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Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Federal Reserve System on Monday, January 29, 1951.


McCabe, Chairman
Mr. Carpenter, Secretary
Mr. Sherman, Assistant Secretary
Mr. Kenyon, Assistant Secretary

Minutes of actions taken by the Board of Governors of the
Isderal Reserve System on January 26, 19510 were approved unanimousl
Letter to Honorable Frederick J. Lawton, Director, Bureau
°I' the Budget, Washington 25, D. C., reading as follows:
"Since the date of the Board's letter to you
of January 10, 1971, submitting a proposed amendMont to the Assignment of Claims Act of 1940, this
matter has been the subject of considerable discussion between members of your staff and of the
Board's staff and other interested Government agencies,
Particularly with respect to the language of the proPosed amendment.
"In the course of these discussions, it has
learned that question has been raised in some
cparters as to the extent of the need for this legIslation in order to remove an impediment to the
current V-loan program for the financing of defense
ontractom As a means of demonstrating this need,
there is
enclosed a memorandum, prepared on the
'asis of information received from the Federal Re"rye Banks, regarding the unwillingness of banks to
311..!ticipate in
the financing of defense contractors
c̀trss the Assignment of Claims Act Is amended to
arifY the rights of banks taking assignments under
that Act,"
Approved unanimously.

Telegram to Mr. Sproul, President of the Federal Reserve
York, reading as follows:



"Mr. John Allison, Director of Finance,
GIN-SCAP, and Mr. William i. Diehl, Financial
Attache, United States Political Advisor, GHQSOAP, have been conferring with members of the
Board's staff as to the possibility of the Government of Japan opening an account with your
Bank. The account might be operated by the Government of Japan as agent for SCAP. These gentlemen wish tc explore the matter thoroughly from
the viewpoint of both the Government of Japan and
SCAP. They expect to be in New York soon to go
into the matter with your Bank and since this may
fall within the purview of Regulation NI your
Bank is authorized to conduct such negotiations
With these gentlemen as may seem to be appropriate
in the circumstances. It will be appreciated,
however, if you will keep the Board advised of
such negotiations as provided in Regulation N."
Approved unanimously.
Letter prepared for the signature of Chairman McCabe to
SProull President of the Federal Reserve Bank ofNew York, reading

"The Board can readily realize the hope exPressed in your letter of January 17 that it would
not be necessary to extend beyord the middle of
February the
leave of absence granted to Mr. Phelan
so that he might serve as Acting Director of the
!!oard's Division of Selective Credit Regulation.
.uhs Board is very grateful for the assistance he
is giving us. BAs experience in the field of Regulations V and W and in staff organization has been
extremely helpful.
"Much of his time has been taken during the two
11111°11ths he has been here in work on the multiple
ueing amendments to Regulation X. Since a fur2"
amendment to apply the regulation to commercial
onstruction is now under study, a considerable
!Taunt of his time will be required in that connecn in the period immediately ahead.
As you will realize, the organization of a
staft for
an operation of this kind does require time
because of the importance from the standpoint of





"the whole System of having a smoothly working
division we trust that you will not insist that
Mr. Phelan return until that has been accomplished.
We shall do everything we can to expedite his work.
However, if, as it now appears, some additional
time beyond the middle of February may be required,
we trust that your 13Fmk will be willing to extend
his leave of absence for that period."

Approved unanimously.


