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At an adjourned meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held in the office of the Board on Tuesday,
June 22, at 3.00 p.
Er. Delano, presiding,

Mr. 1Varburp

Mr. Willis, Jecretary.
The question of policy to be followed with reference to the granting of applications for the ex ,rcise of
the powers of executor, trustee, etc., was given considerat
a- d after discussion the whole subject was deferred until
day during the week beginning June 28

preferably TuesdaY,


or "iednesday, June 30, with the understanding that on

day Mr. Joseph P. Cotton of New York should be invited to a
conference in 7ashington at which the whole subject should 13(3

LTo. 15
The Jecretary of the Board presented Circular

and Regulation N in proof form.

On motion the publication of

;ircular and Regulation was authorized.
The 3ecretary of the Board presented a letter fr°r1
Federal Reserve Agent Curtiss of Boston, recommending the aeceptance by the Board of the 3tate bank examinations of
achusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire and 1—


On motion the subject was referred to Chief
of Division Broderick for report.
The 3ecretary of the Board presented a letter
from the Texas Cattle Raisers Association relative to
desired chanr;es in the treatment of agricultural paper
at Federal reserve banks.

In reply he was instructed

to inform the Cattle Raisers Association of the limitation imposed by the law unon the granting of rediscounts.
The Secretary of the Board read a communication
to the Board proposing advances in salaries for members
of the staff for the coming year, duly approved by the
Conlittoe on Staff.

On motion the increases suggested

were approved as follows:
Nolen J. P. Starr, stenographer to the Secretary
of the Board, from 1,000 to ';1200.
7. L. Imlay, Division of Audit and Examination,
from 2,000 to ::2,250.
• Nelson Stuart, Clerk in Charge of Secretary's Office,
from ;:)1,400 to ::;1,600.
The Secretary of the Board presented a list of
replies received by him in answer to a letter sent out tb
Federal reserve agents making inquiry about the question
to whom correspondence relating to the Gold Settlei:lent
Fund should be addressed.

On motion it was voted that

correspondence on this subject be addressed to the Federal
Reserve bank

and not to the Federal reserve agents, the


purpose in mind being that of saving time and delay.
The Secretary was directed to inform those Federal reserve agents that had

opposed the plan of the reasons

for introducing it.
The Secretary of the Board presented a file
of letters commenting upon the bank condition reports
sent to the Comptroller of the Currency.

On motion the

file was referred back to the committee which had had
this natter in charge (Mr. Delano, Chairman).
A letter from Federal Reserve Agent ::artin of
St. Louis, making inquiry as to whether State banks which
are members of the Federal reserve system may accept dozestic bills of exchange, was discussed, and, on notion, referred to a special committee consisting of Mr. Delano, /IX*
Warburg and !:r. Harding.
The Secretary of the Board having presented a
letter from Federal Reserve Agent Bosworth making inquiri
as to the limit on agricultural paper at Federal reserve

he was directed to ascertain what :Ir. Bosmrth re-

commended for his own bank, and to inform him of the
in the cases of other Federal reserve banks on this
opinion of
The Secretary of the Board presented an
Counsel with respect to the question whether member


reducing their surplus must also reduce their capital
stock in Federal reserve banks.

It was noted by :Ir.

Warburg that some changes were needed in the language
of the opinion, and on motion, the matter was referred
to him, with Counsel, as a committee, to make minor
changes, the opinion to be released and transmitted,
as well as published in the Federal Reserve Bulletin,
when finally approved.
The question of the form to be given to the
opinions of counsel published in the Bulletin, was discussed, and on motion, it was resolved that all opinions
on controverted questions should be put in skeleton form
for publication, such form to include a re-statement of the
question at issue, and a digest of conclusions, but without
presentation of the reasoning in full.
A letter from 3enator Robert L. Owen, accompanied
by correspondence relative to the question of the retention
of Johnston County in the Dallas District, was read to the

On motion the 3ocretary was instructed to say that

the Board could not now reconsider its decision in the redistricting matter.
The Secretary of the Board presented a telegram
from John Anthony,

sq., of :Tow York City, referred to the


Board by Secretary of the Treasury IcAdoo.

He was

directed to send a suitable acknualedgment.
The Secretary of the Board presented a letter
from Chief of Division Brodorick making certain suggestions with reference to examinations of applying
member banks.

On motion it was voted that the Secretary

of tho Board put into effect Mr. Broderick's suggestions
so far as possible pending the arrival of 1:r. Broderick,
the remainder of his sur.o.estions to be taken up for action
at that time.
A plan transmitted by Governor A. L. Aiken of
Boston, on behalf of the Conference of Governors, whereby
the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston would be authorized to
purchase the total amount of warrants outstanding of conntie/h
cities or towns within its district, to an amount not to
coed :*)50,000, for the purpose of enabling the Federal Besot"
Bank of Boston to purchase for its own account or for the
account of other Federal reserve banks, was, on motion, aPproved, and the Secretary directed to inform Governor Ailcon
to that effect.
The Secretary of the Board having presented a 1
from Federal Reserve Agent Perrin enclosing a communicati°
from the Lumbermen's National Bank of Portland, orogon,


tive to a lower rate on tamde acceptances, it was ordered
that n4. Perrin be advised that the Thole subject of trade
acceptances and preferential rates is now under consideration.
On motion it was voted that all reserve banks be
advised that the question of a short term rate for maturities of ten or fifteen days would be considered by the
Board during the current week.
On motion it was voted that in view of the probable absence of several members of the Board during, the
balance of the current week, a special executive committee
be authorized to grant a rate for very short term paper
from 2; to


to its best judgment.


Discussion having been had with respect to the
best method of circulating the executive correspondence,
it was informally agreed that Mr. Warburg and the Secretary of the Board prepare a general plan for use by the
3ecretaries of the members In regard to the circulation
of su h correspondence.
The Secretary of


Board having presented


communication from the Citizens Bank of Portland, Oregon

relative to the capitalization of State banks joining the
reserve system, he was instructed to reply with the



:pent that such action as sutgested would necessitate a
chan:e in the law.
The Secretary of the Board presented a letter
from Mr. John Perrin, Federal Reserve Agent at San Francisco, relative to litigation in California, and after
discussion it was voted that the Board ascertain what
the contemplated probable cost of the proposed litigation would be.
On motion it was voted that Mr. McAdoo,
Harding and 17r. Williams constitute a special committee
to act in the question of the establishment of a branch
of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta at New Orleans,
1,:r. Harding and Mr. Williams to see Mr. McAdoo on Wedneedal,
Jane 23, and to inform him of the preliminary action of
Board in regard to the matter, the said committee, to be
vested with power to act if, in its judgment, the
of the committee resulted in such a way as to render
A letter received from Federal Reserve Agent Per
rin'ive to the status of his assistant, nr.
J. Shepherd, was referred to Mr. Harding for report.

The Secretary of the Board having presented a lett°
drafted by Counsel for transmission to Federal Reserve Ago


relative to executor and trusteeships in
Iowa, the letter was authorized and ordered sent.
On motion at 4:45 p. m. the Board adjourned to meet at 3:00 p. m. on Monday, June 28.


