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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Thursday, July 7, 1949.

The Board met in

the Board Room at 2:35 p.m.

McCabe, Chairman

Carpenter, Secretary
Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Morrill, Special Adviser
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Vest, General Counsel
Baumann, Assistant General Counsel
Hostrup, Assistant Director, Division
of Examinations

In accordance with the understanding reached at the meeting
of the Board yesterday, there was presented a memorandum dated July
7, 1949, from Mr. Vest submitting a revised draft of a proposed amendment to section 4(e) of the proposed bank holding company bill.
Proposed amendment was in the following form:
"(e) Nor shall the prohibitions of this section
apply to the ownership by a bank holding company of shares
or other securities or obligations of any company which
do not include more than 5 per cent of the outstanding
voting securities of such company, and do not have a value
greater than 5 per cent of the value of the total assets
of the bank holding company, as determined under regulations prescribed by the Board; nor shall they apply to
the ownership by a bank holding company, in excess of such
limitations, of shares or other securities or obligations
of an investment company -which is not engaged in any business other than investing in securities if the bank holding company and all such investment companies (in which


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"the bank holding company has investments in excess of such
limitations) do not together own shares or other securities
or obligations of any one other company which are in excess
of the foregoing limitations. If, while such bank holding company owns or controls such shares, securities, or
obligations, the Board, after notice and opportunity for
hearing, determines that the ownership or control of such
shares, securities, or obligations is resulting in the violation or evasion of any of the purposes or provisions of
this Act, it may by order require such bank holding company
to dispose of all or any part thereof forthwith."
Following a consideration of how the proposed amendment would
affect situations to which it would apply, Mr. Clayton raised for
discussion the question of the procedure to be followed in submitting
the amendment.

This point was discussed and Mr. Vest suggested that

it might be sent to the spokesmen for the various groups, who had
Participated in discussion of the bill during the past year, before
the draft of bill containing the proposed amendment was sent to the

There was general agreement with this proposal and, fol-

lowing consideration of suggestions as to the form such a letter
Should take, it was understood that a draft of letter would be prePared along the lines agreed upon and that it would be sent out tomorrow following approval by the Board.
At this point Messrs. Vest, Baumann, and Hostrup withdrew
and the action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter
referred to was taken by the Board:
Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on July

6, 1949, were approved unanimously.



-3Memorandum dated July

5, 1949,

from Mr. Sloan, Assistant

Director of the Division of Examinations, submitting for approval
letters to the following foreign banking corporations calling for
the submission of reports of condition as of June 30) 1949:
Bankers Company of New York
First of Boston International Corporation
International Banking Corporation
Morgan & Cie.,Incorporated
The Chase Bank

New York, New York
Boston) Massachusetts
New York
New York
New York, New York

The memorandum stated that the first four corporations were organized
under State laws but operate under agreements made with the Board
Pursuant to the provisions of section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act,
and that The Chase Bank was chartered by the Board under provisions
of section 25(a) of the Act.
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated July


1949, from Mr. Young, Associate

Director of the Division of Research and Statistics, recommending
an increase in the basic salary of Miss Caroline Lichtenberg, an
economist in that Division, from $3,225.60 to

3,727.20 per annum,

effective July 10, 1949.
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for Chairman McCabe's signature to Mr. Emil
Schram, President of the New

Stock Exchange, Eleven Wall Street,

New York, reading as follows:




"As I indicated in my letter of June 14, your suggestion that Regulation T be amended to give a loan value of
75 per cent to registered non-exempted bonds is interesting,
but has a number of ramifications.
"It seems reasonable to believe that the effect on
securities markets and on the over-all use of credit would
not be large, whether the loan value of bonds is changed.
to 75 per cent or retained at the present 50 per cent.
However, the relatively greater advantages, from the viewpoint of the national economy, that can flaw from the use
of equity financing rather than debt financing seem relevant in this connection. It may be recalled that such
considerations were among those leading to the adoption
of the recent amendments to Regulations T and U facilitating the purchase of shares through subscription rights.
It appears that the amending of Regulation T to give a
higher loan value to bonds than to stocks would to Some
extent look in the opposite direction.
"As you indicate, under section 7(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 the standard limitation on loan
values does not apply to bonds serving as collateral at
banks under Regulation U, even though the limitation does
apply to credit on bonds for carrying securities under
Regulation T. The consequences of this difference between
Regulation T and Regulation U are, however, lessened as a
result of the recent increase in loan values from 25 per
cent to 50 per cent.
"In the circumstances, the Board is inclined to feel
that it would be desirable to observe more fully the operation of the recent changes in the margin rules and to defer
at this time the making of a substantial change in the principles of Regulation T such as would be involved in adopting a higher loan value for bonds than for stocks.

Approved unanimously.