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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
SYstem was
held in Washington on Saturday, June 26, 1943, at 11:00 a.m.

Mr. Eccles, Chairman
Mr. Draper
Mr. Evans
Mr. Morrill, Secretary
Mr. Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters herein—
after referred
to was taken by the Board:
Memorandum dated June 25, 1943, from Mr. Morrill, submitting
eslgnation of Mrs. Rose D. Root as a file clerk in the Secretary's
ce, to become effective as of the close of business on July 20, 1943,
ecommending that the resignation be accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, read—
"For your information in connection with Regulation V
Doans, there is enclosed a photostat of a letter dated June
7,4, 1943, from the Director of Finance of the United States
4aritime Commission, designating Mr. G. H. Nolte as a repre—
!entative of the Commission to execute certificates of the
"mmission in the Atlantic Region."


Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, read14g a.s follows:
"Reference is made to the Board's letter, 5-651, dated
p u 41, 1943 with which was enclosed a copy of a memorandum
1"om the Director of Finance of the United States Maritime



"Commission, Mr. R. E. Anderson, to the Commission dated May
12, 1943.
"In connection with Condition 4 set forth in Mr. Anderson's memorandum, there is quoted below from a letter received today from the Commission:
'The Legal Division of the Maritime Commission
suggests that hereafter the following usual condition approved by the Maritime Commission as a condition precedent to the guarantee of loans pursuant to
Executive Order No. 9112 should be changed in order
that there will be no conflict with Section 18 of
the standard form of guarantee dated April 6, 1943:
"Borrower shall not substantially increase its backlog of orders outstanding as
of the effective date of the guarantee agreement unless the financing institution approves the available financing as being
adequate to handle such additional orders."
'Hereafter the condition should read as follows:
"Borrower shall not substantially increase its backlog of orders outstanding as
of the effective date of the guarantee agreement, except when requested or required by
the Government, unless the financing institution approves the available financing as
being adequate to handle such additional
orders, and the Borrower shall notify the
financing institution of the acceptance of
additional orders effecting a substantial increase in the Borrower's war production contracts."'"
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, readfollows:
"Several inquiries have been received as to whether the
loard's Regulation W, entitled 'Consumer Credit', is applil
cable to advances made by life insurance companies and gen?ral agencies thereof to their agents. The answer is that
111 some classes of cases the regulation does apply and in
°'hers it does not.
"The general rule is that the regulation does apply
Whenever such advances constitute loans within the meaning
°f the regulation, unless the loan is exempted by one of the
P''ovisions of section 8, and whenever the company or agency



"making the advance is 'engaged in the business' of making
such loans.
"While advances of money are usually loans, companies or
general agencies sometimes make advances to agents (as for
example during a limited period while the agent is new and his
earnings from commissions are small) in circumstances which
negative the presumption that the advances are loans. In such
circumstances, the agent receives certain payments as compensation for endeavoring to sell insurance, the company or general agency having the right to reimburse itself, if at all,
only by deductions from such commissions as would otherwise
have been paid to the agent by reason of the successful conclusion of sales. The agent is under no personal obligation,
exPress or implied, to repay the advances, and interest is
not charged. The arrangement, in effect, gives the agent a
guaranteed minimum rate of compensation. In such cases, it
MaY be said that the advance is not a loan. It will be noted
that this interpretation applies only to those cases where
the advance is made by the person from whom the expected comMission would have been received. Furthermore, in order that
there may be no question as to the facts in such cases, the
Registrant should have all the terms of the agreement stated
in writing and should preserve the writing in his files.
"Even though the advance does not meet the conditions
specified in the previous paragraph and so is to be considered
a loan, it is possible that it may be exempt under section
8(j) rhich nrovides that the regulation shall not apply to a
loan for business purposes to a business enterprise which is
not for the purpose of purchasing a listed article. One class
Of cases that would fall within this exemption is illustrated
by a loan by an insurance company to its general agent to
enable him to pay office rent, salaries, and other office exPenses. The exemption would not apply, however, if the money
Is to be used by the agent to pay his ordinary living expenses.
"In view of the fact that the regulation does not apply
tO a loan unless made by a person who is 'engaged in the busirless' of making extensions of credit, the regulation would not
In any event be applicable to advances made by companies or
qeneral agencies which do not make such advances except in
isolated instances. Whether or not such advances are mere
Isolated transactions is, of course, a question to be decided
ell the facts of the particular case, and the fact that a cornPally or agency may have an established procedure for handling
such advances would be one of the facts to be considered.
"If it is determined on the basis of the foregoing exthat the company or agency is 'engaged in the business of making instalment loans subject to Regulation W,



registration of the company or agency on Form F. F. 563-a is
required under the provisions of Section 3(a) of the Regulation."
Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

