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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
4eltem was held in Washington on Tuesday, March 12, 1240, at 10:30


Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman
Szymczak (first part of afternoon session)

Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Ir. Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman
Mr. Thurston) Special Assistant to the
Mr. 7iyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Goldenweiser, Director of the Division
of Research and Statistics
Mr. Smead, Chief of the Division of Bank
Mr. Dreibelbis, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Ransom referred to Bill H.R. 8638 which was introduced in

House of Representatives on February 23, 1940, and referred to the

'utattee on Banking and Currency and which, among other things, would

Ire the Comptroller of the Currency from the board of directors of
the t,
"deral Deposit Insurance Corporation, increase insurance to cover

Up to 0_0,000, and reduce the deposit assessment rate from

to 1/14 of 1%.

Mr. Ransom said that he had been informed that

it w
Ets not planned to hold hearings on the bill, and that it might pass
the I,
n°11ee of Representatives as a substitute for the Byrnes Bill


18) which passed the Senate on June 13, 1939, so that when the
reached the Senate the action would be in the form of sending

the than

ged Byrnes bill to conference, and that the bill might have

good chance of passage at this session of Congress.
After a discussion of whether the
Board should take any action in the matter,
Messrs. Goldenweiser and Wyatt were requested to prepare an analysis of the bill
for consideration by the Board.
During the course of the last six weeks the Division of ReCh and Statistics had sent to the members of the Board and members

°r the
' the

staff a first and second draft of the text of the Annual Report
Board for the year 1939 and members of the Board had discussed

the drafts with members of the staff.

At this meeting consideration

ellen to a third draft of the report and additional changes were

Ilibeed upon.
At the conclusion of the discussion
the report was approved unanimously subject to such further changes of form as
might be approved by Mr. Davis, with the
understanding that the report would be
submitted to the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and President of the
Senate as soon as printed and given such
further distribution as approved by Mr.
The meeting then recessed and reconvened at 3:00 p.m. with

-"le attendance as at the morning session except that Mr. Smead

Present and Messrs. Szymczak, Parry, Chief of the Division
c48"Ilrity Loans, and Piser, Senior Economist in the Division of
Ileee4lIch and Statistics, were in attendance.

-3Mr. Davis related telephone conversations which he had during
the ,
-LUnch hour with Messrs. Day, President of the Federal Reserve
11Wc of San Francisco, and Bolden, Deputy Chairman of the bank, during
Ithich they expressed a preference for the immediate designation of
Mr. l aYmond C. Force, who was appointed a Class C director of the bank
1511 March 8, 1940, as Chairman and Federal Reserve Agent at the bank
r(*the balance of the current year.
Upon motion by Mr. Davis, Mr. Force
was designated as Chairman and Federal
Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank
of San Francisco for the remainder of the
year 1940 and his compensation as Chairman
and Federal Reserve Agent was fixed on the
uniform basis fixed for the same Position
at all Federal Reserve banks, i.e., the
same amount as the aggregate of the fees
payable during the same period to any
other director for attendance corresponding to his at meetings of the board of
directors, executive committee, and other
committees of the board of directors.
There was presented for consideration a draft of record cover-


4 actions on questions of policy taken by the Federal Open Market
'mUttee during the year 1939 and in that connection attention was

led to

a memorandum which Mr. Morrill addressed to the members of

8"rd on March 9, 1940, with respect to an addition suggested by

arrison, Vice Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee, to


covering the meeting of the Committee on December 13, 1939.

-arrison's suggestion was discussed, but it was decided that no
h"ge Should be made in the record as submitted with Mr. Morrill's



