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A meeting of the Federal Reserve Board was held in the office of the


Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday, July 21, 1931, at 11:30 a. in.



Governor Meyer
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. James
Mr. Magee
Mr. McClelland, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Wyatt, General Counsel
Mr. Vest, Assistant Counsel

called up for further consideration the question before

the Board as to whether acceptances secured by warehouse receipts issued by
the Lawrence Warehouse Company of San Francisco under a -proposed field
warehousing arrangement would meet the Board's requirements that bankers'
acceptances issued against the storage of readily marketable staples be
secured by warehouse receipts issued by a party independent of the borrower.

the request of the Board, Mr. Wyatt reviewed the facts regarding

this matter which were before the Executive Committee at the meeting on June
12th, and stated that replies to the letters approved at that meeting have
been received from the Governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
and the Chairman of the System Committee on Acceptances.

He also stated that

It had been necessary to secure additional information on the matter before
submitting a report to the Doard, and that in the meantime he had conferred
'with a representative of the Lawrence '.1arehouse Company who had furnished
him with further information, some of which had just recently been received.
A general discussion followed as to the merits of field warehousing
and whether or not such an arrangement as proposed by the Lawrence Warehouse
Company could properly be construed as meeting the requirements of the
Federal Reserve Act and the Regulations of the Board.

During the discussion

it was suggested that before a Clecision is reached on the question now before



the Board, it might be desirable to discuss the matter with Mr. H. S. Ybhe,
Chief of the Division of Warehousing of the Department of Agriculture, and
Mr. Wyatt was instructed to arrange with Mt. lbhe, if possible, to meet with
the Board this afternoon.
The meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Assistant Secretary.
