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Minutes of action taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Thursday, July 21, 1949.

The Board met

it the
Board Room at 3:00 p.m.


Mr. McCabe, Chairman
Mr. Szymczak
Mr. Clayton
Carpenter, Secretary
Hammond, Assistant Secretary
Morrill, Special Adviser
Thurston, Assistant to the Board
Riefler, Assistant to the Chairman
Vest, General Counsel
Thomas, Director, Division of Research
and Statistics
Mr. Leonard, Director, Division of Bank
Associate Director, Division of
Research and Statistics


There was a further informal discussion of System credit
J including the question whether there should be a further
On in member bank reserve requirements in connection with
a ed-uction In the System's holdings of Treasury bills. No dewere reached relating to matters within the jurisdiction
I:4'41e Board.

It was suggested, however, that the absent members

Otthe Board be informed of this discussion so that they could be
tlItilking about the problem of reserve requirements in the light
current, developments.
At this point Messrs. Riefler, Vest, Thomas, Leonard, and
g withdrew, and the action stated with respect to each of
tatters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
Memorandum dated July 20, 1949, from Mr. Leonard, Di-




rector of the Division of Bank Operations, recommending increases
in the basic annual salaries of the following employees in that
Division, effective July 24, 1949:
R. E],

Ilard.Aret K. Ball
Evelyn Bryan
Esther G. Peck

Senior Clerk

Salary Increase





Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Norris C. Bakke, Associate General Counsel,
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of May 2, 1949, to Mr.
Baumann, Assistant ueneral Counsel for the Board, relating to the cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank stock
held by a member ly3nk which is placed in voluntary liquidation pursuant to a plan under which your Corporation
acquires certrin assets or the bank, including the right
to the proceeds oC its Federal Reserve Bank stock.
"Your letter contemplated a procedure under whieh
the application for the cancellation of the Federal Reserve Bank stock in such a case would be made by your
orPoration and the proceeds of the stock would be paid
directly to your Corporation. In this connection, you
requested our suggestions concerning a proposed form of
aPPlication for cancellation of Federal Reserve Bank
stock which you enclosed.
"Certain changes in the proposed application form
11'"re been discussed informally with Mr. Russell, of your
”aff, and we ore enclosing n revised application form
Incorporating these changes. However, in discussing the
'flatter, Mr. Russell suggested that it might be prefer"le from the standpoint of your Corporation for the apPlication to be made by the liquidating agent or comInittee of a bank in the usual manner on the Board's
P°rm 86, with the application being accompanied by a
letter signed by the liquidating agent or committee the Federal Reserve Bank to pay the proceeds
-the stock to your Corporation.
"It would appear that payment might be made by a
Federal Reserve Bank directly to your Corporation under

"either procedure, but that it would be desirable to
have a uniform method of handling these cases. Accordingly, before the Board acts upon the matter and
advises the Federal Reserve Banks with respect to it,
we would appreciate advice as to which of these procedures your Corporation would prefer, and, if you
still desire to have the applications made by your
Corporation, whether the enclosed application form is
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Howard F. Gildea, Director, Moody's Investors Service, 65 Broadway, New York 6, New York, reading as fol10Ws:

"Reference is made to your letter of October 21,
1948, and the Board's reply of November 3, 1948, regarding the arrangement agreed upon by the various investment rating services and the Board of Governors with respect to the publication of 18-months' average prices.
"As you know, certain changes have been adopted recently in the bank examination and reporting procedure.
The revision provides for the discontinuPnce of the practice of appraising Group 2 securities on the basis of
the 18-months' average of market value. Under the bank
examination procedure as revised July 15, 1949, such securities will be appraised at, current market value.
"In the circumstances, the Board desires to terminate the arrangement made effective as of October 1,
1948, in accordance with the last paragraph of the Board's
letter of November 3, 1948.
"The Board appreciates very much the spirit of cooperation manifested by the investment rating services in
Publishin,s, the 18-months' average prices in accordance
with the arrangement made last autumn."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Emil Schram, President of the New York Stock
hange, Eleven Wall Street, New York 5, New York, reading as fol10•4s:

"After giving careful consideration to the matter,

"Including the material submitted by your Exchange in
that connection, the Board has amended Regulations T
and U to remove margin requirements applicable to
credit for financing the functions of specialists on
an exchange designated by the Board. The New York
Stock Exchange has been so designated, the designation to be effective until further notice. The Board
will be glad to receive monthly summAries of the information which it is understood you will receive from
Specialists in this connection.
"Copies of the amendments, which become effective
July 201 1949, are enclosed, together with a copy of
the Board's statement for the press on the subject.
"You will note that the amendment to Regulation T
also contains a change in section 4(0(3) relating to
a question which had arisen under the regulation in connection with 'when distributed' securities."
Approved unanimously.
Telegram to Mr. McLarin, President of the Federal Reserve

of Atlanta, reading as follows:
"Refer your wire July 18 regarding stock of
Southern Company under Regulation T. Since Southern Company is a 'when distributed' security rather
than an 'unissued' security, it may not be handled
as en unissued security under section 3(h) of Regulation T. However, Amendment No. 10 to Regulation
T changes section 4(c)(3) so that in case of 'when
distributed' security 7-day period in cash account
nlaY run from date when security is distributed
rather than date of sale."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Office of the Assessor, Sales and Use Tax

slou, Government of the District of Columbia, 14th and E
et's, Northwest, Washington, D. C., reading as follows:
"This will refer to the District of Columbia Sales
Tax Act and the requirement contained in section 146
thereof that persons engaging in the business of making
retail sales subject to the tax obtain a certificate of





"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System is an independent establishment of the Government, and therefore, it is believed that the requirements of the Act are not applicable to the Board.
However, in an informal discussion between representatives of the Board and representatives of your Office
it was pointed out that the Board operates its own
cafeteria and dining rooms for the convenience of its
members, officers, and employees; and in those instances in which sales are made by the Board which
otherwise would be subject to the tax, the Board
Plans to collect an amount equal to the tax and pay
the same over to the Collector of Taxes as provided
in the Act. It was suggested by representatives of
Your Office that we advise you of this situation
Since your form of application for certificate of
registration is not designed to apply to a Government agency."
Approved unanimousl