raEmlorandum of March 9.
Thereupon unanimous approval was
given to the record as submitted.
Mr. Szymczak left the meeting at this point.
Mr. Morrill referred to the communications sent by the Board
t0141% Berle, Assistant Secretary of State, under dates of March 8
Ettid 9) 1940, with respect to the Inter-American Bank, and raised the
411"tion whether copies of the communications should be sent to the
11"eral Reserve Bank of New York for its information.
It was agreed unanimously that there
was no need for sending copies of the letters to the New York bank at this time.
Mr. Morrill then stated that a request had been received from
Ktmball, Secretary of the Presidents' Conference, that he be adOf any topics that the Board would like the Presidents to dis°488 at their conference which had been called to convene at Washington
rn'qesdey afternoon, March 19, 1940.
It was agreed unanimously to request
the views of the Presidents on Bill H.R.
8638, to which reference was made at the
morning session of this meeting, and, as
soon as the analysis of the bill being
prepared by Messrs. Wyatt and Goldenweiser
is completed, to send copies to Mr.
Kimball for the information of the Presidents with the advice that the analysis
had been prepared for the information of
the Board but had not yet been considered
by it.
In connection with the above matter the suggestion was made



that it
would be a desirable procedure if arrangement were made at
c°11farences of the Presidents to hold a joint meeting of the Presi11348 and the

Board prior to the separate meetings of the Presidents.

It was agreed unanimously that the
suggestion should not be made as to the
forthcoming conference but Should be offered to the Presidents for consideration
In connection with subsequent conferences.
At this point Messrs. Thurston, Wyatt, Goldenweiser, Parry,
e ibelbis and Piser left the meeting and the action stated with reto each of the matters hereinafter referred to was then taken


The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the

1111 Reserve System held on March 9, 1940, were approved unanitouslys

Telegram dated March 11, 1940, to Mr. Roger B. Shepard, a
8 C director of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, reading
48 t°11owe:
"Board of Governors of Federal Reserve System has
elVointed you Deputy Chairman of Federal Reserve Bank
Of Minneapolis for remainder of year 1940, and will be
Pleased to have your acceptance by collect telegram."
Approved unanimously.
Letter dated March 11, 1940, to Mr. Young, President of the
IV Reserve Bank of Boston, reading as follows:

"This refers further to your letter of Tanuary 24,
submitting a request of representatives of the



"Webster and Atlas National Bank of Boston for advice
SS to whether, in the view of the Board, the operation
of a Common Trust Fund under a plan which is being considered by that bank would conform to the requirements
Of the Board's Regulation F. It appears that, disregarding details, the Point upon which the Board's views are
desired is whether the operation of a Common Trust Fund
Under the proposed plan would be contrary to the followProvisions of subsection (a) of section 17 of Regulation F:
'The purpose of this section is to permit the use of Common Trust Funds, as defined
in section 169 of the Internal Revenue Code,
for the investment of funds held for true fiduciary purposes; and the operation of such Common Trust Funds as investment trusts for other
than strictly fiduciary purposes is hereby prohibited. No bank administering a Coumion Trust
Fund shall issue any document evidencing a
direct or indirect interest in such Common
Trust Fund in any form which purports to be
negotiable or assignable. The trust investment committee of a bank operating a Common
Trust Fund shall not permit any funds of any
trust to be invested in a Common Trust Fund
if it has reason to believe that such trust
was not created or is not being used for bona
fide fiduciary purposes.'
"It appears that the creation of the Common Trust
Plind is part of a plan under which the bank proposes to
solicit the public (through paid solicitors or agents of
the bank, newspaper advertisements, circulars, etc.) to
create uniform revocable trusts designed specifically to
Participate in the Common Trust Fund. With this in view,
the bank has prepared an application and receipt form and
a so-called 'Participating Trust Agreement' form. Under
such trust agreement form, the creator of a trust is to
d ePosit with the bank, as trustee, a stated principal sum
In 120 equal monthly deposits and the bank is directed
to invest such deposits, less authorized deductions, in
Participations in the Common Trust Fund. The trust is
to terminate upon revocation, death of the creator, notice
d elivered by the trustee to the creator after continued

