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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Setem Was held in Washington on Friday, June 18, 1943, at 11:00


Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters herein—
ater referred
to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Reserve System held on June 16, 1943, were approved unanimously.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Neral Reserve System held
on June 17, 1943, were approved and the ac—
tic418 r
ecorded therein were ratified unanimously.
Telegrams to
Mr. Brome, Assistant Secretary of the Federal Re—


134r1k of New York, Messrs. VcCreedy and Hays, Secretaries of the


41 Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Cleveland, respectively, Mr.
U' Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Mr.
ealc ei
t, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Mr.
1, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, and Mr.
Rale, v,
4-ce President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, stat—


e that

erea R

the Board approves the establishment without change by the Fed—

eserve Banks of St. Louis and San Francisco on June 15 and by the
1 Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago,



l'Irksas City,
and San Francisco on June 17, 1943, of the rates of dis—
coll/lt and purchase in their existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
Uemorandum dated June 17, 1943, from Mr. Smead, Chief of the
34111 of Bank Operations, recommending, with the concurrence of Mr.
lbls, General Attorney, that Miss Margaret Muehlhaus, a stenog—
In the Legal Division, be transferred to the Division of Bank


as secretary to Mr. Van Fossen, with an increase in her

b4ic salary from $1,920 to $2,100 per annum, effective June 21, 1943.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated June 17, 1943, from Mr. Morrill, recommending

(10 th

at the temporary appointments of Mrs. Sallie Farrow and Mrs.
et FitzGerald as cafeteria helpers in the Secretary's Office be
ed for additional periods of not to exceed 60 days each, with no
n their present salaries at the rate of $1,080 per annum, ef-

a of the expiration of their present appointments at the close

ot btls.

ness on June 21 and 29, 1943, respectively, and (2) that the
Of John sk1200


s, a cafeteria helper, be increased from $1,080 to

annum, effective July 1, 1943.
Approved unanimously.

dated June 15, 1943, from Mr. Goldenweiser, Director
°I' the 0


of Research and Statistics, submitting the resignation

Margolis as a junior economist in that Division, to become
1 -e upon
the expiration of his accumulated annual leave following

of active service, and recommending that the resignation
beaccepted as of that time.

It was contemplated that Mr. Margolis

11°4-14 leave the Board's employ at the close of business on June 12,
The resignation was accepted.
Letter to the board of directors of "The Medaryville State Bank",
4edary-crille, Indiana, stating that, subject to conditions of membership
41411cered 1 to 3 contained in the Board's Regulation H and the following
81lecia4- c
ondition, the Board approves the bank's application for member11113 in the Federal Reserve System and for the appropriate amount of
stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago:
"4 Prior
to admission to membership, such bank, if it has not
already done so, shall charge off or otherwise eliminate
eetiated losses of $715.051 as shown in the report of examination of such bank as of May 8, 1943, made by an examiner for the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago."
The letter also contained the following
Special comment:
"It has been noted that the bank has outstanding common
ital stock of $25,000 which is in excess of the figure at
ch the stock is shown on the books of the bank. In this
the Board feels that the bank should, as soon as
aa cLicable, take such action within its power as may be neces8,!5: to cause the common stock to be shown at its par value.
1:1,7 adjustments may be effected through conservation of earne,gs of the bank, through reduction of its outstanding common
ital stock, if and when such a reduction may be accomplished
o er the applicable provisions of State law, or through such
"er means as may be within the power of the bank.
t t"It is understood that the bank wishes to discontinue its
the department and that steps are to be taken shortly to have
tIxt.°/le account now being handled transferred to another instibeel°n. In the circumstances, therefore, the application has
bei n alTproved on the same basis as if fiduciary powers were not
t1,1-ng exercised and attention is invited to the fact that if
t7ipank should desire in the future to exercise such powers,
1 11 be necessary under condition of membership numbered 1
to 7,3
-utain permission of the Board before exercising them."




