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Lt a re3alar meeting of the Pederal deserve Board
held in the office of the. Board on Iethiesday,JanLiary JO,
at eleven a.m.,

Mr. itarding, presiding,

Mr. Miller,
!Tr. Alliams,




The minutes of the meetings of the Board held on
January a and 29 were read and, on motion, approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the lold

xport 2om-

mittee held on January 29 and 30 wcrepresented and, on motion, approved.
The minutes of the meetings of the 7rold Export 'Jonmittee hold on January 29 and Z°
. were Presented and, on lotion, .approved and the action therein set forth ratified.
On motion, the title of the P ioAties J.Jommittee wz.5
ordered changed to -capital Issues Jommittee,
The minutes of the meeting of the (.;apital Issues
Committee of Janaary 25 were presented and, on motion, approved and the action -t'orein set forth ratified.
draft of a
ing and Oarrency Commit

letter addressed to the Bakjongress regarding the Jomp-

troller o: the currency's recomlen,:atioll o:

,lar_lty of

certain bank deposits, %..-as read, discacsed, and,

as ordered that the letter be reraft(d

CO as

On MOtiOr.


onit all

zr:u-ent and. to state that a majority is offosed to the prole,islation

present, ,_fd if any atior is to b( t_1;en

nn the .—bject, the Do-rd asks to be civen a hearing.
th„'„ 'f.



flier and -r. :anlin -lake the redraft of the

tliis point the•„;(y-ltroll

.1 tairev frori the meet-

. I( ttor from lovernor ':orss as to the b.:4s of; II terest on rediscounts between federal deserve banks
it _al., na

otin , voted that in all transactions _

uetv'eci,, :clend _Le-ervu
b .L)is of true interest, ,:,

A.1 computations be m-c,e or the
to the year; the 3overnor to

advi:;,.: all deserve banks.
_ letter from 4'ederal _leserve


in airinz

10:laition of svill;s deposits in _Lhiladelldia,

read Ind referred to the ;overnor

poer to act.

, ;overnor :1%rdin' reported the substance of a conversation v:Ith the officers of the Adoril deserve Bank of 1:ew
lork re the satas of reserves of Brooklyn national 1),,rIcs as
reserves of sited In a central reserve city.


1..7:-.10 moved tlat pend ing the investitior by
Joansel of the *le tion of the right of Brooklyn b,n1c.s beand not o.s Jentr 1 deserve

ing classed a

banks, the :_lovernor bedirected to instrt

the iew ".(c, rk ?ederzJ

the baak


cnd thzring pendanoy of t-de


the selectioa- of

and .'„)crver



rank of KLI -Hs


nor H.:111t2r no r,te.F of

drafts: and transfeia.- on :::( . 0.e•

serve ▪ tian, v;LS read
1• ; - that Jommit-

d, on motion, referred. to JO' itte


tee to say that reI:reentatives

Jity J1

House :ssociation could be riven a hearing

to ?ebruary 11.


rnenor%ndlrl from. ,;out.... el me forn of negotiabi
t md


on iQtion, referred to Jo



to the


re a new

I 1-3F'10

tee :T.o.2.
t..:ry of

of le1 tender notes, was pre-

d :nLI noted.
igs Bank of Jenter

ti:ioation of an error ':.ade in remitting for Liberty bonds,
was presented axid referred to governor ILIrdin,:; with poder.
memon.ndam of .;oancel

as to a

letter of lovernor

,Arow: re the application of the 10! limitation on r_per secured by Liberty 3ondswas read, and, on motion, referred to
the Jovernor :or action.
letter from

edern1 Reserve :=]:ent -lamsey re the re-

cent defalcation at t'te federal Reserve Bank of )A.las, was
presented and governor Jardin; reported briefly


to the or-

ganization of the ,iberty Loan departnent of the Dallas 2:_nk.
The letter was referred back to governor qardinc;.
On motion, it was voted that each federal Aeserve
agent be re l,uested to pay special attention to the aaditiug
of the bank and report to the Board as to iros-ress Itade from
to tie, with special reference to the nei.t -iberty .Loan;
and that each 2ederal

eserve , be reminded of illS dual

function as a representative of the 3oard and at, cw„.irrtan of
the board of directors.
on notion, there was referred to the :::xecutive


rftittee the administration of the '?ederal Aeserve Dank of
Philadelphia, as revealed by recent examination, with power
to deter-tine ho,; the organization of the bank can be placed


on a sound footing.
Papers relating to the matter of making loans secured by :iberty Bonds-, transmitted by Lssistant Secretary
of the Trea.szry Jeffiiell, ,referred to ':.lovernor Harding
at the last meeting of the Board, were referred back to
love nor Hardin, for P

ther action.

memorandum of Counsel re a restrictive endorsement
on paper placed by ?ederal deserve ac;cJits with Federal deserve
banks for collection, was read and it

as agreed to ask

Special joansel 2otton for an opinion, the matter to be disposed of by the lovernor.
letter from ?edema Reserve 1:rent Perrin asking
approval for the establishment of a branch of the ?ederal deserve Bank at Salt Lake

ty, was read and referred to Ir.

Yiller for invest13ation.
:,1r. :larding reported informally as to the proposed
organization of a branch of the ?ederal deserve Bank of Dallas at El 7aso, calling attention to estimates of cost of
installation and operation.

It was voted to send a copy

of the Baltimore Branch by-laws and imiuire whether 4 similar type of organizLtion at El .1.?aso would fill the re.zrements of the case.

. rev i sed dr% ft o

s -oreLerted

the 3.1t inre

r.oti(). ,
un ',lotion of hr.

illcr, it

as voted to obtain

data rej rji!,;the cost of ar'iy re littancez- to the nortAJestern b:tncnet.
5or.rd ordered t!le nablic_tion of inLtru,c.c2crred

tiohs to den ten, IL :orein e;.charc, the :':'tter

to the rode of Fzblic-t-InL.

to the liovt-rrnr :or declaim:

On motim it aas ordered that



':ent be dt&i7-

nated as Lirector of Division of ,
i letter i'ro-1 "ederal deserve Agent JV relative to
,vac referred to iomr.ittee 70.1.

stilz.i.r:7 of .1r.


orts of Amtittee Lo. I were rend and, on ,lotioh,

folio n;

2. Parker at
Dated Jan. 3.J, approvinc; the .ppointl.:ent of
' rancisco.
j6J per !aonth at 'Jan ,





for national

salry of ;_lbert J. Johnson LA
per month, effective Janx.r:,,


aeitzer at .:1443
sal%ry of
per annxn, effective on


Dated Jan— 30, approving the salary of ,;!-A. Chrimbe lain
at :4400 per annum.


resignation of TIrs.
comlensation of.g500 to :Ir.
Kent for services to the rew
Yor;c Bank.
30 days' sick leave

report of ,ontittee
of Mr. Alexande


ro. 3 approvingt.pp

f. icie under the

ica ion

Let, was read and,

on ntotion, approved.
.1t 1.15 p.m. the Board adjourned to meet on Friday,
7ebruary 1.