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A meeting of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System was held in Washington on Saturday, January 8, 1944, at 11:00


Ransom, Vice Chairman


Morrill, Secretary
Bethea, Assistant Secretary
Carpenter, Assistant Secretary
Clayton, Assistant to the Chairman

The action stated with respect to each of the matters hereinafter referred to was taken by the Board:
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System held on January 6, 1944, were approved nnanimousiy.
The minutes of the meeting of the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System held on January 7,
1944, were approved and the
actions recorded therein were ratified unanimously.
Memorandum dated January 6, 1944, from Mr. Morrill, recommending that Miss Mildred Fuqua be appointed as a junior file clerk in the
Secretaryts Office on a temporary basis for a period of not to exceed
Six months,
with basic salary at the rate of $1,560 per annum, effective
as of the date upon which she enters upon the performance of her duties
after having
passed satisfactorily the usual physical examination, with
the understanding
that if her services prove satisfactory during her
employment a recommendation will be made that she be given



a permanent
Approved unanimously.
Memorandum dated January 5, 1944, from Mr. Paulger, Chief of
the Division of Examinations submitting
the resignation of Joseph H.
Porter as a Federal Reserve Examiner, effective as of the close of
business on January 11, 1944, and recommending that the resignation
be accepted
as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Memorandum dated January 6, 1944, from Mr. Goldenweiser, Director of the Division of Research and Statistics, submitting the
signation of Mrs. Winofred Racz as a clerk in that Division,. to
become effective as of the close of business on December 31, 1

recommending that the resignation be accepted as of that date.
The resignation was accepted.
Letter to Mr. Leedy, President of the Federal Reserve Bank

0f Kansas City, reading as follows:
"Receipt is acknowledged of your letter of December

30, 1943, enclosing copies of an announcement concerning

the appointments of the former Managing Directors of the
Denver, Oklahoma City, and Omaha Branches as Vice Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. It is
assumed that the appropriate changes have been made in
the by-laws of your branches.
"In accordance with the provisions of Section 4,
paragraph (a), of the Regulations relating to Branches
of Federal Reserve Banks, the Board of Governors approves
the discontinuance of the office of Managing Director and,
in lieu thereof, the designation of a Vice President as
the active manager of each of the branches at Denver,



"Oklahoma City, and Omaha.
"The Board of Governors also approves the continuation of the payment of salaries for the period ending May
31, 1944, to Messrs. Olson, Pipkin, and Earhart in their
new capacities as Vice Presidents of the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City at the rates previously approved for
them as Managing Directors of the respective branches."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to "The Albion National Bank", Albion, Indiana, reading
as follows:
"The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System has given consideration to your supplemental application for fiduciary powers, and, in addition to the authority heretofore granted to act as executor, administrator, guardian of estates, and committee of estates of
lunatics, grants you authority to act, when not in contravention of State or local law, as trustee, assignee,
receiver, or in any other fiduciary capacity in which
State banks, trust companies or other corporations which
come into competition with national banks are permitted
to act under the laws of the State of Indiana, the exercise of all such rights to be subject to the provisions
of the Federal Reserve Act and the regulations of the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
"This letter will be your authority to exercise the
fiduciary powers granted by the Board pending the preparation of a formal certificate covering such authorization, which will be forwarded to you in due course."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to the Presidents of all the Federal Reserve Banks, readas follows:
"Beginning with an early issue of the Federal Reserve
Bulletin, it is proposed to expand the bank debits table
to include deposit turnover rates. As mentioned in the
Board's letter of March 26, 1942, (8-452) the reporting
of deposits is not obligatory, and in preparing this table



"it has been necessary to estimate the end-of-month deposits
in cases where these figures were not furnished by the reporting banks; these estimates have been made from call condition reports or other available sources. It is believed
that the estimates, when necessary, can be made more satisfactorily at the Federal Reserve Banks, and it will be
appreciated if any missing deposit figures are estimated
and inserted on your Bank's report before it is forwarded
to us; estimated figures should be so designated.
"In accordance with the Board's letter of March 26,
1942, your Bank has been submitting monthly bank debits
and the available end-of-month deposit figures for the
individual reporting banks in your District. Except for
the purpose of estimating missing figures and locatin
possible inaccuracies, the figures for individual banks
have not been used, and it may be some time before a
thorough study of the debits-deposits relationship can
be attempted. In the meantim
e, you may, if more convenient,
forward merely the total debits and deposits for each reporting center and maintain the figures of the individual
banks in order that they may be available for analyses
at some future date."
Approved unanimously.
Letter to Mr. Lassiter, Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of

reading as follows:

"At the completion of the examination of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, made as of October
1943, by the Board's examiners, a copy of the report
of examinat
ion was left for your information and that
directors. A copy was also furnished President
"The Board will appreciate advice that the report
has been
considered by the Board of Directors. Any comments you may care to offer regarding discussions with
respect to the examination or
as to action taken or to
e taken as
a result of the examination will also be appreciated."

Approved unanimously.


Thereupon the meting adjourned.

Secreta y.


Vice Chairman.