Approved unanimously, together with a
letter to Mr. Young, President of the Fed—
eral Reserve Bank of Chicago, reading as
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
the application of 'The Medaryville State Bank',
darYville, Indiana, for membership in the Federal Reserve
seYstem, subject to the conditions prescribed in the enclosed
letter which you are requested to forward to the Board of
ulrectors of the institution. Two copies of such letter are
also enclosed, one of which is for your files and the other
°f which you are requested to forward to the Director, De—
Financial Institutions for the State of Indiana
or his information.
"The examiner calls attention to the fact that the num—
of directors prescribed by the by—laws of the bank is
eel.reh whereas there are eight directors serving, and it is
that the by—laws will be amended at the next meeting of
ei board of directors to increase the prescribed number to
ar,g"t. However, it is noted that the bank's articles of
480ciation provide that there shall be six directors and it
wh.?ur understanding that the Indiana statutes provide that,
sul-Le the 'exact number of directors to serve for each year
a11 be determined, from time to time, in such manner as
1310r—laws may prescribe', the number shall not exceed the
-mum number fixed in the articles of incorporation.'
t 4-8 matter is mentioned with the view that, if our under—
toall ing is correct, the bank's attention should be called
be ris situation so that appropriate corrective action may
taken when practicable.
"With respect to the class B debentures issued by the
the 2 it is noted that paragraph 9 of the form accompanying
mentaPPlication provides, among other things, that no pay—
rtin,°f interest shall be made unless the bank's surplus
shall amount to 20 per cent of its capital stock. As
th bank has no surplus, the payment of 000 interest on
e.„7,8e debentures as of August, 1942 was apparently improper
"t it
co-" le suggested that this matter be considered by your
"sel and brought to the bank's attention."
tailk 0

Letter to Mr. Mulroney, Vice President of the Federal Reserve

t Chicago, reading as follows:
1943 "Reference is made to Mr. Diercks' letter of June 7,
'and enclosures relative to the consolidation, ef—
ed 'June
1, 1943, of The Citizens State Bank of South

-5"Haven and The First State Bank of South Haven, both of South
Haven, Michigan, under the charter of the first named bank
and under the title
Bank of South Haven.
"On the basis of the information submitted, the Board
Foneurs in the opinion of counsel for the Reserve Bank that
consolidation has not resulted in any change in the gen!ral character of the business of The Citizens State Bank of
outh Haven or the scope of its corporate powers within the
r e_aning of condition of membership numbered 4 to which that
nflk is subject. The Board, therefore, interposes no objec'
10n to the transaction under the condition of membership."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to "The National Park Rank in Livingston", Livingston,
a, reading as follows:
190 "This refers to the resolution adopted on April 20,
--, by the board of directors of your bank, signifying
bank's desire to surrender its right to exercise fidu-.arY powers heretofore granted to it.
"The Board, understanding that your bank has never
actually accented or undertaken the exercise of any trust,
has 4
th 4-ssued a formal certificate to your bank certifying
dual, it is no longer authorized to exercise any of the fiorc.1-arY powers covered by the provisions of section 11(k)
Ole Federal Reserve Act, as amended. This certificate
enclosed herewith.
In this connection, your
attention is called to the
d that, under
the provisions of section 11(k) of the
as amended, when such a certificate
been issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal
10 erve System to a national bank, such bank (1) shall no
e,r be subject to the provisions of section 11(k) of
Gov rederal Reserve Act or the regulations of the Board of
to ernors of the Federal Reserve System made pursuant there1.1. ,(2) shall be entitled to have returned to it any secules which it may have deposited with the State or similar
and °11-ties for the protection of private or court trusts,
ec03) shall not exercise any of the powers conferred by
permrn 11(k) of the Federal Reserve Act, except with the
ssion of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve

Approved unanimously.

ver prepared for the signature of Mr. Ransom to the Presidents
Federal Reserve Banks, reading as follows:



"Enclosed is a copy of a recent document prepared by the
Office of War Information, entitled 'Information Program on
. c°110nlic Stabilization to Keep Down the Cost of Living'. As
Lhe preface indicates, it is intended as a basic information
?utline and guide in furtherance of the Government's program
to combat inflation. It is not meant for general public cir—
clation, but rather as a source book for educational work
w_ith the public. It was prepared with a view to making it as
ractual as possible and to avoid criticisms that were directed
Ilainst the previous booklet, entitled 'Battle Stations for
11, which was sent to you and subsequently to all member
Information asked us whether we thou;zht
1AT.ould Office of War
be advisable to distribute this new document to all
mber banks, as was done with the 'Battle Stations for All'.
t replied that it seemed preferable to ask the Presidents of
Federal Reserve Banks to what extent they might wish to
ks use of the pamphlet in their respective districts, and to
11rnish the Reserve Banks with copies to be distributed by
4 L,rm as they deemed best. Accordingly, it would be appreciated
You would advise us as promptly as possible, preferably by
tire, of the number which you would care to have for distribu—
„°11, not only within the Bank but to others in your District
;r have been or can be enlisted in the educational work that
u.rgently needs to be done. I understand that the Office of
tir Information is revising this document so that the statis—
wi.?_7 Used in it will be as current as possible, and that they
(144--. furnish us with such copies as are requested by the Presi—
's of the Federal Reserve Bans."



Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.


Vice C airman.