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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington on Saturday, January 9, 1943, at 10:45



Eccles, Chairman
Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the Fed"al Reserve System held on January 8, 1943, were approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated Tanuary 5, 1943, from 'Mr. Goldenweiser, Director of the Division of Research and Statistics, recomaending (1) that

lisey David Domar be appointed as an Associate Economist in that Division
(3171 a temporary basis for a period of not to exceed one year, with salary
at the rate of ”,600 per annum, effective as of the date upon which he
enters upon the performance of his duties after taking the usual physical
examination, and (2) that, if his heart condition should prevent his
13a5eing the usual physical examination, Ur. Domar be brought into the
l'aderal Reserve retirement system on the restricted basis by waiving
death and disability benefits for ten years.

Approved unanimously.


-2Memorandum dated January 8, 1943, from Mr. Wingfield, Assist-

ant General Attorney, submitting the resignation of Miss Helen V. Dolan
ae a law clerk in the Legal Division, to become effective as of the close
C/f business on January 11, 1943, and recommending that the resignation be
accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Memorandum dated January 8, 1943, from Mr. Carpenter, submitting

resicnation of Miss Margaret Wadley as a junior file clerk in the

s Office, to became effective as of the close of business on
nuarY 31, 1943, and recommending that the resignation be accepted as
Of that
The resignation was accepted.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks,
reading as follows:
"Among the decisions of the Comptroller General of the
United States involving the provisions of the Assignment of
Claims Act of 1940, the enclosed decision (B-29657, December
8) 1942) has recently come to our attention. The enclosed
copies are for your information and also for the information
of Counsel for your Bank with respect to financing of war
"It should be noted that although the decision deals
with the question of a notice of assignment to the surety
Slid to the effect of an assignment of claims under the contract to the surety while a previous assignment to a bank
ls outstanding, the rights of the surety company under the
contract of suretyship do not appear to have been involved
since there was no default under the contract."

Approved unanimously.

Letter to Mr. Woolley, Vice President and Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, reading as follows:
"This refers to your letter of December 14, 1942, enClosing a copy of an investigation report dated October 3,
1942, and a copy of a memorandum signed by Mr. Geary, dated
November 13, 1942, relating to an advertisement of the Askins
Clothing Company, Denver, Colorado, which you also enclosed
With your letter.
"You asked whether the instalment sale without a down
payment of either of the groups contained in such advertisement constitutes a violation of section 12(1) of Regulation
W. Representative of these groups is the following:
$ 5.98
'All for Only %112.95
'No Down Payment Required'
"The principal purposes of section 12(1) were to make
the Regulation more realistic by making it conform to customs
and merchandising methods, and also to prevent evasion. Of
course, whether groups of items sold together should be considered single articles under section 12(1) necessarily depends
Upon all the facts relating to the particular sale, and borderline cases are inevitable.
"The groups in Question, however, not only are comprised
Of closely related items but are also offered and sold as single
units. It is the Board's view, therefore, that the offering and
sale of such groups without a down payment constitutes a violation
of the Regulation. The fact that in some cases the customer might
have some selection of the various items on the basis of style,
color, etc., is immaterial."
Approved unanimously, together with the
following letter to Mr. Phelan, Assistant Vice
President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New
"For your information there is enclosed herewith a copy of
a letter to Mr. Woolley, Vice President and Secretary of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, relating to the application of
section 12(1) of Regulation W. This matter is being called to



"your attention in view of the fact that the manager of the
Askins Clothing Company store in Denver, Colorado, related
orally to an investigator for the Denver Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City that the home office of the
Askins Clothing Company in New "York City had obtained the
approval of your bank of the advertising and merchandising
method involved in the enclosed letter."
Memorandum dated December 21, 1942, from Mr. Smead, Chief of
the Division
of Bank Operations, recommending for the reasons stated
therein (1) that the Board authorize the discontinuance of a separate

Reserve note clearing effective February 1,


or as soon

hereafter as practicable, and (2) that the letter quoted below with

respect to the procedure proposed to be followed be sent to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks.

