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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board vas held ih the office of the
Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday, July 7, 1926, at 10:30 a.m.

Governor Cr is sincer
Lir. Platt
Tr. Hamlin
Mi.. Eddy, Secretary
Mr. McClelland, Asst. Secretary

Letters dated July 3rd from the Governor nr0 the Secretary or the
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, requesting approval of the action of the
Executive Committee of that bank in voting to subscribe to the extent of
U00 to

the Credit Justice Fund being raised by the National Association

of Credit i:Len.
Referred to the Committee on Salaries
and Expenditur es.
Letter dated July 2nd froa the Federal Reserve Agent at Kansas City,
With reference to the donation of )14,5 made by that bank to the Grand Avenue
Improvement Association; the Agent stating that it is the purpose fie the
organization to endeavor to maintain and enhance the desirability of Grand
Avenue property in any



After discussion, the Secretary was
directed to communicate with the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City with a view to obtaining detailed information as to the benefits accruing
to the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City through
the activities of the Association.
Letter dated July 3rd from the Federal Reserve Agent at Philadelphia,
requesting., the appointment as Assistant Federal Reserve Agent of Mr. Ernest
Hill, Manager of the Department of Bank ixamination.

Approved, for the remainder of the
calendar year.



Letter dated July 1st from Professor 0. I. W. Sprague stating he is
advised by -Jr. Smead that the special corimittee appointed by the Board on
th is prepared to submit a further report w-ith reference to its inves)ti,
;Lttiorl as to the desirability of setting up in the Federal Reserve
Board a Division of Credit infonfation; Professor Sprague stating that as
this is a project in Irhich he is Particularly interested, it night be helpful if he icre present to furnish additional explanations and that he Trill
be glad to come to .
- 7ashington at such time as the Board may find convenient.
Thereupon ensued a discussion during which
rr• Tranlin suggested that the Chief of the Board's
Division of Bank Operations, who is Chairman of the
special committee, be requested to submit the committee's report and that sane be circulated among
the members of the Board, follow-ing which PraCessor
bpracue could be called to Washing-ton if it is deemed
ifter discussion, upon motion by lr. Platt,
it was voted to approve r. Hatrilip's suggestion.
Memorandum dated June 28th from the Fiscal ,,gent, approved by the Board's
Chief :xaminer, submitting vouchers totaling .4,130.50 from the Federal fleserve
Banks of Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland and ilichmond, covering expenses of
employees detailed to assist the Board's Examiner in tlie recent examination
Of the Federal heserve Bank of New York.
Thereupon ensued a discussion during which iJr.
James questioned the subsistence allowarre granted
the Federal Reserve bank anploijees who assisted in
the examinations.
At the conclusion of the discussion, upon
motion by r. Platt, it vas voted to approve
payment, of the vouchers as submitted, Pr. James
Report of Committee on Salaries and Expenditures on letter dated. Jul:-




1st from. the Chairman of the Federal reserve Bank of Herr York, (1) requesting that the Board modify its resolutions adopted on January 11, 1926, with
regard to the operation of the Federal Reserve bank's salary standardization
Plan in such a manner as to permit them to make changes in grades, and changes
in salaries, of employees with salaries in excess of 02500 and not in excess
of 05,000, (2) requesting approval of an increase from 06,000 to ,77,200 per
annunt in the salary ofHr. Herbert S. Downs, one af the traveling men in the
sank Relations Department, to be a.ppointed Manager of the department and (3)
advising, that the Board of Direct crs of the bank have voted to defer until
the end of the year a request for the Board's approval of a recommendation
recently approved by them that the salary of Hr. Jilliam R. Burgess, 1-sFistant
Federal Reserve Agent, be increased from 010,000 to 45,000 per annum; the
Board's Cconittee recomending approval of the increase in Mr. Downs
fren ::?,6,000 to


