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73S Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on Friday, June 9, 1950. PRESENT: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. McCabe, Chairman Eccles Szymczak Draper Vardaman Mr. Carpenter, Secretary Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the --eral Reserve System on June 8, 1950, were approved unanimously. Telegrams to the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland, ' - Qrld, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, s an Francisco stating that the Board approves the establishment /4ithOut change by the Federal Reserve Banks of Kansas City and San Prezei q --co on June 7, and by the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Clev ' e and, Richmond, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, and Dallas on hitte '2 1950, of the rates of discount and purchase in their existing aehedules, Approved unanimously. Memoranda from the heads of the divisions indicated below l'eeorrnending increases in the basic annual salaries of the followIllg ez Ployees in those divisions, effective June 11, 1950: 141,:te of , ..gemo Name /47;aca AND STATISTICS 6 W-4 Miss Alice Swindlehurst 4,13 -'.8 ' TIVE SERVICES ° Wayne A. Pollard Title Salary Increase From To Clerk $3,850 ,4,075 5,750 5,800 Assistant Chief, Fiscal Section 6/9/50 -2Approved unanimously. Memorandum dated June 8, 1950, from Mr. Leonard, Director Of the n -ivision of Bank Operations, recommending an increase in the be-sio salary of F. A. Walker, Supervisor, Settlement and Currency Section of that Division, from $4,825 to $4,950 per annum, effective June 11, 1950. Approvedunanimously. Letter to Mr. Armistead, Vice President of the Federal Re" re Bank of Richmond, reading as follows: "In accordance with the request contained in Your letter of June 7, 1950, the Board approves the designation of A. Sage Robertson as a special assistant examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond." Approved unanimously. Letter to Mr. Fill, Vice President of the Federal Reserve 131411, ,.. of Philadelphia, reading as follows: 19cn "Reference is made to your letter of May 261 , submitting the request of the Norristownenn Trust Company, Norristown, Pennsylvania, for ; 1 ermission to establish and operate a branch at Te'lleY Forge, Pennsylvania, for the period from : une 23 through July 13, 1950, to provide banking .4acilities for the Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of Alaerica. , "It is understood that provision of the con'Plated facilities has been approved by the tete authorities and, in view of your recommenda1! .°11, the Board of Governors approves the estab;A.shment and operation of a branch in Valley Forge, _ennsYlvania, by the Norristown-Penn Trust Company, ! o rristown, Pennsylvania, for the period from 'June 23 through July 13, 1950/ in quarters to be 6/9/50 -3- "furnished by Boy Scout officials in charge of the Boy Scout Jamboree at Valley Forge." Approved unanimously. Letter to Mr. Stetzelberger, Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, reading as follows: "Reference is made to your letter of May 31, 1950, submitting the request of the 'Peoples City Bank', McKeesport, Pennsylvania, for permission to l, establish and operate a branch at Bentleyville, ennsylvania, in connection with the purchase of assets and assumption of deposits of The Citizens National Bank of Bentleyville; also a branch (de n°vo) in East McKeesport, Pennsylvania. "In view of your recommendation, the Board ()f Governors approves of the establishment and op1**ati0n of branches at Bentleyville and East l',!?Keesport, both in Pennsylvania, by the Peoples ultY Bank, McKeesport, Pennsylvania, provided the Prior approval of the appropriate State authorities is obtained, the purchase of assets and tssumption of liabilities of The Citizens National sank of Bentleyville is accomplished substantially ' ei s Proposed, the proposed branch at Fast McKeesport Is established within six months of the date of this letter and with the understanding that Counsel for the Reserve Bank will review and satisfy himself as to the legality of all steps taken to establish the branches." Approved unanimously. Memorandum dated June 7, 1950, from Mr. Millard, Director ths - Division of Examinations, recommending that the voucher of j% Calvin Smith, an Assistent Federal Reserve Examiner in that 41risi°11, in the amount of $115.63 claiming per diem for the period Nr 1/ 1950, be paid in full. Approved unanimously.