, 73


"default in making deposits, or the expiration of 10
Years (i.e., the expiration of the period during which
the deposits are to be made). In addition to an acceptance fee of 10, an annual fee of 6 per cent of the income of the trust, and a termination fee of 2 per cent
Of the then cash value of the trust assets, the bank is
to receive the first year a fee of 2 Per cent of the
:tated principal sum and each year thereafter a fee of
'5. Among, other things, it is also noted that the trust
agreement form refers to the fact that 'other trust estates have been or are to be established under particiPatine trust agreements respectively, substantially
similar to this instrument'. In the application form,
the person desiring to create such a trust applies for
the execution of a Participating Trust Agreement, such
Participation' to be in a stated principal sum. Such
aPPlication form recites that there is paid therewith a
stated sum, consisting of an acceptance fee of '1.0 and
the first of 120 equal deposits, and also that the bank
will be empowered to invest the net deposits of the apPlicant in a Common Trust Fund to be held and managed by
the bank as Collective Trustee pursuant to a Collective
Trust Plan of a specified date. The bank's representative receiving the application is to give a receipt for
the money but there is to be no binding agreement until
the application is accepted by the bank and a Participating Trust Agreement is executed by the bank and the
"In view of these facts and the other details of
the matter discussed in the comprehensive opinion of
Your counsel, the Board agrees with the conclusion
reached by your counsel that the proposed Common Trust
could not be considered as being operated in conformity with the Board's Regulation F and particularly
that part of the regulation Quoted above.
"As you know, it is not the Practice of the Bureau
of Internal Revenue to make advance rulings on a hypothetical basis. However, the Board has no doubt that,
if the proposed Conmon Trust Fund should be operated as
contemplated, the Bureau of Internal Revenue would deny
&nach Fund the tax exemption granted to Common Trust
lAinds operated in conformity with the Board's regulations.
"It is requested that you advise the Webster and
as National Bank of the Board's views in the premises.



"In view of the full opportunity which representatives
Of your bank have afforded representatives of the Webster
and Atlas National Bank to present fully all facts and
arguments involved, it would not seem that it would serve
any useful purpose for representatives of the bank to
came to Washington to discuss the matter. However, if
uPon consideration of the views expressed herein representatives of the bank should desire to submit any.further information in the premises or should still desire
to came to Washington to discuss the matter with representatives of the Board, the Board, of course, will be
glad to have them do so."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated February 28, 1940, from 'Mr. Van Fossen, AssistlInt Chief of the Division of Bank Operations, stating that replies
444 been received from all Federal Reserve agents in response to the
letter of November 15, 1939 (R-553), with respect to the de4trtletion of certain records of Federal Reserve agents, and recommendthat Congressional authority be requested to destroy the records
"in the statement attached to the memorandum it being understood
t)16:b none of the records listed will be destroyed until their destruction has been authorized by the Board.

A form letter addressed to the

Illichivist of the United States submitting the list of records referred
to Tol
also attached to the memorandum.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Young, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
-n, reading as follows:
"There are being sent you at this time under



separate cover 10 sets of the Federal Reserve LooseLeaf Service, as requested in your telegram of October
91 1939. It will be appreciated if you will see that
these sets of the Service are distributed to the proper
"Your attention is called to the fact that instructions relating to personnel questions, appointment of
examiners, surety bonds, and other related matters have
been placed at the end of the Service in a separate division under the heading 'Miscellaneous Matters'. In view
Of the suggestion made by one of the Federal Reserve
behks that it might be desirable to omit such matters
fram the Service, this arrangement has been followed so
that it will be possible for any Federal Reserve bank
to delete this group of instructions, if it so desires,
When sets of the Service are distributed, although the
General Index, of course, will include references to the
instructions in question.
"In order that the maximum usefulness may be obtained
from the Federal Reserve Loose-Leaf Service, it is ex'remely Important that each user of the Service familiarize himself with its setup and the mechanics of its
Operation by reading carefully the 'Explanation of Service' and 'Federal Reserve Loose-Leaf Service Letter No.
1', which will be found near the beginning of Volume I."
Approved unanimously, together with
similar letters to the Presidents of all
other Federal Reserve banks.
Mr. Morrill suggested that the Board authorize the payment of
cost of luncheon served to Mr. John G. Nichols, Chief, Division
Minetions, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and Mr. W. P.
er, Chief National Bank Examiner, Comptroller of the Currency, in

the Board's dining room today.

Approved unanimously.



Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