7,200 per annum, and that the other matters referred to in

the letter be noted.
After discussion, upon motion by Mr. Platt,
of the Committee was adopted
and it was voted to approve the increase recommended for Hr. Downs.
Report of Co-inittee on Salaries and Expenditures on letter dated July
2nd from the Deputy Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Herr York, with
reference to the memorandum tentatively unproved by the Board on June 30th,
Prepared by 1:e ssrs. Sailer, Eddy and Sr2,ead, with reference -to modification
In the plan established at the Federal Reserve Bank of Hew York for the
standardization of grades and salaries of the employees of that bark; the
Deputy Governor recomrpBnding that the revised conditions of the Board's ap-





proval of the plan as set out in the memorandum be amended by changing
„ _ /- to be Paragraph 3 and amending the old Paragraph 3 to read as
fo11 ows
"on or before December 15 of each year the Federal
Reserve Bank of Hew York shall submit to the Federal
Reserve Beard a report of all employees of the bank
according to groups, showing the salary paid to each
such employee at the beginning of the year; the amount
of. salary adjustment ) in the case of each employee
during the year under the ab ov e author izatIon; also the
salary which the bank proposes to pay each employee as
of the beginning of the succeeding year."
After dis cussi on, T's 4, James moved approval
of the recommendation of the Board's Committee
on Salaries and ::q-)enclitures, namely, that the
phraseology of the co nd iticn s as set far th in
the raemorarrlun tentatively approved on June 30th
be adhered to.
Ilemoran.dum from Counsel dated July 2nd, submitting draft, of a letter to
the Federal Reserve "gent at Boston, regarding the change of the Phoenix
National .bank of Hartford, Conn., into a state bank and its subsequent concolidation with the State Dank and Trust Company of Hartford; the letter ad.vising of the procedure whereby the bank which is to be formed by the consolidation of two state banks, one a member and ane a nonmember, may acquire
zembership in the Federal Reserve System as QC the date the consolidation
takes place and e:r.plaining also the procedure by which the Federal Reserve
bank stock held .by a national bank which is converting into a state bank may
be surrendered, and a new certificate of stock issued to the state bank
N'Thich is to become a member of the System upon the date of its organization,
Without involving any actual cash payment or trans for of funds•



Upon motion, the proposed letter was approved.
Matter ordered circulated at the meeting on June 29th, namely, letters
dated Shy 26th and 28th from the Federal Reserve agents at Philadelphia,
Chicago and St. Louis, with reference to replies to a circular addressed
to them by Honorable James J. Strong, Representative from Kansas, requesting their views on certain amendrrents to the Federal Reserve .act, with relation to stabilization of price levels.
Thereupon ensued a discussion follovring which
Mr. Platt moved that the letters submitted by the
Federal Reserve /igents be returned to the writers with
the statement that the Board has no objection to their
being transmitted if at this late date the writers so
Mr. Platt's motion being put by the Chair
was carried, iiiessrs. James and Lic' Intosh voting
Mr. Platt then moved that individual letters be
written to the three Federal Reserve Agents with direct
relation to the contents of their proposed replies to
Congressman Strctig.
Carried, Messrs.
voting "no".


and McIntosh

Telegram dated July 7th from the Chairmen of the Federal Reserve Bank
at Philadelphia, advising that the board of directors on that day made no
change in the bank's existing schedule of rates of discount curl purchase.
The Governor then presented the minutes of the meetings of the Federal
Reserve Board held on June 15th and 16th, which have been circulated omong

the members, and upon motion they were formally approved.
The minutes of the meeting of the Federal Reserve Board held on July 2nd



Were then read and approved.
Dated, July 6th,

Dated, July 6th,

Dated, July 2nd,

Dated, July 2nd,

Dated, July 2nd,

Roca-wending action an applications for fiduciary parrers
as set forth in the Auxiliary Minute Book of this date.
Recommending action on application for admission of state
bank, subject to the conditions stated in the individual
report attached to the application, as set forth in the
Auxiliary 2iinute Book of this date.
Recommending approval of the application of !!r. John
McRoberts for permission to serve at the same time an
director of the ilariner Harbor National Bank of Mariner
Harbor, New York, and as director of the West New Brighton
Bank of ::est New Brighton, H.Y.
Recommending approval of the application of Mr. John J.
Stamler for permission to serve at the same time as
director and Vice President of the Broad and Market Nati ona1
Bank of Newark, N.J., as director and Vice President of the
Elizabeth Trust Company of laizabeth, N.J., and as directcr
of the Peoples National Bank of Elizabeth, N.J.
Recom,ending approval of the application of !Ir. Eugene
V. R. Thayer for permission to serve at the same time as
director of the Chase National Bank of New York City and
as director of the Stock Yards National Bank of Chicago,
The meeting adjourned at 11:30


