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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Tuesday, July 25, 1950.

Mr. Szymczak, Chairman pro tem.
Mr. Evans
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary

Memorandum dated July 19, 1950, from Mr. Young, Director of
the Division of Research and Statistics, recommending that the resignation of Miss Evelyn Novey, a draftsman in that Division, be accepted
to be effective July 13, 1950.
Approved unanimously.
Memoranda dated July 24 and 25, 1950, respectively, from Mk.
Bethea, Director of the Division of Administrative Services, recomMending increases in the basic annual salaries of the following
employees in that Division
Sampson H. Bass
RaYmond C. Twomey
Grace L. Thorne
Aubrey L. Simmons
Relen M. Capozio
Relen Louise Sweeney

effective August 6, 1950:
Salary Increase
Chief, Fiscal Section
Supv., DUD. & Mail Sec.

Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Clarke, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank

Of New York, reading as follows:
"This will acknowledge your letter of July 14,
1950, advising of arrangements made by your Bank to
grant leaves of absence to Messrs. Charles A. Coombs,
Fred H. Klopstock, and Philip J. W. Glaessner, members
of the staff of your Research Department, in connection

"with assignments in the international field, and of
the forthcoming visit to Europe of Mr. Miroslav A.
Kriz, also of the Research Department. The Board
interposes no objection to the arrangements indicated
in your letter.
"We note also that Mr. Robert G. Rouse, Vice
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York,
is planning to attend the Fifth Annual Meeting of
the Boards of Governors of the International Bank
and the International Monetary Fund, scheduled to
take place in Paris in September, as one of the
advisers to the Secretary of the Treasury; and that,
following this meeting, Mr. Rouse is planning to
make brief visits to the Bank of France and the Bank
Of England. The Board interposes no objection to
these arrangements."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Board of Directors of the "Texas State Bank",
Austin, Texas, stating that, subject to conditions of membership
numbered 1 and 2 contained in the Board's Regulation H, the Board
4PProves the Bank's application for membership in the Federal Reserve
SYstem and for the appropriate amount of stock in the Federal Reserve
Ilk of Dallas.

The letter also contained the following special

"It has been noted that the bank possesses authority
to exercise fiduciary powers but is not exercising such
Powers at the present time. It appears also that the
bank possesses certain other powers which are not being
exercised and which are not necessarily required in the
conduct of a banking business, such as the power to issue
and sell investment certificates. Attention is invited
to the fact that if the bank desires to exercise Rny
Powers not actually exercised at the time of admission
to membership, including fiduciary powers, it will be
necessary under condition of membership numbered 1 to obtain
the permission of the Board of Governors before exercising them.




"In this connection, the Board understands that there
has been no change in the scope of corporate powers
exercised by the bank since the date of its application for membership."
Approved unanimously for
transmittal through the Federal
Reserve Bank of Dallas.
Letter to the Presidents of all Federal Reserve Banks,
reading as follows:
"The Board notes without objection the action
taken by the Conference of Presidents at a meeting
held June 12, 1950 in approving the following
recommendations of the Committee on Bank and Public
(1) That the Reserve Banks absorb
the shipping and insurance costs incurred
In connection with the collection of maturing
coupons detached from securities held in safekeeping for member banks.
(2) That the Reserve Banks permit their
member banks to send 'collect' telegrams requesting shipments of currency and coin in
emergencies or when the need therefor is urgent.
"The Board's action with respect to (1) above
modifies the last paragraph of its letter S-94 of May
4, 1938 (FRLS #4360) in which it is stated that the
Board noted without objection a recommendation of the
Presidents that no shipping charges be absorbed by
the Federal Reserve Banks in handling negotiable securities received and forwarded for collection."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Earhsrt, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
clf San Francisco, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of July 13, 1950,
requesting authorization of the Board of Governors
for purchasing a small strip of land adjoining the
lot owned by the Bank at Commercial and Battery




"Streets. It is noted that the acquisition of
this small piece of land will straighten the
northerly line of your lot and permit construction of a more efficient building with a lower
construction cost.
"In view of the circumstances outlined in
Your letter, the Board will interpose no objection
to your Bank's purchasing the property referred
to at a cost of $31000 under an agreement with
the owners that when your building is constructed
the Bank will brick in the windows in their building facing the lot and install ducts and a blower
on the roof to ventilate the rooms now served by
the windows."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Abraham J. Earns, ,issistant Attorney General,
DePartment of Justice, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"This is in response to your letter of June
27: 1950, addressed to the Board's General Counsel, regarding proposals for State legislation for 1951 which
might be presented for consideration at the meeting
In October of the Drafting Committee of the Council
Of State Governments.
"After careful consideration the Board has concluded that there are no such proposals for State
legislation which it wishes to submit for consideration
at this time.
"In the Board's letter of August 11, 1949, addressed
to Mr. George T. Washington, Assistant Solicitor General,
the Board recommended for consideration by the Council of
State Governments the Model Deferred Posting Statute,
sponsored by the ,merican Bankers Association, which
Permits drawee banks to return unpaid items at any time
uP to midnight of the day after the day of their receipt
where credit has been given for such items on the day
Of receipt; and that proposal was placed on the Council's
Program for 1950. According to our latest information
which may not be complete, this statute has now been
enacted in identical or similar form in thirty-eight
States. We understand that it has not yet been adopted
in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Montana, North



"Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming,
and the Board hopes that efforts will be continued to
obtain enactment of the statute in these States."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Maple T. Earl, Chairman, Federal Deposit
asurance Corporation, piashington 25, D. C., reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in
Your letter of July 18, 1950, the Board of Governors
Of the Federal Reserve System hereby grants written
consent, pursuant to the provisions of sub-section
(k) (2) of Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act,
for examiners for the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation to make an examination of The Miami
Deposit Bank, Yellow Springs, Ohio, in connection
With its application for continuance of insurance
after withdrawal from membership in the Federal
Reserve System.
"There have been no corrective programs urged
Upon the bank or agreed to, which have not been
fully consummated and in connection with which the
Board would suggest incorporation of conditions
for continuing its status as an insured bank."

Approved unanimously.