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A, meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
was held in Washington on Friday, July 22, 1938, at 11:45 a.m.

Mr. Eccles, Chairman
Mr. Ransom, Vice Chairman
Mr. Szymczak

Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

Consideration was given to each of the matters hereinafter referred
to and the action stated with respect thereto was taken by the Board:
Telegrams to Mr. Young, President of the Federal Reserve Bank
of Boston,
Messrs. Kimball, Hays, Young and Stewart, Secretaries of the
Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland, Chicago and St. Louis,
pectivelY, Mr. Thomas, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of
1C4asas City, and Mr. Sargent, Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank
Of San Francisco, stating that the Board approves the establishment
without change by the Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis and San Fran°lac° on July 19, by the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Cleveland,
Chicago) Kansas City and San Francisco on July 21, 1938, and by the
l'cderal Reserve Bank of Boston today, of the rates of discount and purchase in their existing schedules.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Peyton, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of
Minneapolis, reading as follows:
"In accordance with the request contained in your
letter of July 15, 1938, the Board of Governors approves
the payment of a salary at the rate of 4,5100 per annum
ror the remainder of the calendar year to Mr. A. W. Mills,
as Assistant Auditor of your bank. Please advise date on



"which Mr. Mills will assume his new duties."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. Logan, Vice President of the Federal Reserve
Bank of New
York, referring to his telephone conversation with Mr.
Dreihelbis, Assistant General Counsel for the Board, with respect to
the making of payments by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, on behalf of the
Bank of England, to certain member banks for the account of
American corporations for the purchase of American aircraft by the
13ritish Air Ministry, and stating that the Board approves the position
°I. the New York bsnk as indicated in the proposed cable reply to the
itic°Ining cable from the Bank of England, the contents of both of which
were dictated over
the telephone. The telegram also requested that
the Board
be furnished with copies of both cables in due course.
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Massachusetts Bonding and Insurance Company,
j3c)ston, Massachusetts, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of July 1,
1938, regarding the bonds which were executed on April
,27, 1937, by Messrs. Jack Powell Goldschnid and Laurie
lUrner Walker covering them as assistants to the Federal
Reserve Agent at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
with the title of Federal Reserve Agent's Representative.
At the time of the execution of these bonds, Mr.
Goldschmid was stationed at the branch of the Federal
.serve Bank located at Little Rock, Arkansas, and Mr.
!alker was stationed at the branch located at Memphis,
however, effective June 24, 1938, Mr. GoldSchmid was transferred to the Memphis Branch, and effective June 27, 1938, Mr. Walker was transferred to the
Louisville, Kentucky, Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank.
In view of the provisions of these bonds, the Board of
Crovernors of the Federal Reserve System concurs in your
Understanding that the bonds cover Messrs. V.alker and



"Goldschmid at their new locations."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Honorable Henry Morgenthau, Ir., Secretary of the
Treasury, reading as follows:
'Until something over a year ago it was the practice
of commercial telegraph
companies to charge for telegrams
on the basis of counting
each digit in numbers and amounts
contained in telegrams as one word. For several years this
basis has been used by the Federal Reserve leased wire system and the reimbursable telegrams sent to and from the Federal Reserve banks and their branches over the system for the
Treasury accounts listed below have been billed on that basis:
Contingent Expenses - Treasury Department
Expense of Loans - Treasury Department
Contingent Expenses - Public Moneys - Treasury
Rmergency Relief Act - Treasury Administrative
Emergency National Banking Act - Treasury
Adjusted Compensation _Payments - Administrative
Expenses - Treasury Department
Exchange Stabilization Fund - Treasury Department
Public Debt Service.- Treasury Department
"With the adoption of teletype equipment the reason for
this basis of counting words no longer exists, since it requires approximately the same amount of time to send a figure
as it does to send a letter in a word. Therefore, beginning
August 1, 1938, the basis of counting words now generally
Used by commercial telegraph companies, as set forth in the
paragraph, will be used in determining the per
w?rd cost of messages sent over the Federal Reserve leased
wire system:
'Groups of figures are to be counted at the
rate of five figures to the word. Example:
52341 is one word. Periods, decimal points, commas, colons, semicolons, dashes, hyphens, or fraction bars, when forming part of a group of figures,
are to be each counted as one figure. Example:
70-32 is one word. The characters, 0,
8c, etc.,
are each one word. Example: 05.89 is two words.
Ordinal numbers are to be counted as one word for
each five characters or fraction thereof. Example:
10th is one word. Mixed groups of letters and



"'figures, other than ordinal numbers, are to
be counted at the rate of one word for each
uninterrupted sequence of five letters or less
in the group and one word for each uninterrupted
sequence of five figures or less in the group.
Example: AlB2C3 is six words. ABC123 is two
"This change will result in a reduction in the number
Of words in the business handled over the leased wire system and in a corresponding increase in the cost per word,
but, of course, will have no effect upon the cost of operating the leased wire system as a whole. The new per-word
cost will apply to all messages sent over the main lines
of the leased wire system (lines between the Board's office in Washington and the twelve Federal Reserve banks).
Telegrams transnitted only between the head office of a
Federal Reserve bank and its branch will be billed at the
Per-word cost of operating the branch line or the main
lines whichever is less. When a telegram is transmitted
over the main lines and also over a branch line, there
will be no additional charge for transmission over the
branch line except in the case where a telegram is sent
to a Federal reserve bank for its own information with
instructions that the message be sent also to a branch
Of the bank for the information of the branch. In such
a case, inasmuch as there are two messages involved,
there will be a regular main line charge for transmission
of the message to the parent Federal reserve bank and
another charge (based on the per-word cost of operating
the branch line or the main lines whichever is less) for
tranamission of the wire from the head office of the bank
to its branch.
"It is assumed that the change in word count will
not affect the procedure now followed in the transmission
Of telegrams over the Federal reserve leased wire system
[or the accounts listed above, and this letter is merely
for the purpose of bringing the change to the attention
of the Treasury so that it will be familiar with the matter when vouchers are submitted on the new basis."

Approved unanimously, with the
understanding that similar letters
would be sent to other Government
agencies for the account of which
more than a nominal amount of telegraph business had been handled during
the past year.



Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

S eretary.
