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A rreetinp, of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the o ffice of the
Board on Wednesday, March 14th, at 11:00 a.m.

Vice Governor Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Mill'
Mr. Mitchell
Hoxton, Secretary

inutes of the /meting of the Federal Reserve Board held on March 13th
Were read

and on motion approved as amended.

The vice Governor reported the reserve positions of the several - ederal
Reserve banks as at close of business March 12th.
Upon motion of Mr. Miller, it was voted that the Federpl Reserve Board
Order from the public printer 1,000 copies of Senate Document 4310, being a
lielDrint of the transcript of the Stenographic Minutes of the Conference between the Federal Reserve Board, the Class "2" Directors and the Federal Advisory Council at Washington, May 18, 1920, and that the Board suggest to
the Superintendent of Documents that he retain on hand a stock of these
cl(3cuments for sale to the public, furthermore, that the Board send fifteen
ec3Pies of tne said document to each of the Federal Reserve banks with the
illf°rmation that additional copies may be had from the Superintenient of
Dc'eunients at whatever price the Superintendent of Documents may fix.
Telegram dated March 9th, referred. to in the minutes of yesterday,
rrc)in the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, presenting
rea's°48 given by Mr. W. G. McAdoo, General Counsel for the Bank of Italy,
hY1 in his opinion, the Board should reconsider its action in disapproving
the Purchase by the Bank of Italy through its Stockholders' Auxiliary Corpora-



Of the First National Bank of


Centro, California.

Ordered laid. over for a full meeting of the
Memorandum dated March 12th, from the Assistant Counsel, subject "NonMember Bank Balances Under Section 19", and submitting for the approval of
th'' Board draft of a letter dated March 12th, and addressed to Mr. Charles C.
Bali, Assistant Federal Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Referred to Mr. Mitchell.
Telegram dated March 13th, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
134tat of ban Francisco as follows:
"Mercantile Trust Company, San Francisco, has branch at
Campbell, California, with seven hundred thousand deposits
and makes application for Board's approval to purchase
majority of capital at ock of Growers National Bank there
having fifty thousand capital one hundred thousand deposits.
.axaminers are now in charge of Growers National and intimated that capital is impaired to such extent that assessment necessary. Mercantile Trust is interested because
having loaned on part of capital stock to borrower unable
to m et assessment. Mercantile Securities Company plans
to purchase not more than seventy-five percent of stock
at (der-Ay-five dollars per share but does not desire to
consolidate with their branch or convert into new branch.
Instead plans to carry stock for a time and resell control
of bank preferring to maintain competition as heretofore.
Reconmend Board's approval. of Mercantile's application
as proposed purchase seems preferable to public announcement of banks embarrassment and assessment to restore
impaired capital. Please wire reply as purchase opt ion
expires noon fourteenth. "
Upon motion, the Secretary was instructed to advise
Mr. Perrin that the Board interposes no objection to the
Mercantile Trust Company's proposal to purchase a majority
of the capital stock of the Growers National Bank of Campbell, California, in accordance with the terms of the above



Letter dated February 21st, from the Chairman of the Federal Reserve
Bank of

St. Louis,

requesting the appmval of the Federal Reserve Board,

Of certain bids received by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, covering
the constructions of the proposed buildin- for the Little Rock Branch.
Upon not ion of Mr. Miller, it was voted that a Conznittee
Of three consisting of Mr. Crissinger, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Platt
be designated to make investigation and submit to the Board a
recommendation as to whether or not the Little Rock Branch of the
Feieral Reserve Bank of St. Louis should be continued.
Telegram dated March 13th, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago,
hicruiring when action may be expected upon the application for fiduciary
Dawers of the Peoples National Bank, Rushville, Indiana.
Upon motion of Mr. Hamlin, it as voted to approve the
application for fiduciary powers, of the Peoples National
Bank of Rushville, Indiana, upon ccaldit ion that the President
Of the Bank shall not continue as an officer or director, and
upon the condition that the Examining Cormittee of the Bank
Mr. Hanlin stated that
shall become and remain active.
if Mr. Mitchell, after examination of the application, does
not concur with the terms of the above motion that he at the
next meeting will move to reconsider.

Uetnorandum dated March 12th, from General Counsel, subject "Limitation
On Amounts which State Member Banks may lend to one Customer".
Referred to the Law Committee.
Memorandum dated March 8th, from General Counsel, with reference to the
41arie3 of Counsel at the several Federal Reserve banks, and recommending
e*Pial Oval of the action of the Board of Directors of the Fe_teral Reserve Bank
Atlanta, in designating the firm of Randoloh


Parker as Counsel to the


Oral Reserve Bank of Atlanta, instead of Yr. R. N. Randolph, individually,
414 to

increase the compensation of their Counsel from :1 2500 to '3500 per annum,



said memorandum having been referred to the Committee on Salaries and Charge
Offs at the meeting of March 8th.
Upon motion of Mr. Mitchell, the recommendation of
Counsel in this respect was approved.
Mr. Mitchell moved that the Board reconsider its act ion in disapproving
ail increase in the salary of the Goveror of the Federal Reserve Bank of Min4eaPoli8, and that the matter be ordered docketed as special order business
f°z' the meeting tomorrow, March 15th.
2aiTS OF 001 IT
13ated March 14th,

NO. 1
Recommending action on applications for changes in stock
as set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book of this date.

The meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m.


Secret ary.

Vice Governor.