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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of

Federal. Reserve System on Friday, June 13, 1952. The Board met in the
Board Room at 10:00 a.m.

Mr. Szymczak, Chairman pro tem.
Yr. Evans
Mr. Powell
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Dembitz, Assistant Director,
Division of International
Mr. Tamagna, Chief, Financial
n of
and Policy Section, Divisio

z reviewed various
At the request of Governor Szymczak, Mr. Dembit


which were the subject
'°Pments in the international financial field

cc)mment in a memorandum dated June 10, 1952, from Mr. Tamagn entitled
the members of the
°reign News Notes", copies of which had been sent to

before the meeting.
these topics, Messrs. Dembitz
Following a general discussion of


T amagna withdrew.
circulated to the members of
Before this meeting there had been


John D. Hickerson, Assistant
ard a proposed letter to the Honorable

SecretarY of State

Washington, D.
Department of State,


reading as

of May 26, 1952, per"This is in reply to your letter
l conferences during
ng to representation at
note, the following
"e fiscal years 1953 and 1954. As






Paragraphs are along the same general lines as our letter
to you of June 27, 1951.
"Since the Board does not operate with appropriated
funds, its participation in international conferences does
not involve the budgetary procedure outlined in your letter.
However, the statutory responsibilities of the Board as a
central banking organization make it necessary that we have
a continuing and active interest in international monetary
conferences. In addition, the membership of the Chairman
of the Board on the National Advisory Council on International
Monetary and Financial Problems makes it advisable for the
Board and its staff to participate in those conferences dealing with monetary and related subjects.
"It is not possible to state in advance the particular
conferences in which the Board will participate during the
coming year. The Board's participation is likely to depend
?ri the agenda of the particular conference and on the extent
to Which appropriate personnel of the Board can be made
on the
available at the time. It also depends frequently
degree to which the Department of State, or
arranging for United States participation in the conference,
may indicate the need of experts in monetary, banking or
related fields for the U. S. delegation. These are,
course, fields in which the Board has
special qualifications and whose subsequent work at the Board
might be benefited by their participation. Whenever the Deassistance
Partment indicates to the Board the need of expert
of this type for a particlflar international
maY be assured that the Board will assist in
staff have
."In the past members of the Board and of its
Boards of Governors
P rticipated in the annual meetings of the
°I...the International Monetary Fund and International Bank,
are included in your list of international confer
Members of the Board's staff have also participated
(rtings of the United Nations Economic and
ns, and it is ,
OSOC) or of its commissions or
inquiry we shall
possible that during the period of your
Wishhto participate in certain of these meetings dealing
Particular areas or problems.




"The Federal Reserve System has extended an invitation
to the Conference of Central Bank Technicians of the American
Continent to hold their next meeting in the United States some
time in 1954. This Conference will be similar to the one held
In Havana, Cuba, in February and March of this year, to which
the Board and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York sent representatives. This is purely an interbank conference dealing
with central bank techniques and involves no outside representation, though it is arranged with the State Department's
knowledge and approval.
"Under the terms of the Federal Reserve Act, the Board
has special responsibility with respect to relationships and
transactions of Federal Reserve Banks with foreign banks. The
Federal Reserve Bank of New York has a large continuous volume
of financial transactions of an international nature which entail frequent visits from the officials of foreign countries
a nd central banks to the United States and corresponding calls ai:
broad by representatives of the New York Bank. The Board's resPonsibility in this field forms part of the occasion for trips
made from time to time by its representatives. None of these
sits, however, entail conferences of the type outlined in your
Approved unanimously.
There was presented a memorandum dated June

5, 1952, from


Director, Division of Examinations, which had been circulated to

the ,,,
embers of the Board Prior to this meeting, recommending the appoint'

Shelly L. Davis as a Stenographer in that Division on a temporary

lnite basis, with basic salary at the rate of 4132)830 per annum,
e lve as of the date upon which she reports for duty after having
the completion of
u the usual
physical examination and subject to



employment investigation.

Approved unanimously.



