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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Tuesday, June 10, 1947.


Eccles, Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Morrill, Special Adviser
Thurston, Assistant to the Chairman

Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the Fed"ea Reserve System on June 92 1947, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated June 3, 1947, from Mr. Thomas, Director of
the D .
tvision of Research and Statistics, recommending the appointment

Miss Blanche D. Fauteux as a clerk in that Division, on a temporary
is for a period not to exceed four months, with basic salary at the

e of $2,168.28 per annum, effective as of the date upon which she
elitel'S upon the performance of her duties after having passed the
11811a1 physical examination.

The memorandum also recommended that Miss

411teux be excluded from the Federal Reserve retirement system because
of the

temporary nature of her work.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated June 30 1947, from Mr. Thomas, Director of

the Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that increases

the basic annual salaries of the following employees in that Dibe approved, effective June 15, 1947:



Nncan McC. Holthausen
C. Richard Youngdahl

Salary Increase


$6,384.00 $6,623.40




Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated June 31 1947, from


Thomas, Director of

the Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that increases
14 the basic annual salaries of the following employees in that Division be approved, effective June 15, 1947:
Richard F.

Research Assistant

Salary Increase
$3,648.00 $3,773.40

Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated June 2, 1947, from Mr. Nelson, Director of
the Division of Personnel Administration, recommending that increases

the basic annual salaries of the following employees in that Divi-

84/1 be approved, effective June 15, 1947:
Ihright L.
lae E. Ayers
°EttloY Lee Chelberg


Salary Increase

Personnel Technician
Personnel Technician

$4,776.60 $4,902.00

Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Latham, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
841* of Boston, reading as follows:



"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of June 5, 1947, the Board approves the appointment of Edward Wright Martin as an assistant examiner
for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Please advise
us of the date upon which the appointment becomes
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for Chairman Eccles' signature to the Presi(ierit of the United States reading as follows:
"This is in response to your memorandum of June 3,
1947, requesting information with respect to (1) legislation affecting the Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System upon which action should be completed by
June 30, 1947, because of the expiration of existing
authority on that date, or for other similar reasons,
4nd (2) legislation affecting the Board of Governors on
which it is urgently necessary that action be completed
at this session of the Congress.
"There is no pending or proposed legislation directly affecting the Board of Governors upon which it
is necessary that action be completed by June 30, 1947,
because of the expiration of existing authority on that
"With respect to the second category of legislation
referred to in your memorandum, I should like to call
attention to the following pending legislative proposals:
"1. An amendment to section 10 of the
Federal Reserve Act to permit expenditures for
branch bank buildings of the Federal Reserve
Banks in excess of the present statutory limit
of $250,000. The space situation at certain of
the Federal Reserve Bank branches has reached
an urgent stage. A bill, S. 1225, to repeal the
statutory limitation, was introduced in the Senate on May 5, 1947, in accordance with the
Board's recommendation. As an alternative, if
Congress should be unwilling to repeal the
limitation, the Board has suggested that it be
authorized to approve expenditures for branch
buildings of the Federal Reserve Banks, in


-4"those cases where the needs are most pressing,
up to an aggregate amount not exceeding
$10,0°0,000, for the cost of the building proper.
There is an urgent need for legislation on this
subject at this session of Congress.
"2. Revision of existing statutory provisions for the purpose of making more effective
the authority of the Board of Governors to supervise and regulate bank holding companies. Legislation for this purpose has been strongly
recommended by the Board and is favored by the
Federal Advisory Council, the Association of Reserve City Bankers, and the Independent Bankers
Associations, as well as by the great majority
of the major bank holding companies. A bill,
S. 829, on this subject was introduced in the
Senate on March 10, 1947, and a companion bill,
H.R. 3351, was introduced in the House of Representatives on May 6, 1947. Hearings on S. 829
were held before the Senate Banking and Currency
Committee on May 26 and June 2, 1947; but no action has yet been taken with respect to H.R. 3351.
"3. A proposal to authorize the Federal Reserve Banks to guarantee loans made by chartered
banking institutions to business enterprises on a
more effective basis than the existing industrial
loan authority of the Federal Reserve Banks now
contained in section 13b of the Federal Reserve
Act. This proposal would carry out a recommendation made in your Budget Message for 1948, by
eliminating the appropriation previously made for
the industrial loan operations of the Reserve
Banks under existing law, thus releasing to the
Treasury for other uses funds totaling approximately $139,000,000. A bill on this subject, S.
408, was reported favorably by the Senate Banking
and Currency Committee on April 28, 1947. A similar bill, H.R. 3268, introduced in the House of
Representatives on April 30, 1947, has been the
subject of hearings before the House Banking and
Currency Committee. It is important that this
legislation be enacted both for the purpose of
giving the Reserve Banks more effective authority
to guarantee business loans and in order to carry
out the recommendation made in your Budget Message.




"4. A proposal to authorize the continuance of the authority of the Board of Governors,
now based on Executive Order, to prescribe maximum maturities and minimum down payments in connection with the extension of consumer instalment
credit. The Board feels that this proposal should
have the careful consideration of Congress at this
session. A bill to carry the proposal into effect
has been submitted by the Board of Governors to
the Banking and Currency Committees of Congress.
In this connection, in your letter to me of June
5, 1947, with respect to this matter, you stated
that if the Congress does not see fit to provide
the necessary legislative authority, it is your
intention to vacate the Executive Order because
you do not believe that such regulations should
rest indefinitely in peacetime on emergency or war
powers after the Congress has had ample opportunity
to consider the subject.
"The Board of Governors believes that it is important
that these proposals be considered and acted upon at the present session of Congress."
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for Chairman Eccles' signature to the Honorable

C. Clark, Attorney General of the United States, reading as follows:
"This refers to your memorandum relating to the termination of war time statutes which you transmitted to me
on June 5, 1947, together with a copy of a Joint Resolution
introduced on that date by Senator Wiley for the purpose of
terminating war time legislation with certain stated exemptions. This Joint Resolution (S.J.Res. 123) would have the
effect of bringing to an end all of the statutes listed in
Senate Document No. 42, which you sent to me recently, with
!. 'he excelytion of those statutes specifically saved by the
l'erms of the Joint Resolution.
. "The only statute listed in Senate Document No. 42 in
whlch the Board has a direct interest is that numbered 461
(lso included as No. 233), sometimes known as the Trading
1P-th the Enemy Act. That statute is the basis for the
resident's Executive Order No. 8843, under which the Board

"of Governors of the Federal Reserve System is authorized
to regulate consumer credit during the emergency that was
declared by the President on May 27, 1941. That statute
IS among those specifically exempted from the Joint Resolution, and we assume that it is intended that executive
orders issued under this statute are likewise not affected
by the Resolution. This is not entirely clear, however,
and we suggest that consideration be given to clarifying
this point in the Resolution; and the Board's Counsel
will be glad to discuss the technical aspect of this
matter with your Mr. Lazowaka."

Approved una