The memorandum called atten-

ti°fl to the fact that the discontinuance of the separate note clearing
the conseauent elimination of telegraphic advice of shipment of

of other Federal Reserve Banks might have the effect of slightly

increasing the figures showing the liability of the Reserve Banks for
Federal Reserve notes in circulation, i.e., by the amount of such notes
In transit at any given time, but that there would be no effect upon
the figures of Federal Reserve notes in circulation, as used in the
Trea.-urY monthly circulation statement or in the Board's daily estimate
"111°IleY in circulation, except when there was a delay in the mails, and
that the probable effect in that case would be exceedingly small.
"The replies to Mr. Smeadts telegram of November 16, 1942,
indicate that a majority of the Federal Reserve Banks are in
favor of, or interpose no objection to, the discontinuance of
the separate Federal Reserve note clearing.



"The proposed settlement procedure is as follows:
1. Banks shipping fit Federal Reserve notes of other
Banks to the issuing Bank will bear shipping costs including
insurance, and will carry the notes while in transit in an
appropriate account, such as 'Federal Reserve notes of other
Federal Reserve Banks in Transit.' On the day the notes
Should arrive at the issuing Bank, the shipping Bank will
credit this account. Notes of other Federal Reserve Banks
in transit, whether fit or unfit, are to be included along
With Federal Reserve notes of other Federal Reserve Banks on
hand in the item 'F. P. notes of other F. R. Banks' on Form
F. P- 34.
2. The same procedure should be followed with respect
to unfit Federal Reserve notes of other Banks forwarded to
lhashington for redemption, except that credit will be taken
for such notes on the day that mail advice of the shipment
Should arrive at the issuing Bank.
3. On receipt of its own fit notes from another Federal
Reserve Bank or branch, the issuing Federal Reserve Bank will
credit the shipping Federal Reserve Bank in the transit clearing
for that day. Similar credit is to be given for unfit notes
forwarded to ;
1 .:ashington for redemption on receipt of mail advice
of shipment.
4. Appropriate arrangements should be made between each
Federal Reserve Bank and its branches, if any, so that payment
for notes of other Federal Reserve Banks shipped by its branches
may be made to the Federal Reserve Bank just as if the notes had
been shipped by it.
5. The new procedure in regard to settlement for fit notes
returned to the Bank of issue and unfit notes forwarded to Washington for redemption will not affect any existing arrangement
between Federal Reserve Banks for shipment of notes of another
Federal Reserve Bank to a member bank in the issuing Bank's
district, except that payment will be made for such notes through
the transit clearing on the date of shipment.
"One Federal Reserve Bank has suggested that the Bank
, fit or unfit notes of other Federal Reserve Banks be
Permitted to take credit on date of shipment by making deductions
from credits in the regular transit clearing of the Interdistrict
Settlement Fund. It seems inadvisable, however, to adopt this
suggestion, in part because of the effect on the figures showing
the amount of Federal Reserve notes in circulation.
"If you have any suggestions or comments to make with resPect to the proposed settlement procedure, it will be appreciated
if they are furnished as promptly as practicable."
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated January

5, 1943, from Yr. Smead, Chief of the Di-

7181°1 of Bank Operations, submitting a preliminary statement of earnings



and expenses of
the 12 Federal Reserve Banks combined for the year
1942) with corresponding figures for 1941, together with the follow14 statement for release to the press on January 12,

1943, with re-

8Pect to earnings and expenses of the Federal Reserve Banks for 1942:
"Preliminary figures received from the Federal Reserve
Banks indicate that during the year 1942 their current earnings
amounted to $52,663,000, which was rn,283,000 more than in
1941. Current expenses and other deductions, net, amounted
to $40,193,000, leaving net earnings for the year of $12,470,000.
Net earnings in 1941 amounted to $9,137,000.
"Distribution of 1942 net earnings of the Federal Reserve Banks was as follows: Dividends to member banks,
48,669,000; payments to the United States Treasury under provisions of Section 13b of the Federal Reserve Act relating to
Industrial advances, if198,000; net additions to surplus accounts, $3,603,000."

Approved unanimously.

Thereupon the meeting adjourned.

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