Governor Powell commented on improved techniques in the use of

IBM and other equipment in check collection procedures which he had obServed during a visit yesterday at the First National Bank of Chicago.
He stated that some of these techniques and other improvements which
were in the development stage apparently would be adaptable for use
Within the Federal Reserve Banks and might result in substantial economies.
There was a general discussion of considerations which should be
taken into account in a long-range building program at the Federal Reserve
Banks and branches, and it was stated that copies of a memorandum dated
Julie 10, 1952, from Mr. Leonard, Director of the Division of Bank Operati°11e, dealing with some of the phases of the building program had been
sent to
the members of the Board for their information prior to considerati°n at a forthcoming meeting of the Board.
There were presented telegrams to the Federal Reserve Banks of
8 ton, New York, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis,
14411eapo1i5, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco stating that the
80al'd approves the establishment without change by the Federal Reserve
Batiks of Boston and St. Louis on June 9, by the Federal Reserve Bank of
—Francisco on June 101 by the Federal Reserve Banks of Cleveland, and

hmond on June 111 and by the Federal Reserve Banks of Neu York, Chicago,

St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Dallas on June 121 1952, of the




rates of discount and purchase in their existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
Unanimous approval was given to a
revision of the letter, approved at the
meeting on June 3, 1952, to be signed
jointly by the Chairman of the Board,
the Chairman of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation, the Comptroller
of the Currency, the President of the
National Association of Supervisors of
State Banks, and the President of the
American Bankers Association, and sent
to the chief executive officer of each
bank in the United States as a part of
the effort to stimulate interest in the
Treasuryls savings bond program, with the
understanding that the other individuals
who were to sign it had approved and that
it would be mailed in the following form:
"Your business, and ours, is to help people face financial problems squarely and solve them realistically.
This has led to a pay-as-you-go and save as-much-as-you-can
Policy during the defense emergency. This policy has paid
0.1ividends--more than 15 months of relatively stable prices
in the face of rising defense expenditures.
"As essential spending for our defense continues to
113e, maintaining a pay-as-you-go program becomes increas:
ingly difficult. We must therefore continue to encourage
the upward trend in savings. This is the people's method
of minimizin the effects of inflation.
"United States Savings Bonds play an important part in
the public's savings program. Savings Bonds can be sold and
are being sold. Bankers have played an indispensable role in
this great thrift program. More than 57 billion dollars are
now outstanding--substantially more than at the end of 1945.
About 2 million more payroll savers were signed up in 1951 by
Concerted efforts in business and industry. Sales of small
de nomination E bonds were up almost 25 per cent in the first
four months of 1952.




"In order to show needed improvement in sales of the
larger denominations, we solicit the same effective support by bankers to inform their customers as to the features
of the improved Savings Bonds Series El HI J2 and K. The
public should be informed that these series now carry improved investment yields which make them more attractive to
larger as well as smaller denomination buyers.
"Vie endorse the Treasury's new Savings Bonds Program
and we urge every banker to enlist personally in an intensified effort to promote the sale of these new and
improved bonds."
The following additional actions were taken by the Board:
Memorandum dated June 11, 1.952, from Mr. Bethea, Director,
Division of Administrative Services, recommending that the resignation
°f Alfred W. Minutolo, Operator, Tabulation Equipment, in that Divi814)n, be accepted to be effective, in accordance with his request, at
the close of
business on July 4, 1952.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to

Mr. Latham,

Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank

Boston, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in
Your letter of June 10, 1952, the Board approves the
appointment of Luther M. Hoyle, Jr., at present an
assistant examiner, as an examiner for the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston. Please advise us of the date
upon which the appointment becomes effective."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Latham, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of

kIst°r1) reading as follows:




"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of June 5, 1952, the Board approves the appointment of Weston Leonard Bonney as an assistant examiner
for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.
"Please advise us of the date upon which the appointment becomes effective."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Peterson, Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank
of St. Louis, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of June 10, 1952, the Board approves the appointment of George A. Kraft, as an assistant examiner for the
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Please advise us of
the date upon which the appointment becomes effective.
"It will be appreciated if you will furnish the
Board with a photostatic copy of his application for
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Scheffer, Manager, Real Estate Credit Department, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, reading as follows:
"Reurlet May 29 about applicability of Regulation X
to proposed warehouse of Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Company,
Jersey City, New Jersey. We concur in your conclusion
that proposed warehouse is a nonresidential structure
subject to Regulation X and that value of building and
necessary land area should be determined in accordance
With section 2(i)(4)(B)."

Approved unanimously.
