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19 At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Board on March 14, 1919, at 11 A.M., PRESENT: The Mr. Mr. Mr. Governor Hamlin Williams Broderick, secretary. Business was presented and disposed of as follows: Memorandum from General Counsel dated 'March 13th, regarding the pi.oposed sale of equipment of the Division of Foreign Exchange. General Counsel having stated that he knew of no law prohibiting the sale of the equipment and supplies in question, the sale thereof was authorized by the 'Board. Memorandum by General Counsel dated March 13th, regarding the application of the Army rational Bank of Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, for trustee powers. General Counsel having stated that there appears to be no legal objection to granting the application, same was referred to the Board's sub-committee for the usual memorandum and recommendation. Letter dated March 12th from Deputy Governor Case, Federal Reserve Bank of Eew iork, regarding the operations of National banks in his district, Which are members of the Witham System. Read and noted. Letter dated March 10th from Mr. W. . Ramsey, - 91 1 e Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserv the Bank of Dallas, enclosing minutes of the meeting of Board held on March 6th. Noted. Letter dated March 10th from Mr. W. F. Ramsey, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of Ir. of-Dallas, again recommending increase in the salary the W. P. Clark, Chief Clerk of the Auditing Department of - 125 to 4150 per month. El Paso Branch, from 3 Approved. Telegram from Federal Reserve Agent Ramsey at Dallas, reporting defalcation by subordinate employee of the El Paso Branch, aggregating from 4a,000 to ;;5,000. Read and noted. Application of the Seattle rational Bank, Seattle, the Washington, for permission to invest $70,000 in stock of American Foreign Banking Corporation. Approved. Letter dated :arch 5th from Mr. S. G. Sargent, Chief Examiner, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, enclosing correspondence with the Bank of Rosalia regarding their method of handling their customers' Liberty bonds. Referred to the Secretary for reply. -3Memorandum from the Department of State dated March 10th, enclosing copy of communication from the Legation of r the United States at The Hague, Netherlands, dated Decembe the 26, 1916, regarding the floating of a large loan in efUnited States, Denmark, Switzerland, and Holland, in an fort to avoid the menace of severe economic policy on the part of Belgium, France and England. Read and noted. Memorandum from General Counsel dated March 11th, in regard to proposed amendment to the Negotiable Instruments Law in re notice of defect. Read and noted. Memorandum by General Counsel dated :Larch 11th, with reference to the right of a Federal Reserve bank to count as reserve earmarked gold held by such bank in a foreign agency, together with complete file of correspondence relating to the Bank of England transaction. head and noted. Memorandum by General Counsel dated March 12th, regarding the Denby Bill, providing for Federal incorporation of companies engaged in foreign trade. Referred to Mr. Hamlin. The Governor reported the purchase on March 13th, of -4States special 2;,; certificate of indebtedness of the United for for500,000 for the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, . deposit with the Comptroller of the Currency as collateral for Federal Reserve bank notes. Approved. Reports of discount rates at Federal Reserve banks; no changes recommended. Noted. The Governor reported the following rediscount transactions, pursuant to authority heretofore vested in him: March 13th, by the Federal Reserve Bank Louis for the Federal Reserve Bank of $t. of Richmond, 2,500,000 member bank eleven to fifteen day collateral notes securedby Government obligations; rate 4%. March 13th, by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City for the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, .:;2,500,000 member bank eleven to fifteen day collateral notes secured by Government obligations; rate L*. March 13th, by the Federal Reserve of Chicago for the Federal Reserve Bank Richmond, $5,000,000 member bank eleven fifteen day collateral notes secured by ernment obligations; rate 4;;. Bank of to Gov- March 13th, by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, i";5,000,000 member bank fifteen day collateral notes secured by Government obligations; rate 4. March 13th, by the Federal Reserve Bank 197 -bof Chicago for the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, 45,00u,000 member bank fifteen day collateral notes secured by Government obligations; rate 4. March 13th, by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis for the Federal Reserve Bank en of Philadelphia, i'5,000,000 member bank fifte obliday promissory notes secured by Government gations; rate 470. March 13th, by the Federal Reserve Bank New of Chicago from the Federal Reserve Bank of tanaccep rs' York, purchase of :120,000,000 banke y thirt for ces maturing within CO days; rate iti; sixty to day paper, and 4-1/8:i; for thirty-one day paper. Koted. of Draft of letter by the Governor to the Chairman ve bank, forthe Board of Directors of each Federal Reser between warding copy of correspondence dated March 13th, al Reserve the Director General of Railroads and the Feder Reserve banks Board, regarding the rediscounting by Federal tion. of trade acceptances of the Railroad Administra Read and approved. n on applicaReport dated March 14th, recommending actio forth in set as s tions for fiduciary power date. this of as the auxiliary minute book Approved. Application of the Merchants and Farmers Bank of to exercise Charlotte, North Carolina, for permission fiduciary powers. -6It appears from the report of the Comis mittee that the only criticism of tnis bank est, inter el; and Teo ing charg is the fact that it 6. is ina Carol Vorth in rate whereas the legal it During the discussion as to whether or not ams Willi Mr. s, power ee trust ed should be grant apto voted was It ng. meeti withdrew from the n. catio prove the appli changes in stock Reports (2) dated March 13th, recommending forth in the set as banks ve Reser at Federal date. this of as book e minut auxiliary Approved. of Letter dated March 11th from the Comptroller of,..;1,08o per the Currency, requesting approval of salary Federal Reserve annum for Miss Martha J. Lartin, Clerk in the Issue and .Redemption Division. Approved. Application of the Fifth Avenue Bank of rew York exchange up for permission to accept drafts and bills of the provisions of to 100,.; of its capital and surplus, under section 13. Approved. At 11:55 A.M., the meeting adjourned.