under restrictions in addition to those
applicable to all banking institutions.

The telegram also suggested that

the captions relating to nonmember banks should clearly indicate that the
lists are based upon the best information obtainable by the Federal reserve
bank to
Telegram to the Governors of all Federal reserve banks stating
that the office
of the Comptroller of the Currency advises that, notwithStellding the appointment of a conservator for a national bank under the
Ballk Co
nservation Act, deposits received by such bank prior to the appointIllant of
a conservator, in special trust accounts created under the provisions
or Reg
'uletion No. 7 of the Secretary of the Treasury issued March 6, 1933,
tilaY be w ithdrawn upon demand without restriction or limitation to the full
or the amount of
cash, Federal reserve bank balances and proceeds
or United
States obligations in which such deposits have been kept separate

"vested in accordance with the provisions of said Regulation No. 7.



-14Telegram to the Governors of all Federal reserve banks advising

that in the Board's consolidated press statement of condition of the
elLeral reserve banks to be issued today the items "Special deposits-menber
bank" and "Special deposits-nonmember bank" will be inserted immediately
PrecadinC the item "Other deposits."

The telecTam also advised that in the

B°ard te CIMTD wire "Special deposits-member bank" will be designated by
the code word
CCM and "Special deposits-nonmenber bank" by the code word
Telegram to the Governors of all Federal reserve banks advising
that in the Board's consolidated statement of condition of Federal reserve
111144 the ..em "Redemmtion
fund - F. R. Bank notes" will be inserted followthe item "Non-reserve cash," and that the item "F. R. bank notes in
actual c
ircuLation" will be inserted follaving item "F. R. notes in actual

The telegram also advised that in the Board's COND wire, the

c°d° word BIRD will
be used to designate "Redemption Fund - F. R. bnnk notes"
alld the code
word TINT to designate "F. R. bank notes in actual circulation."
Telegram to the Federal reserve agents at all Federal reserve banks
aq\rising that no
statements of condition of reporting member banks or of
debits will be
issued for the week ending Larch 15, 1933, but that

should be collected if practicable as was done last week and

rill'aished to
the Board.
Letter to the President of the First Federal Foreign Banking Corpora-



tion, New York, New York, replying to his letter to the Board of March
11, 1933, advising that if a license to reopen for the performance of its
usual banking functions should be granted to the corporation, steps would
be taken
promptly to call a special meeting of the stockholders of the corPoration in order to take action to provide new funds for the corporation
in an amount sufficient to restore its capital to $2,000,000 and to provide
a reserve for losses of at least 4200,000, or, in the alternative, to
liquidate the corporation; the Board's reply stating that in the light of
the above statements the Board has brought the matter to the attention of

Secretary of the Treasury, who has amended his regulation No. 22 so as
authorize corporations organized under the provisions of section 25(a)

Of the
Federal Reserve Act to open and perform their usual banking functions,
aUbject to certain restrictions stated therein.

The letter requested that

the Board be
advised promptly of the date set for the special meeting of
the stockholder
s of the corporation at which action is to be taken upon the
questions stated above.
Letter to Honorable Harold Ickes, Secretary of the Interior,
IlePlYing to a letter addressed to the Board under date of March 3, 1933,
tr.°31 the then Secretary of the Interior, requesting the Board's views with
liesPeet to a bill that Senator Gore of Oklahoma proposes to introduce, which,
it enacted into
law, would exempt from the reserve requirements imposed by
"eti°n 19 of the Federal Reserve Act, as amended, deposits of Indian funds
ille'de with
member banks of the Federal Reserve System in all cases where such
te were secured by a pledge of United States bonds. The letter to
erY Ickes Quoted certain views contained in the report of the committee



)on bank reserves of the Federal Reserve System with regard to reserves
O) -L;nited
States Government deposits, and stated that, for the same reasons,
the Board is
of the opinion that Indian funds secured by the pledge of
United States bonds should not be exempt from reserve requirements.
Memorandum dated March 14, 1933, from the Board's General Counsel
recommending that the Board's subscription to the congressional service
reg"ding banking and currency matters furnished by the Corporation Trust
C°111PanY at the rate of 4100 per session of Congress, be renewed for the
"esent session of Congress which commenced on March 9, 1933.

Reports of Standing Committee dated March 15 and 16, 1933, recommending approval
of the following changes in stock at Federal reserve banks:
A li
cations for ORIGINAL Stock:
CitY National
Bank in Wichita Falls, Texas.
PciirtrzeNnastional Bank in Mt. Calm, Texas.
National Bank in Ennis, Texas.




Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

